The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1393 Magic Support

"If this method doesn't work, can you only take that method."

Conflicting head-on with the other party is obviously the most troublesome approach, but now it seems that there is no other way but to do so.Hua Yueling also tried to use other methods, but now it clearly doesn't work.

No matter how to provoke, it is useless. After all, those two are just magic puppets. They are not ordinary humans, they are set.

"Well, if you fight them, you have to think about what to do."

Although one-to-two is a bit disadvantageous, Huayueling won’t fall into the wind in a real fight. In fact, he still has the upper hand, but it’s too difficult to kill them. This is the real thing. problem.

"You have to think of a way to crack their defenses."

Hua Yueling thought in embarrassment, but how could this be done so easily in a moment.

"Hey, really, if you can..."

He muttered in a low voice that he didn't know anything. In fact, he might not even know it. He was already a little tired.Facing such an enemy is always uncomfortable.

"Try it again."

The two-handed sword poured his power and swept across, the magic puppet blocked it, and the other one attacked from the other side.Hua Yueling's attack was blocked, she immediately dodged, and the opponent's attack returned without success, but his attack also had no effect.

"Come again!"

After repeated attempts, Hua Yueling found that no matter what method he used, it seemed to have no effect. They simply didn't have any weaknesses, no matter what kind of attack they were able to defend.Although it is not very powerful in attack, it will also bring some threats to him, and it is impossible to ignore this completely.

He kept dodging and attacking, but he returned without success almost every time, which also made him somewhat annoyed.This is the case every time, encountering such annoying enemies, leaving him at a loss.

"how about this!"

Seeing that the attack was invalid again, Hua Yueling launched a continuous attack and directly confronted the enemy who had attacked from the side, without avoiding it again.The weapons of the two sides collided head-on, and the long spear pierced the sword body of the two-handed large sword, stabbing into the air from the side of Hua Yueling.

"Come on again!"

Hua Yueling dodged the attack of the other magic puppet and felt it was almost done. She used one of her hands to force and used inertia to hit the two weapons together.

"This way, I should be able to buy some time."

Thinking like this in his heart, he flashed to the side of the demon puppet closest to him, no longer using the two-handed sword, and after approaching the opponent, he took out the hidden dragon blade and stabbed it.

This attack speed is extremely fast, although the opponent still wants to re-apply the old skills to defend, but because Hua Yueling changed the attack strategy and did not use the two-handed sword to attack, the opponent's defense was deviated and there was no way to stop him. attack.

"Sure enough, it is effective to change the attack method."

Hua Yueling forcefully moved the spear aside, and the hidden dragon blade pierced straight into the body of the demon puppet.With a dull sound, the action of the magic puppet stopped for a while, but it seemed that there was no problem.

"Isn't it possible to attack here? There should be some of its core?"

The attack did not cause as much damage as expected, and Hua Yueling immediately determined that it should be the attack position.The sharpness of the Hidden Dragon Blade is self-evident. Even the Demon Puppet cannot defend against such an attack. If this is the case, there will be no impact. This is the most likely possibility.

"The core word... Generally speaking, it is either on the head or on the chest. In the case of a magic puppet, it is the place where the magic power is supplied, but it is difficult to see where it is."

Hua Yueling stared at the monster's chest and looked at its head again, but it was difficult to see the difference no matter where it was.It is very difficult to understand what its weaknesses are through observation.

"Then try to attack it, anyway, you can attack it now, just hope this trick will be effective after using it once."

What worries him more is that the trick used once will not work the second time, but he still has to try it. How can he know if it works if he doesn't try it.

Opening the distance with the other party, Hua Yueling blocked the continuous jabs of the magic puppet's spear, and the other magic puppet came silently behind him, making a covert shot.

Hua Yueling, who had been watching the other party's actions all the time, naturally didn't let this go. The dwarf shield slammed forward, and after knocking away the golem's attack, it staggered back and then disappeared.

Leaning sideways to avoid the spear stabbed by the devil, one hand aimed at the outstretched hand of the devil and hit it out, hitting its hand in the other direction, and then the other hand gripped the Hidden Dragon Blade. Stabbed forward.Aiming at the chest of the demon puppet, the hidden dragon blade pierced the demon puppet's chest like the wind.

The magic puppet did not seem to have changed, but Hua Yueling could feel that it was on the verge of collapse, and might collapse at any time.

"It's now, if you come again..."

Just when he was about to take advantage of the situation to pursue, the dangerous premonition reminded her that the enemy attack from behind should not be ignored.The magic puppet behind him had recovered after staggering back a few steps and launched an offensive.


Hua Yueling had already made preparations long ago, blocking the attack of the golem with the Hidden Dragon Blade, and deflected its attack.Because his reaction speed is faster, this approach is quite easy. After the devil's attack was deflected, he accelerated forward, and the hidden dragon blade turned into a streamer and stabbed out.


The magic puppet's arm blocked the hidden dragon blade, and the hidden dragon blade pierced the magic puppet's arm. The magic puppet made no sound, and then its entire body rushed over with strength.

"not good!"

Unexpectedly, his attack was blocked, and the opponent's counterattack was also very powerful, and it would be very troublesome if he was hit like this.You have to find a way to stop it.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, leaning toward him, but the other hand holding the spear pressed against the doll, giving him a stronger sense of oppression.

"Hmph, this method wants to stop me."

Hua Yueling snorted coldly, with a force on his arm, hitting the arm that the demon was pressing against, and his body flashed aside.

The demon puppet's body slammed into Hua Yueling's body. Hua Yueling couldn't get out of the way, and could only stand still, condensing strength all over his body and colliding with the other party.

"Huh, it's okay, not so powerful."

Hua Yueling did not fall into a disadvantage.

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