Hua Yueling dodges a gap, avoiding the opponent's attack, but there is no way to continue like this, although only one hand is left, but this seems to have no effect on the opponent.The opponent chased him desperately, leaving him no way to do other things.

"Damn it, the opportunity created with great difficulty, the result was destroyed so easily!"

Hua Yueling regrets it a little, if she has some time, she can still try to see if there is any other way, but now it doesn't work anymore. He can't attack the opponent chased by him.

The opponent presented him with a problem, what should I do next, should I continue to fight with the opponent or find a chance to attack the magic group?

"Forget it, don't worry, let's weaken his mobility first, then don't worry!"

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and she didn't avoid avoiding it at all. The two sides were coming and going for a while, during which the magic group fluctuated more and more intensely, and there was a tendency to explode at any time.

What should I do if the magic group really exploded? This is not good news for myself.Hua Yueling thought with some worry, although it seemed that it wouldn't explode for the time being, she might just give it to herself anytime.

"No, it seems that I can only stay away for a while, and wait until he is restricted."

Seeing that this can't go on, Hua Yueling can only pull the distance away, to a further place, and no longer fight around the magic group.

Seeing her aside, the man seemed to think he was going to run away, and ran after him.Hua Yueling glanced at him, said nothing, and continued to run forward.

The distance is not enough, he has to be farther away, even here he can still feel the threat that the fluctuation of magic power brings to him, it is terrible.If the magic really exploded, it wouldn't be good for him to get too close.

Even if it is farther away, with this intensity of magic power, it will still cause a lot of trouble to yourself.

Hua Yueling didn't want to be hurt by this kind of magic, it was too worthwhile.However, it seems that this kind of magical power wants to explode very difficult. There have been such violent fluctuations, but there is still no intention to explode.People can't help but wonder if this is true.

Is it true that you have to be careful.Hua Yueling thought this way while running forward, he was already careful enough.


After running for a distance, I felt that it was almost done. Hua Yueling suddenly stopped, turned around abruptly, and swept back with a two-handed sword!


The opponent is also fast with eyesight and hands. It is too late to dodge. His remaining left hand swept past the direction of the two-handed sword attack. The attacks of both sides were handed over together. With a flash of lightning, neither of them took advantage. .

"Good job."

Hua Yueling's attack failed to condense enough strength, so it was not able to cause too much damage to the opponent, but Hua Yueling did not feel depressed because of this, just muttered so softly.

Hua Yueling didn't feel surprised that the attack didn't work, the other party still had some strength, and the reaction was quite quick.

"Has the magic exploded yet?"

The sea-blue magic group is expanding in distance, and it seems that it may explode at any time, but this is only a possibility. In fact, after so long time has passed, it still has no meaning to explode.This has already explained some problems, at least his attack power is not enough, what needs to be done.

Realizing this, his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about the strategy of action.Looking at it now, I still need to attack again.

"But this is very dangerous." Hua Yueling waved his two-handed sword and attacked the opponent, thinking like this in his heart, "If it is in a normal state, it is better to say something, but in the current state, everyone can see that it is obviously about to explode. It’s just that it hasn’t happened yet, but if I attack again, it’s likely to really explode. The aftermath of the explosion will endanger me very much. This is not what I hoped."

Unless you use long-range attack methods, but to be honest, let's not talk about other methods, Hua Yueling has no long-range attack methods that can be used.

There is some magic, but not very powerful.

"In fact, there is no need to care about the power at all, even if it is very poor power, in terms of the current situation of the magic group, it is the last straw to crush the camel."

"Try it, don't try to see how you can know if you can succeed."

After making a decision, everything is logical, just act and don't think about other things.Hua Yueling is entangled with the enemy, the two sides are not giving way to each other.

Because Hua Yueling was thinking about other things, it was not that he put all of his energy on the battle at the moment, so he did not gain the upper hand, but his strength was still stronger, so even so, the other party could not do anything to him.

"I decided to do this!"

When dragging the opponent, Hua Yueling aimed at the magic group in the distance. After repelling the opponent, before the opponent had no way to come over and make trouble for herself, Hua Yueling quickly took out the magic wand, and Jasmine grew up in magic. The top gathered together, and a fireball emerged.

This is the magic with the strongest attack ability that Hua Yueling can use at present. Although it can't be said how powerful it is, it should still have some effect in the face of such an enemy.

The fireball burned with exuberant flames, emerged under his call, aimed at the magical light ball in the distance and shot out.The enemy who fought with Huayueling naturally knew what he was going to do, and immediately wanted to rush to stop him, but Huayueling would not give him such a chance, and immediately followed up and attacked from the rear.

Unless the opponent ignores his own injury, he must respond, but it is really out of Hua Yueling's expectations. The opponent really did not care about his attack, but forcibly blocked the fireball from advancing. Above the route.

The only remaining arm was raised and blocked in front of him. Various kinds of fireballs hit his arm, making an explosion, and then the flames splashed, but it didn't seem to cause much trouble to the opponent.But this is also a good thing for Hua Yueling. At this time, he has already come to the opponent's side, swept across with a two-handed sword, and the opponent has just blocked the fireball. There is no way to dodge immediately, even defend. They can only be reluctantly made.

This gave Hua Yueling a good opportunity, and saw him swept across his two-handed sword, bringing a strong wind, and the opponent's arm that barely stood in front of him couldn't stop the attack.

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