The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1462 Exploring the Castle

"Are there any clues you can provide?"

Hua Yueling asked the ghost, he didn't know what to do if he didn't ask clearly, but the ghost still didn't give any useful tips.If you have a little hint, you don’t have to worry as much as you do now.

" can go to the statue and have a look, maybe you can get some information."

After thinking for a while, the ghost still gave him a hint.This kind of prompt is still useful, since she has said so, she can still go and see.

"What about you, are you staying here? Not going back?"

"I won't go back, there is still something outside, but if you kill it, you can come to me and tell me the news."

"It's okay, I still trouble you."

"It's okay, I want to thank you on the contrary. It was you who helped me so much, but I ended up dragging you into this kind of thing."

"You can't blame you, after all, you are also helping us. No one thought that this would happen."

Hua Yueling comforted the other party, he really thought so.It would be weird if the ghosts could be blamed. People also wanted to help them.

"Thank you."

Hua Yueling and the others returned to the castle after chatting with the ghost.They still took a relatively cautious approach. After coming out of the room, they checked the conditions in the outside passage, and found that no one was seen outside the passage.

"Go out, be careful when you act for a while, don't be careless. That person should already know our existence, but I don't know why it didn't come out."

"It doesn't hurt to be careful. It is necessary not to confront the opponent first when it is not necessary."


The two came out of the room cautiously. It seemed that Kamaya hadn't thought of fighting against them yet, so he didn't appear.The two of them also went to the front passage on the first floor to take a look, and found that there were no monsters or traps here. It seemed that they had to wait until they reached the underground world. .

To say that it is powerful enough, it didn't take long to make it look like that.But to be honest, it is actually useless.In the end, the results were the same, although they were also blocked and wasted some time.

"How do we act, together or separately?"

"Let's go together, otherwise it would be too dangerous to be alone."

"Yes, then let's act together."

Hua Yueling thought about it and it was like this. If the two of them were together, they could still be taken care of. If they were alone, they would be attacked without knowing how they were attacked.

The two still moved together. They didn't search the lower floor, but went to the upper floor first according to the ghost's prompt. They were going to see the statues upstairs.One must see what is on the statue.

The two arrived at the destination quickly. After all, they had been to that room before, so they were still very familiar.After arriving at the destination, Hua Yueling and Abiasha observed but did not find Kamaya's figure before they walked into the room.

The statue looked like a great warrior, and the base underneath was also very ordinary. Hua Yueling and the others had observed it before, but they didn't find anything different.

"Well, it seems to be just an ordinary statue, and there is nothing special about it."

Hua Yueling muttered in a low voice, observing around the statue while observing, but it was hard to find anything for a while, which was very annoying.Turning around the statue, Hua Yueling basically found nothing. He also specially observed the face of the statue and found that it was actually similar to Kamaya's appearance.

"In other words, Kamaya must be born from here, but he didn't expect that he was born from the statue. Then what is its identity?"

Huayue Ling thought about it and couldn't think of it. What he wanted to say could be regarded as a soul born from the statue.However, Hua Yueling really didn't find out in the previous contact. He always felt that the other party was just an ordinary person, although the other party appeared strange when meeting with the other party.

"But thinking like this actually reminded us of his identity when we met, but we didn't think about it in that direction."

Hua Yueling said so, and Abiasha also thought his idea was good.In fact, they didn't think of it in the first place, but even if they thought of what they wanted to say, it was actually useless.

"Is there anything special about this statue?"

This is not only a question in Hua Yueling's mind, but also a question in Abiasha's hands, but it is really difficult for the two of them to find anything noteworthy through observation.Whatever the statue has to say is just an ordinary statue, and there is nothing else worth saying.

"What else did we not find?"

Hua Yueling didn't find anything after observing it for a while, which made him feel a little skeptical, can he really find the clues they want here?Think about it as if something is impossible. After all, there has been no discovery so far. Although there are still some places that have not been observed, there are not many places left.

"It feels like there is nothing particularly noteworthy about this statue."

Abiasha came to him and said softly to her.Hua Yueling also nodded, agreeing with her very much. Hua Yueling herself thought so too, and she couldn't find anything worth noting.

"Then what should I do, I didn't find it here, do I need to go to see elsewhere?"

Abiasha asked, Hua Yueling didn't know for a while, still thinking about what to do next.At present, there are no other clues other than here. If you go out and search everywhere and you don't have an accurate goal, you can only take one step at a time. In this case, it still depends on their luck.

And this time you need to be more cautious. Who knows if something happens this time, he can continue to start again. It depends on what Kamaya is thinking, but it is beyond their control.

"But is this really what the ghost said?"

Although Hua Yueling felt that the ghost shouldn't lie to them, she still maintained a skeptical attitude. After all, if Kamaya really sees them unpleasantly and wants to kill them, isn't it necessary to continue like this, and that's not a good thing for it itself.

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