Hua Yueling observed the magic props in her hand carefully, and she didn't know how to use these two things.To be honest, it was the first time he saw these two magic items.

"It should be useful anyway. This monster should have something to do with them."

"By the way, I found these two magic items from the ground. They were buried in the ground."

"Buried in the ground?"

Abiasha stared at the two magic items, her expression changed a bit, what is the function of these two things, and why were they buried?What he had to say could not have been buried by monsters, at least with the wisdom of monsters he knew now, there should be no way to think so much. That means that these two things were buried by someone.

"Who did it?"

Although Hua Yueling said he was thinking now, it was only for a short while, and then he left these things behind. It was really not the time to think about these things.The magic power in the body was already stretched a bit, if it continued like this, it would not take long for it to bottom out. At that time, only Abiatha could be counted on. With her strength, there was no way to deal with the monster.

"Give it a try, maybe it will work."

Now that you have found something, use it. Anyway, there is no other way. Hua Yueling thought so, and immediately injected magic power into the magic item.The most important thing is that he doesn't really have much magic power in his body now, and if he doesn't try again, there should be no chance in the future, and he must do it now.

One of the magic props, which resembled a poke ball, began to sparkle after being injected with magic power, and the button-like thing in the middle was especially dazzling.Hua Yueling pressed it subconsciously, and then he felt that the magic power was not under his control, rushing into it frantically, as if to suck him dry.

"not good!"

Just when Hua Yueling felt that the situation was not good, the absorption of magic power suddenly stopped. Although it was said that a lot of magic power had been absorbed, it was very important to stop this time, otherwise Hua Yueling would really not be able to hold on. .

The state is fairly good now, although a lot of magic power has been absorbed, at least some of it is left for him.

Under Hua Yueling's control, the beam from the magic props aimed at a monster that was not far away curled up on the ground without any other actions.This attack was not just a tickling attack like just now, but a completely different attack. The magic beam even directly penetrated the monster's body, causing it to suffer huge damage in an instant.

"Is it done?!"

Just when Hua Yueling was worried about whether he killed the monster, she saw that although the monster was seriously injured, it still did not die.This made his face darken again. He originally thought that this attack with magic props could kill the opponent, but the result was completely beyond his expectations.

No, or no, the damage is definitely enough, but the only problem is that there is no way to kill the opponent, which can be said to be fatal to Hua Yueling.

"The magic is not enough."

Huayueling thought helplessly, although the magic item used was very powerful, it still had no effect if it was actually used.At least it will not help the current battle at all.

"I can only try another one."

Thinking about this, Hua Yueling's gaze fell on another magic item in her hand.Thinking so in his mind, he clenched the magic prop, which was not so much a magic prop, but more like an ornament, like a hair ornament used by a girl.

It is still the same method as before, trying to input magic into it.This item doesn't need to consume a lot of magic power like before, nor does it take the initiative to absorb magic power from his body, he can accept as much magic power as he puts into it.

"What's wrong with it!"

In the process of Hua Yueling injecting magic power into the magic item, Abiasha seemed to have discovered something, and pointed to the monster in the distance and said loudly.

Hua Yueling hurriedly looked at it, and she saw that the monster started to become smaller at some point, and she felt that the figure did not look so real anymore, giving people an illusory feeling, which seemed to be there anytime. May disappear in general.

"this is……"

Hua Yueling immediately thought of the magic props in her hand, and couldn't help but immediately lower her head and look into her hands.Issuing the card accepted the magic, but it didn't seem to have changed. If you want to talk about the connection between the two, this may be the case.

But this also brings some confidence to Hua Yueling. Does it mean that as long as he puts enough magic power into it, this monster will gradually disappear, not even directly, as long as he can eliminate the opponent. .

No matter which situation it was, it was worth trying. Hua Yueling continued to input magic power into it. Although the magic power had basically bottomed out, Hua Yueling had not given up yet.How can I give up at this time? I have survived the difficult times before, and now I can't give up.

The magic power was continuously input, and Hua Yueling found that the monster's body was getting weaker and weaker, and it was about to disappear from his eyes.This is quite useful, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, so it seemed that she just had to persevere now.

"Just stick to it."

Hua Yueling said to herself like this, constantly squeezing the little magic power she had left.

"Abiasha, try to attack it and see if you can kill it."


Abiatha immediately agreed, aimed at the opponent and attacked the past. This was really useful. I saw that the monster that had no physical strength was basically lying on the ground like that, motionless. Yes, it seems to be dying.

"The effect is not bad." Abiasha said to him immediately after attacking again.

"Then go on, be sure to kill it, there must be no problem!"

Hua Yueling encouraged her, but Abiasha continued to attack. Attack after attack made the monsters suffer more and more injuries, and they seemed to disappear from their eyes.

"Just hold on..."

Seeing the sweat on his head, he looked as if he was about to faint, and Abiatha didn't care about continuing to attack, and hurriedly came over to support his body.

"Are you okay? It seems you look bad."

"Yes, it's okay, and I can persist."

Hua Yueling replied feebly, he almost didn't even have the strength to answer.

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