The upward road still didn't appear, and after Hua Yueling had taken a break and conquered the third room, everything went as usual.

Strange voices have sounded, Hua Yueling and Abiasha have heard them, but no one knows what happened.The three places have been explored, and each place will make a sound, but they don't know exactly what this sound represents.

"Regardless of this, in short, there is still the last room that I haven't been to. As long as you go there and solve the problem there, you should be able to continue."

With that said, he looked at Abiatha next to him. Abiatha also acted with him, but she looked tired. Just exploring a room made her almost unable to move.

"If you are tired, you can rest outside, and I will explore the next room."

Hua Yueling looked at her tired and almost couldn't move, so she said.

"Then, then trouble you, I really can't move."

Abiatha originally wanted to try to get up, but she was too tired and couldn't move. In the end, she had to give up, please Hua Yueling.

"No problem, leave the rest to me."

Hua Yueling nodded, and when she reached the last door, she pushed open the door, and what appeared before him was a dark passage, in which nothing was smeared and could not be seen clearly.Even if Hua Yueling exhausted her eyes, she couldn't see what was inside.

"Is this another place."

Hua Yueling thought helplessly, he had visited a lot of places like this, so he didn't want to go again.Especially in such dark places, although it is not troublesome to explore, he believes that few people would like such dark places.

"There is no way, I can only explore it."

It's impossible to give up halfway when the last one is reached, and he can't do that at all, unless he is willing to live here and not leave, but that's a joke.

"Forget it, just go in, it's not unexperienced anyway."

Hua Yueling also glanced at Abiatha who was sitting not far away, and Abiatha looked at him strangely.Hua Yueling shrugged, and then walked into the room.

There is also a passage inside, but the passage is zigzag, and it feels like a world created by illusion, because in his opinion this tall tower is not so large, and it is also seen from the several rooms that have been moving before. in this way.

But he was not in a hurry. After all, he didn't find anything with his illusion skills. Maybe there was something different here.

Walking along the road, Huayueling has almost lost the distinction between southeast and northwest. This road is not always going forward, but curved, so Huayueling doesn’t even know what her goal is. Where is it?

The magic ball is floating in the air. With the help of this light, Hua Yueling can finally understand the situation here. Now he is turning in one direction, as if walking on a long road. .However, since there is nothing around to refer to and observe, he is still very curious about where he is.

"Well, it's weird, but it shouldn't be an illusion, it should be walking around the tower, but I just don't know where it is now."

Gazing at the road ahead, Hua Yueling couldn't determine where she was or where the end was because she was turning in one direction all the time, but she just had to go.

"But even if it's like this, it's still a lot worse than other places. It doesn't feel dangerous at all."

While Hua Yueling was thinking about it this way, she deliberately observed the surrounding situation, but there was nothing on the wall, so she couldn't see anything.The other is that the exploration skills seem to be blocked by some power, and there is no way to achieve the desired effect.

"We can only move on, and there is no other way."

The more Hua Yueling went forward, the more careful she became, but so far there was nothing worth paying attention to.

"Well, there is..."

Hua Yueling saw something in the distance, but he didn't see it very clearly and was a little vague.

"That should be a wall..."

Muttering softly, he felt that his guess should be correct, but there was a wall at the end of this place, and he did not see the switch.

"What could it be?"

There is no way to go, this is not right, it is not right at all.It is impossible that there is no road, there should be other areas that need attention.

Looking around, no matter the door in front or the wall on the other side are normal, no strange place can be seen.

"Well, maybe there is something different about that wall, you have to go and see it anyway."

When he stopped in the middle of the road, he stepped forward and walked to the wall to observe carefully, but it was still the same as before.

"Sure enough, it's almost as I thought, there is nothing special. But what is the meaning of this room?"

Huayueling thought about it, and walked here for a long time. If the meaning lies in this passage, is there anything he has overlooked?

Recalling whether he had any omissions, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided not to spend more time on it. Instead of going back, it would not only save time but also be more effective.

How much information can be recalled only by recollection, it is better not to read it again.With this thought, he turned back and walked back, but as he walked back along the road, something seemed to be shining on the wall, but Hua Yueling did not pay attention to it after he left. Side, so I didn’t notice this at all.

Returning to the entrance along the way, Hua Yueling carefully observed all the places, but basically found nothing, and there was nothing hidden in these places.

"Is it done so soon?"

What you want to say is not fast, the point is that he hasn't gotten it right at all.

"No, not yet. I didn't find anything in it. It was strange, so I went back to look for clues, but I still didn't find it."

Hua Yueling told the truth.

"Is that so? Or I will go and have a look with you. Maybe I can find something else."

Abiasha said actively, Huayueling had no objection, and said, "If there is no problem, please follow up."

The two returned to the room together like this, but Abiatha did not find anything at the beginning of the journey.

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