Put your ear to the door and listen to the sound inside, but it is extremely quiet behind the door, or the door is a bit thick, so the sound is difficult to pass.Regardless of the reason, it is certain that you can't hear the sound inside.

Hua Yueling listened for a while, without gaining anything.With both hands on the door, Hua Yueling pushed open the door hard.

Accompanied by a heavy sound, the door was pushed open, and everything inside was in Hua Yueling's eyes.

"this is……"

Behind the gate was not the same as he had imagined, it was empty, there was nothing, just a very empty space.

After walking in, Hua Yueling still stood at the door to observe for a while, and then continued to walk inside after confirming that there was no problem.He walked to the center of the room and looked around, he still found nothing.

"I didn't feel the fluctuation of that power, isn't it here?"

Except for the direction from which she came, there were closed doors in the other three directions, but after Hua Yueling probed, she couldn't find the power she was looking for.It seems that the power is not here at all.

"What's going on? Did I really come to the wrong place?"

Hua Yueling carefully observed and searched, not only couldn't find that power, but even the traces of adventurers who might have been here were not found, which was very strange.

"Could it be that no one else has been here?"

Hua Yueling didn't think it was such a possibility, the adventurer definitely came here, but where he went was a question.It is difficult to find the opponent's location with the help of exploration skills, and Hua Yueling has no way.

"It looks like I can only find them one by one."

The time spent in the three rooms is immeasurable if there is still a passage inside, but he has no other way, there is no better way, there is only one way.

The exploration skills can detect a limited distance, and there is a surging magic power here, this magic is blocking his exploration skills.This should be Xiaoxue's masterpiece, otherwise it would not be possible to rely on illusion components alone, Hua Yueling believed this.

But at the moment he has no way to crack it, he can only act honestly according to Xiaoxue's ideas, which is quite annoying.Hua Yueling didn't like to do it this way, and didn't like to follow the path arranged by others, but obviously he didn't have any way to change the established path, so he could only continue like this.

Sweeping around, there was no difference in the doors of the three rooms, and they were roughly the same. It was impossible to judge what came from this point.But think about it, if you want him to act according to their ideas, it is impossible to leave him a clue no matter what you think, doesn't it make him more relaxed.

And even if you find any clues, you actually have to be more careful. Those clues are most likely to mislead him, not to help him.

What is false, true and true, is still impossible to believe here.

Thinking of this, he walked straight forward, stopped at the door, closed his eyes and felt the wave of magic.There is no danger. Although the magic power here is strong, it is not as terrible as when the monster exploded before.

But the obstacle of magic is really annoying, Hua Yueling wants to dispel this obstacle, but he doesn't know what to do.He didn't know so deeply about magic, but he didn't know how to dispel magic in other aspects.

This is not a simple thing, not that you can do it if you want to.Hua Yueling also hoped to be like that, but that was impossible.

Hua Yueling walked in front of these three rooms, and didn't leave in a hurry, but now looked for the one that was more reliable.But after searching for a lap, he found that they were all the same, and it didn't feel better, more like the truth.

"If that's the case, just pick one casually."

After discovering that this approach was useless, Hua Yueling had only one approach, and that was to choose one according to her own feelings.However, Hua Yueling felt that the effect of this feeling was not too great, no matter which one he chose, the discipline was the same.

"Well, just choose here, walk over here and take a look."

After choosing one of the doors, Hua Yueling walked over, opened the door and walked in. Just as he thought, the back of the door here is not a room at all, but a straight passage going forward. .This passage doesn't know how far it will go to reach the end, it will take a lot of time anyway.

This seems to take a lot of time.

"But you can go to the other two rooms first. If it's the same as here, if they have this kind of passage, then go from here. If not, it just can solve my doubts, so that I can understand what is wrong here. road."

With this idea, Hua Yueling went to the other two doors and opened them, but the scene he imagined did not appear. After these two doors, they still had the same one after the previous door. same.

"It's all roads, it looks like it leads to a place, but it must be impossible."

The exploration skills are fully launched to explore the depths of these roads, but this approach has no effect. The effect of the exploration skills is still hindered by sharpening. There is no way to explore too far, so what he can understand is not Particularly much.

Hua Yueling wants to explore deeper, but the fact is that he has no way to do it. He can only rely on going to the depths of the passage to understand the situation. There is no other way.

Hua Yueling himself didn't particularly like this time-wasting approach, but who left him with no other way but to adopt this kind of time-consuming approach.

Go back to the place you chose in the first place. Now that you have chosen this place, let's move on from here, maybe this is the right place.But even if it was a mistake, there was nothing, Hua Yueling thought so, he was not particularly worried about it.

The road in the center looks relatively reliable anyway. The road leads straight to the depths, and there is no way to see the situation inside. This road is very deep, and you don’t want to go to the end for a while. , Whether it is true or false.

He walked in quickly, and he was still observing the situation here, to see if there was any danger, and how strong the magic power was.At least in terms of the strength of the magic power discovered so far, it shouldn't happen again for the time being as before, but whether it is this way or not will have to be said for a while.

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