"The problem is that there is no problem, I can go with you."

Hua Yueling nodded and agreed, without any reason to refuse.Ai pulls over and asks herself to help. It consumes a lot of courage just to speak, so she should have to respond.

This was Hua Yueling's response. Perhaps the other party was a scam by the person who created this world, but Hua Yueling didn't care.What Huayueling thinks she can handle,

Put your goal aside for the time being, first help Aira finish her side, and then do her own thing.Obviously there is actually no relationship between what Ella asked him to help with and what he was supposed to do.

"Really, really!?"

Ella didn't expect him to agree so easily, and was always worried about what to do if he refused, what to say, and how to persuade him.In the end, things were a little different from what she thought. Aroline did not refuse, said nothing, or made a request that made her unacceptable.

It was so easy to agree, something too simple, it made her feel incredible.After the sense of inconceivability faded away, there was a lot of surprise and happiness in Alla's heart, and she couldn't help jumping up.

Seeing her happy look, Hua Yueling couldn't help but smile.

"Over there, if there is nothing else, let's set off immediately."

Turning his head and looking at the adventurer's room behind him, it still didn't seem to move.But this is also normal. If it is normal, adventurers should go in and out through the front door, no matter who they are. Few people would like to go in and out directly through the window, let alone the window being tightly closed. It can’t be opened at all.

"lets go."

Observing Ai La's face, Hua Yueling walked outside as she said this.When Ella saw him walking outside, she hurriedly followed him out, outside the house, Hua Yueling stuck her footsteps.

"Over there, you can point it, or lead the way."

"It's here!"

Ai La pointed to the road opposite to when Hua Yueling came, and that was the direction they were heading when they came here.Now it seems to be going on.

"How far is it? How many mountains have to be climbed?"

"It's a little far away. I spent a lot of time on it. When I came back, there were three hills."

"There are still many monsters in the mountains."

"Well, but these monsters are usually quite docile and don't attack others casually. That's why I went out there by myself, but I didn't expect a monster to attack suddenly, and I was so scared that I couldn't move. I finally ran back."

"If this is the case, let's go, isn't it this way?"


Hua Yueling and Ai La embarked on a journey, they stepped unhurriedly in that direction, and after leaving the village they began to climb the mountain.Fortunately, this mountain is not that steep, so it's not that difficult to climb up, it's relatively easy.

One person is in front and the other is behind, Hua Yueling is the one who follows.He walked up while observing Ella in front of him. Ella's physical fitness was much better than he thought, and climbing up the mountain was even easier than an adventurer.

Ella is definitely not an ordinary person, but her strength is still hard to say, it is true that she is not so strong, but she has to look at what it is.The air is still very hot. Hua Yueling doesn't like this kind of weather very much. In the past, he preferred to hide at home at such times, avoiding the sun and the hot air.

Although the same is true at home, the home has air conditioning, so the condition is much better.

Unless it is necessary, Huayueling is really reluctant to come out in the particularly hot summer, but now there is no way. People ask you to help, and you can't just refuse them like this.

It is difficult for Hua Yueling to refuse others. In fact, he also knows very well that it is not necessary to agree to everything, but it is always difficult to refuse when it is time to refuse.This is not to say that Ella should be rejected under the current situation, but that this situation exists.

When I climbed to the top of the mountain, I went down to a valley with many flowers growing. I don't know if it grew naturally or was planted by humans.But it shouldn't be planted. After all, Huayueling has also seen the surrounding villages in the village, and has not seen any flowers.

I haven't even planted flowers around the village or even outside my home, let alone a place like this.

Therefore, Hua Yueling felt that this place might be ordinary flowers, but it was quite strange. After climbing so many mountains, it was the first time I saw such flowers in the valley.

Ella liked this place very much and ran down quickly when she reached the top of the mountain.Don't look at her running very fast, after going down, she was a lot slower, walking carefully beside the flowers.I can see that she really likes these flowers, and when she gets to the side, she walks around carefully, for fear that she will step on them accidentally and hurt them.

The speed was a little slower, Hua Yueling walked down step by step, reached the girl's side, and followed her gaze.

The fragrance is tangy, it is the fragrance of the flowers here, it smells very good, the fragrance is not strong, it is rather light.Hua Yueling likes this scent, but doesn't like the pungent smell.

Ai La stopped, seemed to have forgotten her purpose, stroked the flowers lightly, and leaned over to smell the fragrance of the flowers.

Seeing that she wasn't anxious, Hua Yueling didn't feel that anxious herself.After the past, just like him, I asked about the fragrance of the flowers here. Don't look at the flowers formed by pixels, but they look pretty.

Hua Yueling really wanted to pick off a few flowers to collect, but when she saw Ella was nearby, she gave up this plan.Although it doesn't mean that you can say anything about Ella, you still have to do it well. If you don't do it well, it's not good to make others unhappy.

"Sorry, I was attracted by these flowers again."

After stagnating for a while, Ella noticed that she had stopped here and forgot Hua Yueling to one side.She hurriedly apologized to Hua Yueling in embarrassment, but Hua Yueling only shook her head and smiled softly at her.

"It's okay, I like it here too. Are these flowers planted here? Or did they exist before?"

"Well... some of them were planted by myself, but more are still there. There are really many flowers here, and it seems that this place is special and suitable for flower growth."

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