The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1324 Hesitant Girl

"Sure enough, there is still no... then there is really only one possibility."

Hua Yueling clenched her fists, and in the end the situation was the most likely that she had thought of not long ago.Unable to find the figure of that person, he disappeared out of thin air.

"But this is the world of others after all, and it's an illusion world. He may just be a guide, just to lead me here."

That's what I said, but after arriving here, I didn't run into any traps, nor encountered any danger.I can't lure him here just to let him live here.

No matter how Hua Yueling thinks about this possibility, it is unlikely, but it is difficult for him to think of the specific reason why the other party attracted him.

"Um... go back, I can only break in and have a look."

Hua Yueling walked down the mountain range, but it didn't take long to hear the door opening and the sound of footsteps. He wanted to find a place to hide, but where he was now, there was no place to hide deliberately.

A woman came out. She was a very beautiful woman with long silver-white hair. She was wearing the most common linen clothes. It was very simple, but it couldn't hide her beauty.

After leaving the room, she seemed to have no purpose. She stood at the door of her house for a while, raised her head and looked forward. She didn't know what she was thinking about. Anyway, she just stood quietly for a while, nothing. do.

After watching her for a few moments, Hua Yueling saw that she didn't move, knowing that it was the best time for herself to walk away, speeding up her pace and walking down the mountain.Covering her footsteps, Hua Yueling calmly went to the bottom of the mountain, hiding behind one of the buildings, and then walked along the wall in the direction of the house where she lived.

On the way back to the place where she temporarily lived, Hua Yueling glanced around, but no one else was seen. It seems that no one else in this village except the girl has any plans to wake up.

The village was quiet, as if no one was there. Even if I saw a girl coming out just now, when she didn't move or make a sound, it seemed as if she didn't exist.This is the fact. People need to speak or do something to add a sense of presence, no matter what kind of environment they are in. If they don’t do anything, just stay silently, no matter what kind of environment they are In, your existence is like non-existence.

The air is relatively fresh, Hua Yueling breathed such air, leaned against the wall and raised her head.

"Go and see."

Thinking of observing the girl secretly, Hua Yueling began to act when she thought of it, and immediately got up and walked in the direction of the girl.Hidden in the shadows behind the houses.

Huayueling seemed to endure, all she had to do was to hide.

Hiding in a position where the girl could be seen a little far away, Hua Yueling poked her head out.


The girl's small mouth moved, as if she was saying something, but there was no one beside her, she was talking to herself.

The girl seemed to be tangled, her eyebrows were almost twisted together, and her big beautiful golden eyes blinked and blinked, and there was an unresolvable sadness in them.

"Why is she worrying about it?"

Hua Yueling poked her head and stared at the girl for a while, seeing that she didn't do anything else, just as if she was worried.After thinking about it, he didn't go out. He didn't want to attract other people's attention here.

"It's better to go back and do my thing, finish it earlier and calm down earlier."

Naturally, Hua Yueling also wanted to rest, but resting in such a place was not comfortable at home, so instead of staying here, he hoped to be able to go home.

He turned around and was about to leave, but when he retracted his head, he noticed that the girl seemed to have figured out something, and turned and walked outside, which is the direction he was in.

On the road outside, she walked along the road towards the direction where Hua Yueling and the others lived.


He doesn't know what the girl is going to do, but he knows that if he wants to go back, he should be careful, otherwise it is very likely that the girl will find out.

In fact, it is fine even if it is discovered, but Hua Yueling feels that it is better to be more cautious, and stop being discovered, otherwise things will be more troublesome.

Thinking about it this way, he also left here quickly, walking along the shadow behind the house, and soon returned to a place very close.Leaning against the wall and leaning her head to observe the outside, the girl turned around and went into the path between the houses next to her.

"Hurry over now just in time."

With such thoughts in mind, Hua Yueling ran out without talking, and then rushed all the way to the opposite side. After entering the trail, Hua Yueling sprinted quickly and returned to where she lived.

After entering the house, Hua Yueling spied on the outside situation, and found that the girl walked out slowly after a while.The girl's eyes fell to this side, right in the house where he lived, as if he was hesitating about something, as if she wanted to come but didn't dare to come.

The girl faced this head-on, and didn't hide her plan, but he didn't notice Hua Yueling either, otherwise the situation might be a little different.

Attention was not completely focused here, the girl was also thinking about other things, so she didn't find Hua Yueling was watching her.

With a beautiful face and beautiful soft long hair, her beauty cannot be concealed even in such an environment.It was a natural beauty, a natural beauty, which was given to him by heaven.No one can grow into such a beautiful appearance.

Those big golden eyes should be said to be very energetic, but they are thinking about something, so they are a little lost and a little sad.His mouth drooped, and although his head was slightly lifted up, he didn't have much strength, and he seemed to have a feeling of weakness.

The feeling is very clear, I can see that she is a bit difficult, and it is not small, it should be very troublesome, otherwise she will not be so troubled about it, she dare not come over immediately, but want to think there. It's been a while.

The air seemed to be stagnant, Huayueling did not move, and the girl did not move.Hua Yueling is waiting, and the girl is hesitating.

Before she acted, Hua Yueling couldn't do anything, so she could only wait here, waiting for the girl to act, whether he was leaving or coming over, he could do anything.

Smell the smell in the air, it was a faint smell that was hard to smell.I can't say whether I like it or not, it's just getting used to it.

The hand touched the wall lightly. The wall was made of bricks, very strong, but also very old.

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