"Welcome the two to my place, but two distinguished guests came to me but failed to greet me. It is really rude and rude."

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the two people in this way, Hua Yueling reacted the fastest, pulled Abiasha's arm behind her, and stared at the figure that appeared from the statue.

The person in front of him was not a ghost. At first, Hua Yueling thought that the other party was a ghost, after all, he appeared from the statue.However, after careful observation, I realized that I was wrong. The other party was obviously a human. Although he was not an ordinary person, he was also a human.

"you are?"

Hua Yueling confirmed that she did not know the other party, and the other party had a smile on her face, as if it were easy to talk, but Hua Yueling did not believe this.This is just a representation. The stone soldier at the door should be guarding him, and the opponent may be their enemy.

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself. You two can call me Kamaya. This is my name."


Hua Yueling repeated it, with some doubts in his tone, he was sure that he never knew the other party.

"You said this is your place. Could it be that this tower belongs to you?"

"High tower? No, no, no, this is a castle, a castle that hasn't been rebuilt for long."

Kamaya squinted and shook his head, then said.

"Castle?" Hua Yueling and Abiasha both showed surprises in their eyes. If this is really a castle, doesn't it mean that their teleportation was wrong, and they didn't go where they wanted to go.I thought it was going back to the high tower, but it was inside a castle. They probably still had some guesses about where the castle was.

"I didn't expect to be in such a place in the end."

Hua Yueling sighed. She thought she had left, but now it seems that they have been thinking too much. They have never been able to leave here, even now they are still in this place, and the places they walked before were not long ago. Just walked by.I walked it again, but I still haven't found it.

"Then you are the master here?"

"No, it's not. The host here is someone else. The two came really beyond my expectations. I didn't have any hope at all."

"Do you know we will come?"

Hua Yueling thought a lot after hearing his words, the first thing that came to mind was the ghost.Could it be that the ghost did something, and the person in front of it heard it from the ghost.

"Yes, I know that the two will come, and a very close person told me. She told me to thank both of you. If it weren't for your help, this wouldn't be the case again."

Hua Yueling really didn't understand what the person in front of her said. Although she understood a little bit, it was obviously not enough. Hua Yueling still wanted to know what the other party was going to do.

"These are not important. What we want to know the most now is how to go back. I thought I could go back through that teleportation array, but I didn't expect to come back again, it's still different."

"Sorry, this is a mistake on our side. The teleportation array... actually lost something, so the teleportation array cannot be fully activated. Otherwise, the two can be sent back directly, so my relatives are also very sorry. , So let me wait for two people here and give them help."

"What about her?"

Hua Yueling asked with particular concern, she really wanted to know whether the ghost was still here now.It feels like it is still there. After all, she is a ghost, and the ghost will not die, without being attacked.

"She went out. Some things went out and won't come back for the time being, so I'm sorry. She just guessed that you will come back, but she doesn't know when you will come back, so..."

"It doesn't matter, we will come back even if we didn't expect it, she can guess it is already very good. Thank her."

After talking about this, Hua Yueling asked how to go back, and Kamaya also answered his question.

"Some magic items are needed, but those magic items are now scattered in the underground here. Two people are needed to recover the magic parts. As long as the magic items are recovered, the magic circle can be restarted. Then I can help. Both of you return to where you came from."

"Underground? What kind of place, shouldn't it be a basement?"

When Hua Yueling heard it, she knew it was definitely not the case, otherwise it would be impossible for the two of them to take action. There was no need at all. Since the other party asked them to solve the problem, it means that things must be a little troublesome.

"Yes, it's a place similar to a maze. There are now many undead creatures there, and there is also a powerful guy. It's all caused by those magic items and the like, so that kind of situation occurs. With my current strength, I can only rely on the two of you."

"Okay, it was originally we asked you, so leave it to us."

Hua Yueling nodded and said, did not refuse the other party's help.

"Take us over to see how big the underground maze is. If it is too big, we will have to wait before exploring."

"No problem, no matter when you explore."

Kamaya naturally doesn't have any comments on this aspect, he nodded and said.

Hua Yueling and the others followed him all the way to the bottom. Those switches were easily opened in front of him, no matter how troublesome they were.Just walked down the stairs and came to the lowest level, Hua Yueling and the others stood in a sealed place.

"It's here. Going down from here is the underground labyrinth. The underground labyrinth here originally existed, but because of the destruction of the castle, even the underground labyrinth was overwhelmed. It was restored not long ago. of."

"Then how did those magic props go down?"

Hua Yueling asked strangely.

"Those magic items are originally underneath. They have been placed there and have not been moved. They are put together with other things, and I did not intend to use them."

Kamaya said with some embarrassment, mainly because he didn't expect it to be useful for a day, but now it is actually used.

"You still need to trouble you two people. It may take some time. If you two need to rest, you can rest here. There are rooms nearby."

"It's better to take a break, we have just fought, there is no way to explore without a break."

Hua Yueling thought for a while and glanced at Abiasha, who agreed with him.

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