The two people are not moving fast, and they deliberately find that kind of flat place to walk, just for fear of making a little noise and then awakening each other.A large enemy may not be that strong, but it is better not to fight with it to be on the safe side. It should be no problem if you don't provoke it.

While observing the movement of the monster, the two people slowly walked around, walking forward almost close to the wall from the farthest place from each other.I almost took a few steps to look at the other person, but fortunately, the monster basically didn't respond, and he slept quite deeply.


Holding his breath, no one spoke, quietly stepping on a flat and safe place to walk over.Whether it was some potholes, small rubbles and debris on the ground, or places with water, they were bypassed.You definitely can't walk in that kind of place, and there will be a little noise when you step on it, and there is no way to control it.

I don't know how loud the sound will wake the other person, but if you can, it's better not to make any sound.Stepping lightly, Hua Yueling and Abiasha didn't dare to walk in an ordinary state until they were far away from the monster and reached a place where there was no one.

They stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. This part of the journey was really very tense. They didn't even dare to take a breath, they were almost suffocated.

"I'm here, if there is another one here, I can't take it anymore."

Abiasha lightly patted her chest and said, she was more nervous than Hua Yueling, and she had a lot of cold sweat on her head and body.What I have to say during this journey is really exciting. Although I have encountered such a situation in the past, it was not as nervous as this time.

"Okay, there is no danger here, let's move on quickly."

Hua Yueling turned her head and glanced behind her, seeing that the monster was still silent, she was relieved and said in a low voice.

They are now far away, but they still can't take it lightly. Who knows if the monster will suddenly rise up, this is not impossible.

After observing for a while, she realized that she was thinking too much, and Hua Yueling retracted her gaze.This road is much messier than it was when it came in, and the existence of the magic vortex can be clearly felt on the ground. After walking a distance, not only can I feel it, but can even see it with my own eyes.

Hua Yueling was a little surprised when she saw it, let alone Abiasha.She couldn't even recognize what it was the first time she saw it.

"This, this is..."

"Magic Vortex."

"Magic Vortex?" Abiasha looked at Hua Yueling with an unclear look. It was the first time she heard this word, so she didn't know what it meant.

"It means it literally, it's actually a whirlpool formed by magic. But don't underestimate this whirlpool. The power is so powerful, don't step on it."


Abiasha stared at those Jasmine whirlpools, and asked in disbelief that she hadn't seen this situation before.What Hua Yueling said was the first time she had heard it, and this kind of thing was still very dangerous, really incredible.

"Why is there a whirlpool of magic in such a place?"

"I don’t know how the magic power is leaked. I don’t know what the specific situation is, but the reason why the magic vortex is formed is roughly because there is a large amount of magic power leaking out, and this magic power can’t spread out, and the more it accumulates. More and more. The flow of magical power forms a circular flow, and gradually the magical power accumulates more and more."

"Isn't it dangerous if you have a lot of magic power?"

"That's why you can't step on it, and if you are not careful, it may cause a magic explosion."

"No, isn't there no way to fight in this kind of place?"

Abiasha stopped and looked at Hua Yueling. This is a big problem. There must be other monsters in it, and there are even more powerful monsters in the depths.These monsters all need to fight, and how do they fight in this environment now?

"Don't worry too much. Although the magic vortex is terrible, it does not mean that you must not be able to fight. It is just that you should not use too much magic when fighting. When the magic power increases, it is easy to pull the magic vortex, and what will happen at that time It’s hard to say the consequences like that."

After Abiatha heard what Hua Yueling said, she stared at him with big eyes, and the meaning was quite obvious.

"If you can't use magic, I will try not to use it."

Hua Yueling shrugged, she understood what she meant, and said that also made her relax.After all, the magic is really surging, and they will be quite dangerous at that time. If the magic explodes, not to mention, there is nowhere to escape.

Going further, as they get closer and closer to the depths of this place, there are more and more magical whirlpools, and the magical power floating outside is also amazing.Hua Yueling hadn't really felt so much magic power anywhere, to be honest, staying in such a place made him feel scared.

"Is it because of the existence of magic items?"

Huayue Ling thought, using his exploration skills to explore deeper, but when he only explored, he felt that something was wrong, and a terrifying force directly attacked.

"Is it here?"

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling hurriedly hid to one side, and Abiasha's reaction was also quick. After he pushed her with his hand, he quickly flashed to the side.Something exploded in the ordinary sound, Hua Yueling and the others looked behind and saw that the magic vortex behind them had been wiped out several times. In fact, it is not accurate to say that they were wiped out. It was directly under that kind of attack. It exploded, the ground was cratered, and the magic became more disordered, feeling that there was a risk of accident at any time.

Hua Yueling looked forward intently, and saw a monster that was bigger than the one that Qi just saw appeared. This monster was only slightly taller than them, but the body was very fat, almost occupying half of it. As big as a channel.It has a weapon floating in its depth, but it is still different from the weapons used by humans.

It's not so much a weapon, it's more like a part of the monster's body, but this thing is still sharp and sharp enough, if it is really hit, it will be absolutely uncomfortable.

"It should be the last one."

Hua Yueling felt the breath of the magic item. Although the breath was a little weak, she could still detect it.

"This kind of enemy..."

Hua Yueling did not expect that the monster in front of her would even use magic, which made the battle even more dangerous.

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