The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1426 The Resurrected Stone Statue

The magic light dissipated, and under Huayueling's guarded gaze, something similar to a virtual screen appeared in the center of the thick slate, and then the center of the thick slate was sunken.


Hua Yueling stared at the scene in front of her, but didn't understand what was going on, it felt quite dramatic.This does not seem to be a trap or the like, but rather a puzzle that must be solved to move on.But just such a reaction Hua Yueling couldn't see what she needed to do.

"Hmm... Any ideas?"

If I can't figure it out, I can ask others. Hua Yueling turned to look at Abiasha and asked, Abiasha shrugged, just as confused as him.

"This place looks like we are going to put something in."

Magic power poured into that gap, and then disappeared, everything turned into a cloud of smoke, and those magic powers seemed to have never appeared before, and all disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"It's not fast, what do you want me to do?"

Hua Yueling frowned and thought, not knowing what to do.The only thing I can use at the moment is probably the handkerchief, and there is nothing else except that.

"Only try this."

After taking out the handkerchief, Huayueling went up, stuffed the handkerchief into the gap, and then stuffed the handkerchief in, and a lot of magic power poured out and poured into the handkerchief.The light flashed by, accompanied by a heavy sound, and the thick slate was slowly being removed.

The upward path was opened up, and they were finally able to go up.

"Unexpectedly, this is really the case. I doubt if this mechanism is made by a ghost."

Hua Yueling did not leave after walking up, but turned around and lowered his head to look at the thick slate on the ground.

"Should I be able to get the handkerchief back?"

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and tried to get the handkerchief back, but the handkerchief was placed underneath, not on top, so he couldn't do this at all.

"Is there no way?"

Hua Yueling returned below, but found that the handkerchief disappeared without knowing when, and the slate stood up, but the gap there was gone, and it became a complete slate again.

"That means there is no way to get it back?"

If this were the case, Hua Yueling still felt a little unwilling. After he and Abiasha had left, the thick stone slab re-covered the gap and blocked the way back.

Hua Yueling did not leave, but stared at the thick slate. The handkerchief may have been a gift left by the ghost.Such a gift can be said to be a souvenir. He doesn't want to lose this souvenir, and hopes to keep it for collection.

But when he came back, the thick slate shone again, and there was another notch in the center of the thick slate, and in the notch was the handkerchief he had put in before.

"Still got it."

Hua Yueling breathed a sigh of relief, he was really worried about not getting it.

She took the handkerchief in her hand again, and Hua Yueling took it into her arms, so she was fine.

"Let's go."

"You really cherish it."

"After all, it can be regarded as a memorial left by a friend. It doesn't work if it is not treated well."

Hua Yueling took a look and said with a bit of nostalgia.

"Obviously just separated not long ago."

"But it should have been separated for a long time. For it, it can be said to be friends with it. It is good to stay as a memorial. If it doesn't exist, then forget it. If there is, naturally I don't want it to be lost. "

After looking at the thick slabs that pressed the road when she came, Hua Yueling shook her head, turned around and left here with Abiasha.They walked along the road. There was actually no difference between here and the bottom. They were all similar roads, and Hua Yueling didn't notice any dangerous people here.

This is actually quite normal, but Hua Yueling thinks it will definitely not be that simple.The taller tower is logically the more dangerous it is, but now it is a little different. It is much safer at the higher level.

I don't know what else there will be here, Hua Yueling was very curious, and wanted to take a good look, but after some investigation, it was found that this place was also empty.

"There seems to be a difference here."

The difference Hua Yueling said was actually compared with the destroyed castle where she was before, rather than a conclusion drawn from comparison with other places.

The two walked around the road and came to a room outside.There was a stone soldier on each side of the room outside. The soldier was quite tall, taller than Hua Yueling, holding heavy weapons and shields in his hands, which looked quite dangerous.

"Well... there seems to be nothing in it, there is no need to go in."

"It's better to go in and take a look. You can't draw conclusions without going to see with your own eyes." Abiasha holds different opinions, although she also generally understands Hua Yueling's abilities. After all, two people can take risks together. It's been a while, it's impossible to know nothing, but she still wants to be more rigorous, so as not to miss it later and regret it.

"That's fine. But I think these two guys may be active, so you still don't get too close, it's better to stay away."


Abiasha glanced at the two stone statues, and couldn't think of how they could move.But since Hua Yueling said so, she nodded and walked a little further.

The door was pushed open amid the heavy sound, that is, when Hua Yueling gradually opened the door, the stone statues on both sides also moved. Amidst the dust, the stone statues moved slowly and moved towards Hua Yueling. Turned around here.


Abiatha did not expect that the stone statues would actually move, and quickly took out the bow and arrow and aimed at the one closest to him and shot it.She didn’t worry too much. Although Hua Yueling was still in the process of pushing the door open, she thought that he would be able to get away at any time. Under such circumstances, the two enemies would never be able to fight. he.

Helped Huayueling to drag an enemy, but Abiatha's attack power was still not enough. Although he shot the opponent's armor this time, the damage to the opponent was relatively small, which was still different from what he imagined. A lot of them.

"Defensive power is a bit too abnormal, unless it can penetrate its armor, otherwise it will always be difficult for my attacks to have any effect."

Abiasha also understands this, but there is still no good way to do it. After all, there is almost no gap in the opponent's armor.

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