The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1465 Existence Of Teleportation Array

Hua Yueling took the lead, and Abiasha followed him. The two of them walked forward slowly. They came to the door of the room where Kamaya had been resting before, and Hua Yueling’s ears were attached. Listening to the sound inside.

"There should be no one here, I opened the door to take a look, Abiasha, help me watch it."


Abiasha watched carefully behind him, Hua Yueling grabbed the doorknob and carefully twisted it down. With a "click", the door was pushed open, revealing a gap.

"No one?"

Hua Yueling used the gap to observe the situation inside, only to find that there was no one in it. The room was empty, and no one else could be found.Hua Yueling still feels a little strange, Kamaya is not here waiting for them, then where will he be?

There is no clear answer to this question for the time being, but Hua Yueling just thought about it, and didn't think more.

"I'll go in and have a look, Abiasha, you just need to be at the door, don't worry about going inside."

Abiasha nodded, knowing that Hua Yueling made such a choice to protect her, so she didn't have any comments.After agreeing, Hua Yueling entered the room, and Abiasha was observing the inside and outside of the room for him from behind.

There was still nothing in the passage, and the same in the room.Hua Yueling felt very strange now, it was really hard to say where Kamaya was, and it was a question of whether he even existed.

"But it's not just him, is the ghost still there now?"

This question is not easy to say, Hua Yueling can only guess, as for the answer to the guess, it is not easy to say.

The conditions in the room are somewhat strange.Hua Yueling had been to this room before, but that was a long time ago, at least something that happened long ago in this world.You know at that time only the ruins of this castle were left.

Now it looks like this, this newly rebuilt and decorated room makes him feel quite strange, and it has almost nothing in common with what he has seen before.

"It's gone, it's still gone."

An ancient carpet was spread on the ground, and the pattern on it was a flying red dragon spraying flames, which looked awe-inspiring.Hua Yueling likes this kind of western dragon, and feels very handsome.

But these are not the end points. Huayueling quickly took the carpet away, only to discover a strange thing. There was no magic circle on the ground.In fact, before this, Hua Yueling had guessed that this kind of situation would happen, but now that this kind of thing appeared in front of him still made him quite puzzled.

"It seems that there has been a change here, we can only see if there are any other clues."

Hua Yueling thought so, and searched everywhere. He still found some things in this room, including magic items that he had used before.

"Why is this magic item here?"

Hua Yueling wondered very strangely, why is this prop here? Logically speaking, it should be in the underground world, but now something impossible has happened.

"It used to be that this magic item was put into the underground world by him later, and not in the underground world at the beginning."

Only this kind of guess is the most likely, but Hua Yueling can't be sure whether this is the case.At least there are clues, although such clues cannot be said to be very useful.

"Could Kamaya still be here..."

Turning his head and glanced at the door, Abiatha was still there, observing the passage in the room from time to time.But he spends most of his time focusing on the outside.


Abiasha said in an unsurprising tone.Although it sounded like asking, it wasn't like that. She asked in a statement rather than an inquiring tone.

"No, it just disappeared."

Hua Yueling sighed and now she didn't know what to do, and lost the goal of action. They didn't know what to do for a while.

"This is what I just found."

Hua Yueling stretched out her hand to greet her to come in. Although Abiatha was a little worried at first, she finally walked in.Seeing the magic props in Hua Yueling's hand, her mouth grew wide.

"this is?!"

"Yes, the magic item found here is the one we used before."

"That means that the magic items we found there are not actually there?"

"Absolutely, there can be no other possibilities."

Hua Yueling said with certainty that there is only one possibility, there is no other possibility.

"What I want to say, I think that guy Kamaya did this kind of thing, there won't be anyone else except him."

"No matter how you think it is."

"Why would he do this? Does it still have anything to do with him?"

The answer to this question is at least currently unknown to both people, and there is no way to answer this question.Kamaya's identity is very strange, and the existence of spirits is also very strange. All this is very strange, and it is strange that they don't know what to say.

Hua Yueling searched here again, and Abiasha also helped him find it together, but they didn't find much, and the only thing worth noting was a notebook.

"This is?" The notebook held by Hua Yueling in his hand looks quite ordinary. The paper is rough and a bit old. You can feel it by rubbing it in his hand. "Whose notebook is this? What?"

Abiatha heard his words and leaned over, watching the notebook he was holding beside him, staring with wide-open eyes.

"I don't know who wrote the notes. I think I should be able to provide us with some information."

Hua Yueling whispered and opened the notebook.Just picking up a page and turning it over, it feels like the notebook is about to break. There is a feeling that it may become pieces at any time.

"Let's put it on the table and watch it."

Almost holding the notebook and put it on the table, Hua Yueling pulled out the chair, and Abiasha moved a chair nearby, and the two looked at the opened notebook on the table together.

The contents of the notebook are written in the first person. Some Huayuelings can’t understand some of the contents, and some can understand, but because there is no signature, they don’t know what to write this notebook. who is it.

"Interesting, it seems that the castle we are in is not such a simple place."

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