When there was no way to open the door, the road here was temporarily interrupted, and Hua Yueling could only retreat to the other side.The other side of the road is more winding than this one. Hua Yueling was almost stunned after walking for a while. He felt that the people who dig this road did this on purpose, in order to torture others. .

"Really are……"

He shook his head, but people wanted to do this, but he had no way at all. He could only walk along this road like this, and he couldn't stop going because of this, that's impossible.

I walked all the way on the dirt road like this. After walking around for about five or six minutes, I finally found something. There are two torches on the walls on both sides at intervals, and the torches illuminate the inside of the passage. It's bright, it's so bright, it doesn't use his magic at all.

Hua Yueling withdrew the lighting magic, in fact it should have been like this long ago, but he never paid attention to it.

Turning a corner not far away, Hua Yueling couldn't help but stop. He was about to reach the end soon, faster than he thought, but what he saw made him feel quite surprised. accident.

"Is that... an agency?"

What I saw was nothing else, it turned out to be a mechanism, installed so conspicuously on the wall, as if it could be opened in the past.However, Huayueling is naturally not hungry and may believe this easily. The mechanism may be true, but there is no guarantee that there will be no traps along the way.

"No, I can't find something that might be a trap."

After Hua Yueling glanced around, he was a little confused and thinking. It seemed normal. Just walk over. Don't worry about the others, but he still can't relax his guard.

"On the ground..."

Extending from her feet to the end of the road, that is, below the organ, Hua Yueling didn't find anything worthy of attention. There seemed to be nothing here, so there was no need to worry.

Hua Yueling took a few steps forward, then stopped, he was still worried about whether there was danger here.Going forward tentatively, there is nothing to worry about on the ground. They all look normal, and nothing is like an organ.

"Well, do you want to go straight to it like this, maybe that switch is the real trap?"

Hua Yueling is now a bit like a soldier, after all, here is the home of others, no matter where it is, it is very possible to design a little mechanism.

"Let's go over it, anyway, it has been observed nearby, it doesn't look like there is a trap."

Looking inside, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, she couldn't help speeding up a bit.When he reached the end of the road, he was guarding against possible dangers, but the fact was that there was no danger. He still got inside safely without activating any organs.

"Try to open it, hope it's not a trap."

Hua Yueling sighed, grabbed the lever and pulled it down.After the lever was pulled down, he immediately heard a heavy noise coming from a distance, and then Hua Yueling sensed the danger and immediately hid aside.

I don't know when, a few holes appeared in the wall behind. These holes are facing this side, and needles with dark green light gleaming and piercing into the wall.

Once the mechanism is turned on, it won’t be disarmed. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about anything after you dodge the initial mechanism. Then you just have to go back all the way. All you have to do during the period is to avoid the poison that comes from flying. Needles, don’t worry about the others.

Hua Yueling walked outside against the wall, and could easily avoid dangerous places without deliberately avoiding it. Those poisonous needles simply couldn't hit it.They all hit the wall.

Let’s not talk about how the mechanism was opened.

The number of poisonous needles in it was really a lot, knowing that Hua Yueling had walked over there, she passed through the gap on her side and still didn't stop.This is kind of interesting.

Hua Yueling only took a few glances, and then went out from here. He heard the opening sound of the mechanism quite far away, but it was not clear where it was.I have to look for it, maybe I can find some clues.

There was no change on the way back to the intersection, indicating that the agency was not here. After arriving at the intersection, he observed the place where the treasure chest monster was before, but there was no change there.

Looking at the locked place on the other side, I tried to open the door in the past, but it still didn't work.

"Aren't you here? That means going back."

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling continued to walk back along the road and returned to the hall. The door that had been closed before was also open, but the mechanism was only used for this, Hua Yueling was also a little disbelief.The sound should be more than that, after all, the sound he heard was quite loud, and it sounded like something heavy was removed.

"Well...Let's take a look, if you don't find anything, you can only explore the other side first."

The path on the right has been explored almost, and the places that can be explored are basically explored, and the rest are places that there is no way to go.

Hua Yueling once again explored the place she had explored before, saying that it was actually a place, the deepest part of the hall and that room, and that is where you can explore.There is no other place besides there. He hasn't been to the road on the left, so he will go again later.

"Is this a mechanism?"

After entering the room, Hua Yueling quickly discovered what the mechanism was opened. It was a hidden secret door. After entering, Hua Yueling found that there was actually nothing inside, only a vertical circular pillar standing there. There, at the very top, there is a small groove, it seems that something can be put in the groove.

"Well, it feels a little familiar..."

Hua Yueling looked at the small groove, and this feeling emerged in her heart.But if you say that what you got here, it seems that so far there are only seeds dropped by the treasure box monster.

"Don't say, it looks really alike, maybe it's really that."

I specially took out the obtained seeds and compared them, and found that it was really this, and it was just right to put it in.

"After doing it for a long time, I opened a mechanism just to release this," Huayue Ling thought a little helplessly. "But for now, it can be regarded as cracking a part of the mechanism. I just don't know this mechanism..."

Just when Hua Yueling thought of this, he heard a noise coming from the side, and the ground slowly separated, and a box gradually emerged.

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