The soldiers and adventurers who came to help were repelled, making people quite speechless.They didn't even have a chance to confront the monsters head-on, so they retreated, and they were realistic enough.

However, this can also explain the strength of the monsters. They themselves know that even if there are many people on their side, they are still not opponents.This is still understandable.

Hua Yueling hopes that someone can help and help herself share the pressure.I haven't done anything yet. If I wait until I reach the monster's head and then attack its eyes or other weaknesses, the monster will certainly not die so easily, and I will be in trouble by then.

Not afraid of trouble is not afraid, but Hua Yueling also knows that it would be more difficult for him to stop at that time.He could probably guess how the monster would react, but it was hard to say how to respond.

It's hard to say what to do later, but for now, there is only one way.At present, Hua Yueling has not found the real weakness of the monster, but it is certain that its eyes must be its weakness.

"Just work harder and it's here."

Hua Yueling encouraged herself in her heart, and he walked forward little by little, gradually speeding up.At the same time he was also paying attention to the movement of the monster.


There were footsteps in the distance, although it was not so uniform and quite messy, but Hua Yueling looked happy.The people who came this time are different from before. Hua Yueling is quite clear about the level of those who came before, but these people who came this time are obviously stronger, although their strength is not as good as this monster. , But it should still be able to bring some harm to it.

This is not what makes Hua Yueling happy the most, the things that make him happy are the more powerful people.He wasn't particularly clear about the strength of that person, but he should be only between the first and second, and the two sides couldn't say specifically who is stronger and who is weaker.

"Is there really someone to help?"

Somewhat surprised, he didn't pay much attention to it at first, but he didn't expect that the more people would come at this time.It's really incredible, are they waiting for this kind of time?

"But it's okay. If someone helps, you can solve the problem faster."

Hua Yueling also wanted to get rid of this behemoth as quickly as possible, but it was quite difficult to do it with his own power alone.It's good for someone to come out and help yourself, at least to speed things up.

"The strength is okay, so even if it goes crazy, it should be able to stop it."

When it reached the monster's head, it avoided its attack. When it shook its head vigorously, it grasped its hair tightly, and Hua Yueling persisted.Then he jumped down from above, jumped over the monster's nose, and when he looked up, he saw that the monster's big eyes were also moving and staring at him.


Being stared at with such a pair of big eyes can really make people feel pressured, Hua Yueling is a little scared, but this emotion is only a moment.He shook his head vigorously to shake out this fearful state of mind, Hua Yueling clenched one hand into a fist, encouraging herself in her heart.

"No problem, no problem!"

This kind of encouragement method is still somewhat useful, the feeling of fear and fear gradually faded, and the mood was calmed a lot.

"Next, just go up."

At this time, the soldiers who came to support also arrived. They were surrounded by the monster, and some distance away from him. Although it was not a safe distance, it was still a lot safer than close.

Hua Yueling climbed up little by little.The monster didn't temporarily stop moving forward just because it found him here. On the contrary, it still walked forward, just shaking its head from time to time and gathering magic power to attack him.

This kind of attack is not great, but it will affect Hua Yueling's speed, which is also quite annoying.

Hua Yueling had to dodge from time to time, sometimes using dwarf shields to defend, but no matter what it did was very troublesome.Either evasion or defense is a waste of time, and the monster's body is indeed relatively large, and it is quite difficult to get up, just like climbing a mountain.

The only thing to be grateful for is that there are more places to grab, and there is no need to worry about nowhere to stay.

"Huh, it's not that far."

Stepping on the bridge of the monster's nose all the way up, Hua Yueling withstood the "test" of the monster and came to the place where its eyes were.

"That's it, just..."

Those big eyes stared at him, being stared like this, I believe no one can be indifferent.Hua Yueling's body trembled a little, and it was terrifying enough to be stared at such a close distance without blinking.

At this time, there were other people climbing up along the body of the monster. It was probably because the attack had no effect that they chose the same approach as Hua Yueling. The speed on this road was not slow, but it was also because the monster did not find it at all. Because of his trouble.

After arriving at the place, Hua Yueling didn't care about other people anymore. After returning to his normal state, he took out the hidden dragon blade.


Muttering silently in her heart, Hua Yueling raised her right hand and pierced the eyes that aimed at the monster.

The hidden dragon blade pierced into the eyes of the monster, and the monster screamed violently, which was a terrible cry.What followed was the sound of the monster falling to the ground. The impact of the eye injury was so great that he couldn't even stand firmly, and his body fell to the side.

Hua Yueling didn't even think that his approach was so effective, but it was also a good thing for him.

"The monster has fallen, come here quickly, while the monster can't resist the attack!"

Someone shouted "the monster has fallen, the monster has fallen" or something from below. Hua Yueling did not follow the monster to the ground. He grabbed the monster and jumped onto him.It just so happened that another person jumped up at this moment. The two found each other and looked at each other.

"You did it, right?"

The opposite person drew out his weapon and asked, as if he was about to attack.Hua Yueling tilted her head, looking at each other strangely, and didn't understand what the other party meant. Did she answer yes and then attack her?

"It's impossible." Thinking about it, I feel that this kind of thinking is quite strange. The other party should be a companion who came to help.


"You are amazing, you can knock down even such a monster."

"It's okay, I also had better luck."

Hua Yueling didn't want to promote her power too much.

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