When the monster kept jumping, Hua Yueling forcibly stabilized her body and continued to act according to the established plan little by little.From the initial madness to the end, she gradually lost her interest. She was attacked by Hua Yueling in this way. How long could Mo Maimei last but fell to the ground.

At this time, the necklace didn't have any reaction. I don't know why, so he stopped resisting Hua Yueling and waited quietly for him to take it down.

But just when she was about to succeed, Hua Yueling discovered something wrong again.The pendant was shining with light. The light could not be said to be so bright and soft, but the magic overflowing from it was palpable.

The overflow speed of this magical power is not that fast, but it feels terrifying.

Seeing that the necklace was about to come into her own hands, Hua Yueling had to make a decision at this moment, whether to continue to take the necklace back, or avoid it first.

After sensing the terrible fluctuation of magic power, he made a choice in an instant. It is not necessary to get the necklace in his hand now. It is important to avoid it when encountering danger.

Hua Yueling let go of her hand and quickly backed away. It didn't take long to retreat, the necklace's light flashing faster and faster, a bit like an indicator light before the bomb exploded.Moreover, during the period, accompanied by the sound of "didi didi", Hua Yueling also did not dare to neglect, and stopped after pushing a considerable distance.

At this time, a loud noise rang through the sky and a violent explosion occurred. A large amount of smoke appeared in the place where the monster was, and a large area of ​​the surrounding area was affected by the explosion.Those flowers that grew well were also directly destroyed by the explosion.

"Fortunately, I dodged in time, otherwise it would really be affected."

Hua Yueling also felt extremely grateful. She covered her eyes with one hand, and the impact of the strong explosion could be felt here. If she was later, she would definitely be affected.

No matter what you do decisively is still very important, hesitating is the greatest sorrow.

"If you are in the past, you should be able to get the necklace."

Hua Yueling wasn't sure if it was this way, but he decided to go and have a try. Maybe after the past, he could find the necklace and get it.What he worried most was that the necklace didn't know where it went, and then some moths would come out.

He rushed into the smoke, the smoke blocked his vision, making it difficult for him to see exactly what it was.But he still acted according to the feedback he got from the detection skills, the monster should be there, he thought so based on the results of the detection.

After moving, Hua Yueling felt that the distance should be very close, slowed down a bit, and looked for her necklace.


It seemed that something wanted to pass by him, Hua Yueling subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, but a magical explosion made a violent sound.In addition, Hua Yueling didn't take any protective measures, so she was shocked. Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to want to do this deliberately, but also subconsciously protected herself, so the injury was not particularly serious.

"not good!"

Hua Yueling realized that the situation was not good, and quickly turned around to catch up.

"I'm stupid too, I should catch it!"

Turning around to catch up, Hua Yueling's speed was not much different from it, but it was still a bit slower, and it was very difficult to catch up.

"Can't let it run away."

At the beginning, he didn't think of what it was, and when he thought of it, it was too late to regret it.But there is still a chance, it doesn't matter if he can't catch up, he has other ways to use it.

The hidden dragon blade turned into a flying knife in his hand, aimed at the necklace and threw it out.

Huayue Lingfei's knife was not particularly good, but it was still very accurate. The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the hidden dragon blade stabbed the necklace. The necklace shook for a moment, and then fell to the ground.

The necklace was swaying to get up, how could Hua Yueling give it this opportunity, and immediately chased it up, picked up the hidden dragon blade with one hand and put it away, and then grabbed the necklace.

But it doesn't mean that he can control the necklace in his own hands. The necklace still wants to break free of his control, flies up and continues to fly in the direction it had been advancing before.

Hua Yueling grabbed it tightly, just grabbed the rope of the necklace, if the stalemate continues, the rope may still break.

"Ella said she lost the necklace. The necklace should be broken, but this one is intact... Is this really the one she lost?"

He tried to grab the pendant in front of the necklace, but it was very difficult. He tried several times without success.

It was a stalemate again, but Huayueling had made preparations this time, and he had long thought that this might be the case.I'm still a little slower. In fact, if you come over to grab the necklace faster, it is still possible to grab the pendant in the first place.

"Just one click, do it!"

Hua Yueling immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed it. He was fast, and when he stretched out his hand, there was an afterimage. When he reached the top of the pendant, he grabbed it hard.

"Catch it!"

The success was so simple that he himself couldn't believe it, but it was also a good thing. He immediately took the pendant over and it came to his eyes.The hand was still tightly held, for fear that a pendant would fly out again when he let go. That was not what he wanted.

Naturally, the pendant would not listen to him obediently, after being caught by him, it would continue to impact, trying to escape from his hands.Hua Yueling clutched tightly, naturally wouldn't let it happen easily.

"Fortunately, I caught it, then I will return it to Ella."

Stepping out, Hua Yueling stopped again, and Ai La sat motionless on the ground, her long hair floating in the wind.Just a pixel villain, but at this moment he is also attracted by the atmosphere that exudes all over her.

She is a beauty, an impeccable beauty in a way.

"I really haven't noticed before."

Without paying attention, the pendant almost escaped from the gap between his fingers. Fortunately, the movement of the necklace reminded him and made him react.

He quickly grabbed one of his hands, and grasped the necklace tightly, without letting it escape from his palm.This necklace is not an ordinary necklace, and I don’t know how Ella kept carrying it without incident.

But her family is definitely not simple, otherwise she wouldn't have such a necklace. This is not an ordinary item. The magic that this necklace can excite is feared by Hua Yueling.

Back to Ai La, Hua Yueling sat down, moved her hand carefully, and returned the necklace to her.

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