"Sure enough, you still came."

Hua Yueling sighed as he looked at the figure walking from a distance.

"It really surprised me, you guys are still in such a good state. Did you think of it a long time ago?"

The figure of the visitor was hidden in the darkness, a pair of eyes staring at Hua Yueling and Abiasha with extremely complicated eyes, also sighed.

"Almost, it's just a guess. The magic item you mentioned is a bit too unreliable. It obviously has such an effect on monsters, but the effect is so. No matter how you think about it, you will find it problematic."

"So you don't believe me, do you?"

"You can say that, but I believed you in the beginning. Who are you? The reason why we are like this has something to do with you, right?"

"I can admit that, yes, there are some relationships that suit me, but only some."

Hua Yueling couldn't help laughing, but stared at him with disdain, and didn't say anything.

"Do not believe?"

"It's impossible to believe you."

"Yes, but you are really smart. I think I deceived you. But even so, do you think you can fight me in your current state?"

The other party said this with a comfortable attitude, Hua Yueling just stared at him and said nothing.In fact, Huayueling has still expected something so far, but he still feels something is wrong. Did he miss any key information?

Hua Yueling thought like this, that monster had been killed, and the only threat here seemed to be the person in front of him, but he still felt uneasy, there must be something he hadn't thought of.I need to think about it carefully.

"Could it be that……"

With a startled heart, Hua Yueling looked at the other party again, observing the other's expression, but it was very difficult to observe from such an opponent's face.

"It is very likely that this is the case. If this is the case, you can't stay here anymore. I don't know if there is still a road inside. If there isn't, I can only go back here."

After thinking about it clearly, Hua Yueling took advantage of the fact that the other party still didn't know what she knew, Hua Yueling took Abiasha's hand and rushed over.


The other party didn't expect Hua Yueling to do this at all, and the sudden movement shocked him, but he still reacted in time, and he didn't intend to fight Hua Yueling, he went directly to the side to hide.

Hua Yueling didn't pay attention to him either, and after a missed hit, he continued to rush forward, leaving the shocked figure of the opponent behind.


Unexpectedly, Hua Yueling would do this. Kamaya looked at the direction of the two of them in astonishment, without even figuring out what happened, why they just ran away like this.

"No, did he find out?!"

After this, Kamaya realized why Hua Yueling had to run away at this time instead of fighting him, which made him change his face.Unexpectedly, his strategy was discovered so quickly. The reason for doing so was not because it was not their opponent. If it was really an opponent, he would not have to do it.

"They must be kept!"

Kamaya immediately thought of this, but his strength is not easy to do.It would be nice if he could entangle them from the beginning, but he didn't do it at all.

"It's troublesome now, but if it detonates now, they probably won't be able to escape from here."

Thinking about this, Kamaya didn't catch up at all, and directly detonated the magic vortex, shaking the earth, and at that moment, his back collapsed.

The whole world was shaking. Although Hua Yueling thought of the other party's possible actions, she did not expect the other party to act so fast.They didn't give them much time at all, and they detonated the bomb all at once.Fortunately, they still have some advantages. Although the shaking is very violent here, there is no way to go, but because the upper layer has fallen a lot of dirt, plus the raised soil, they are The line of sight and the direction of action are affected.

"It's okay, as long as it is faster, it's okay."

Hua Yueling encouraged herself, and he speeded up, pulling Abiasha to rush forward.Even now, Abiasha still has an unidentified expression. She doesn’t know what happened, but Hua Yueling is holding her hand, so she doesn’t have to worry about it. Just follow Hua Yueling. Just run outside, don’t worry about others.

"Did he detonate the magic vortex?"

"Sure, otherwise, why would he show up there and stand in front of us? Isn't it just to stop us and prevent us from leaving this place so quickly."

Hua Yueling guessed that there was nothing wrong with it, and after hearing it, Abiasha also felt that what he said was not wrong.In fact, Kamaya's strength both of them understand a little bit, not so strong, even quite weak for them.

If they really fight head-on, Huayueling and the others are not afraid of each other, and even Kamaya has to be afraid of them, but the method of using this conspiracy is different.Although Hua Yueling and the others are very strong, they have no way to deal with this kind of approach that wants to be the same as you.

The ground was cracked by the explosion, especially at the top. A large number of clods fell down. Hua Yueling and the others had to dodge these things, and then they had to prevent damage to the ground under their feet. Sometimes they had to jump over. The fleeing scene is not fun at all.

Hua Yueling and the others ran away like this, anyway, they could run as far as they could, and they didn't dare to stop for a second.Kamaya's figure has disappeared long ago, I don't know where he went, but Huayueling and the others don't care about this. Since the other party is not there, they are gone, and it has nothing to do with them.

Coming to the bridge, Hua Yueling found that the steel doll was still guarding the bridge, motionless, even if the ground was shaking, she had no thought of running away.

Hua Yueling didn't have time to manage these, he just wanted to leave this nasty place as soon as possible.They quickly ran to the bridge, and then the two of them came across the bridge, with the steel doll blocking their way in front.

"Abiasha, you will hurry up for a while, let's rush directly from here."


Abiasha clutched his hand tightly, and the two reached behind the steel doll. The steel doll was about to turn around. Hua Yueling and the others had already rushed past each other.


After they ran away, the bridge suddenly collapsed and fell into the turbulent water below.

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