Hua Yueling stopped, and a figure stood in front of a bridge.It looked like a human figure, but it seemed that he was much larger than an ordinary person. He stood there, holding a big sword in his hand and a shield in the other hand. The shield almost had someone else’s body. So big.

This figure made people feel fear just standing there, and that was an uncontrollable emotion overflowing.Hua Yueling stared at that figure, even he was overwhelmed by the figure's existence.

It is not necessarily that he is not the opponent of the other party, but the other party has such a momentum, which is really difficult to resist.

Hua Yueling watched from a distance, and Abiatha also felt the terrifying aura emanating from that figure, and she didn't even dare to move forward.

This is still understandable, but Hua Yueling and the others can't really stop here without moving forward because of this.Hua Yueling took the lead and walked forward. Although Abiatha felt scared, after Hua Yueling took her hand, the sense of fear fell a little, and she had some courage.

The two people were directly exposed in the eyes of the figure, but to their surprise, the other party did not come directly to fight them, but stayed in front of the bridge.

There is only one road here. If you want to go past, you can only pass through the bridge, and you must go through that figure's consent to get to the bridge.Hua Yueling stared at the other party, feeling the pressure, the closer she got, the more uncomfortable she felt.

The feeling is not easy to describe, but it is as if it is being slowly pressed by something, and the pressure on this person in front of my eyes is as if to directly crush the person.

Moving forward under the pressure, Hua Yueling stopped and looked at the opponent when she was not far from the opponent.


It was not as heavy as a voice that a human could make from the other party's mouth. Hua Yueling stared at the other party's figure, doing nothing, and saying nothing.

"Cross the bridge?"

With a questioning voice, Hua Yueling nodded and answered "Yes".

The other party seemed to be the one who was sent to guard the bridge, and he didn't know who sent him over, but he didn't seem to be hostile yet.However, what Hua Yueling will do next is not quite clear. While preparing carefully, he is ready to talk to the other party to see how the other party reacts.



Hua Yueling was silent, and glanced at Abiasha next to him. It is of course the best for the two parties to communicate, but their purpose is to tell each other.Hua Yueling was observing the other party, but it was a pity that the other party's body was hidden in the armor, so Hua Yueling had no way to confirm his current state.

"Say it anyway."

"I will give it a try, it would be best if I can convince him."

Huayueling is not afraid of fighting, but he doesn't want to fight all the time. It is better to avoid fighting if he can avoid fighting.With such thoughts, Hua Yueling stated her own purpose. After receiving the answer, the other party had no response. It seemed to be thinking, but it was difficult to be sure because it could not be seen from the outside.

"Don't worry, wait and see, maybe there is a chance."

Hua Yueling was still somewhat anxious in her heart, but he kept reminding herself to calm down and not to worry.After finally calming down, Hua Yueling took a long breath, patiently waiting for the other party to respond.

"Go in."

Moving slowly, the ground vibrated every step of the way, so they made way for them, and did not say anything else, and did not ask for anything.

"Thank you."

Hua Yueling and Abiasha thanked each other, but they didn't react at all, so they stood aside blankly.The two walked forward, but Hua Yueling was still guarding each other until she got on the bridge.

"Go faster, better not stay on this bridge for a long time!"

After Hua Yueling reached the bridge, he reminded Abiasha that his own speed was so fast that he almost rushed over.Nothing happened from beginning to end, Hua Yueling and the others passed this area fairly safely and came to the opposite side.

"Huh, it's okay. I didn't expect that he didn't bother us. I thought he had to fight."

Abiasha was also relieved after coming over, she was the one who worried the most, and she didn't have much confidence in fighting this kind of guy.The pressure the other party put on her was so great that she couldn't breathe, but the result was not bad, and they came here relatively easily.

The other side of the bridge is a more dangerous place. Hua Yueling didn't realize this at first.However, he knew that the strength of the monsters here should be stronger. It is certain that the bridge guard is not strong, but it is estimated that it will not be too weak. It will be more difficult for the two of them to rush all the way in this way.

"But if only the bridge guards have such strength, what kind of strength should the monster guarding those magic items at the deepest point?"

Abiatha said very worried.

"It shouldn't be that the person who guards the bridge is a very special person, and he cannot be used as a standard to treat other people."

Hua Yueling was not too worried.

"But we should be careful, and if it is not necessary to fight, we can find a way to get around."

"In that case, wouldn't it be possible to be flanked back and forth?"

There was still concern in Abia's tone, and there was basically no way back here. They had to go inside and retrieve the magic items to be able to leave, and they couldn't just go back before that.

"Let's go, or go and see first, then make a decision."

There is no reason to discuss just here.Rather than thinking about it, it is better to investigate the situation and act more effectively after understanding the situation.

Hua Yueling and the others turned a corner along the road, bypassing the area in front of them, and came to a messier place.Dirty littering can be seen everywhere here, and many places on the ground are wet, and I don’t know where the water came from.

The monsters basically fly in the air, their wings flapping, which still looks quite troublesome.

"If you fight with them, it's better to attack from a distance like the rats you fought before. It's still a bit bad for melee."

There is no need to fight melee with this kind of guy who can flap his wings in the air, but before that, Hua Yueling looked around the environment here, looking for a way to sneak past it.

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