The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1373 Attack of the Giant Monster

"It's okay, then you can join me, but the same as before, you must be more careful."

"I know this, I will."

Abiasha nodded and said seriously.

"That's good, let's go."

The two jumped from the hidden place, and then quickly got into the side alley without anyone else noticing, avoiding the sight of those people.If they are found out, it will be a little troublesome. They don't help but do other things, which is somewhat unreasonable.

"What are you going to do?"

Abiasha asked in a low voice next to him, although he had acted with Hua Yueling, but he didn't even know what he was going to do.She wanted to understand clearly, but Huayueling hesitated and did not explain clearly, and she didn't know if she couldn't explain it or didn't want to say it.

"Sorry, it's not that I want to hide it or tell you, but for the time being, I don't know what I am going to do. This is just a guess. I'm still not sure that I am right."

"Then I want to go with you too, can we stop these monsters?"

"Perhaps, I don't know. But it's not a way to keep going like this. I hope you don't know when you can arrive. It's not a way to wait like this. There are too many monsters, even if they are consumed in battle. There is still no way to kill them all, we must think of other ways..."

Huayueling's words suddenly stopped, and Abiatha looked at him strangely, wondering what was wrong with him.It seemed that Hua Yueling's face was a little strange, as if she had discovered something extraordinary.


Sighing, Hua Yueling quickened her pace.

"Come here soon, I found that something terrific is moving here. It's very strange. I didn't feel anything before, but it suddenly appeared, like being called out, not at all. Where did it move from."

"You mean this is a conspiracy of some people?"


Hua Yueling heard the implication in her words and couldn't help but look at her with a little surprise.Obviously, she didn't expect that she would say such a thing. Is it because of what happened before?

"Abiasha, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. Just think of the people you secretly observed in the morning. Are they suspicious?"

"It's hard to tell." She shook her head and saw that she was sincere, and she didn't really doubt herself. Hua Yueling hesitated a little bit, but explained it. "There is something I haven't told you, so you also Not sure."

Hua Yueling told her what had happened in the morning. After hearing it, Abiasha also frowned and gave him a deep look.In fact, Hua Yueling herself knew that according to her own statement, she was actually quite strange, but it seemed that Abiasha still chose to believe in herself.

"Then they did it as you say? Why did they do it?"

"How would I know this? I just happened to find out about it. As for whether they did it or not, it's unclear. It's just a guess."

"Then you are going to find them?"

"No, I don't know where they are. And even if they find it, what if they don't admit that there is no way. They can't just attack them casually because of their own guesses. I think if it is true. If these monsters are summoned using some kind of summoning circle, I can try to destroy the summoning circle so that the monsters will not come out again. But now it seems to be afraid of being discovered, so the number of monsters It is still decreasing, and no new monsters are coming up."

"Then what are we going to do?" Abiatha was already confused by Hua Yueling.This is neither that nor that, then what they came out for is really confusing.

"Go to the direction where those monsters came and see what's going on."

"But if they really don't want to be discovered, they should have been hiding now, and they can't be there anymore."

"That's what I said, but I still want to check it out, maybe I can find some clues."

Hua Yueling whispered.But at this moment, the ground trembled, and ear-splitting footsteps sounded from a distance.

"Come on, now it's more difficult for us to act."

"What's the matter?" Abiasha asked strangely. Now she still doesn't know what happened, and she is still kept in the dark.

"It should be a huge monster. Just listen to the footsteps. Let's go and take a look."

Hua Yueling quickly left the alley as she spoke, and Abiatha followed him closely.She had seen Hua Yueling's strength before, and it was safer and safer to follow him.

In this way, the two people left the alley and went to the street outside. This is a relatively narrow street, and there is no exit to the outside.

"No way here, you have to go further, it's sealed over there."

"Is there any place to be sealed?"

"Of course, but it's not specially sealed. I don't know why, but it's also a recent thing."

Hua Yueling and the others continued to move forward, leaving from the place in front of them to a relatively open place, where they could see the distant scene.After being blocked, the monsters moved quickly to this side. They continued to pound into the town, while the soldiers came here to block their footsteps.

Those adventurers were also here to help, but they didn't see those adventurers that Hua Yueling had noticed before.

"Maybe I didn't notice it, but the few people I observed in the morning didn't seem to be helping here, right? Did you see them when you were far away?"

Hua Yueling remembered that Abiasha had also seen those people in the morning, and she should be able to recognize them, if she did.

"No, they are not here."

"That's weird. Did you hide? Anyway, it's an adventurer. It's impossible to hide in this kind of thing?"

"Maybe, not everyone is willing to be drawn into this situation. It's too dangerous. Those few people didn't meet them in the hotel. Maybe they left long ago."

"Let’s help out in the past, no matter what, stick to the reinforcements first. Otherwise, the town will be destroyed."

"Aren't you going to check? You just pulled me out because you wanted to check it out?"

"I'll talk about it later, they can't eliminate the traces so quickly, don't worry."

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