The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1467 Suspicious Statue

Hua Yueling saw the statue actually moved. To be honest, he was somewhat surprised at the beginning. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.It's strange to say, this statue didn't respond before, how could it suddenly move?

The statue has changed, but when they got up to observe, they did not respond. Are they afraid of being discovered by them?Logically speaking, it should not be like this. There is no need at all. This is the truth. If there is a feast between them, they should get up directly. Even if it is dodge, there is no use.

The two stood watching from a distance. After standing for a while, they still didn't notice the statue's tendency to continue to move.This made the two people somewhat puzzled, and they didn't understand what the statue was playing with.

"it's wired."

Hua Yueling asked Abiasha to help him pay attention to the movement of the statue close to the door. He believed that the changes of the statue would definitely not stop there, and there should be other changes.

"Please, Abiatha."

Hua Yueling walked over, squatted down to inspect the cracks on the ground, but found that the cracks also had some changes, which were bigger than before. Although this change is not particularly obvious, it can be seen. come out.Not only is there a change on the ground, the crack is just one of them, and there are also some small traces around the crack, which did not exist before. This is caused by the movement of the statue just now.

There were also some cracks on the two-handed sword. These cracks were not big, and I don't know how they appeared.

"Did someone attack it?"

Hua Yueling stroked the two-handed sword, and the two-handed sword suddenly moved and jabbed forward.


Hua Yueling had long been alert to the possible movements of the statue, but the statue suddenly attacked himself, which still surprised him, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough.The moment the sword tip of the two-handed sword pierced over, Hua Yueling forcefully rolled aside under her feet.

After avoiding it, Hua Yueling looked up again, and saw that the statue again maintained a motion that did not react at all, and the two-handed sword was stabbed out, but it was stalemate in the air, and there was no more. action.

"How is this going?"

This statue looks strange from this situation. It is a bit wrong to say that it is really self-aware and able to act. After all, if it is really like that, it is impossible for it to fail after just one attack.It stands to reason that he should continue to attack, rather than stop moving like he is now, but if someone controls it, it's not right, and it shouldn't be the way to stop.

"Abiasha, can you see anything?"

Hua Yueling turned around and asked Abiasha, and Abiasha shook her head. Although she could see clearly before attacking her, she really didn't have a clue as to why the statue moved.

There was obviously no sign before this, and suddenly the statue moved.I couldn't see why it moved, anyway he attacked for no reason.

"Be careful, I don't know what's going on, but it can move and attack."

"I know this, but this statue... The ghost also said that it has a lot to do with Kamaya. Maybe there is something to do with it."

"Don't worry about that much, let's take a look at the problem with this statue first."

A statue that can move and attack is obviously something incredible. Hua Yueling and the others have focused on this statue, and even ignored the others.

However, it seems that this is just an ordinary statue, regardless of the fact that it will move.

Staring at the statue, stroking the statue, the material of the statue is plaster, but it may be mixed with some other materials, but Hua Yueling doesn't know much about it.

"It's strange, it's just an ordinary statue from every aspect, but it can move."

"Why can I move?"

Neither Abiatha nor Hua Yueling could find out the real reason why it could move. This is a difficult question to answer.This statue does not have the characteristics of being able to move in any way, after all, it does not contain magic or other power.

It's incredible to be able to move when there is nothing, unless the statue in front of you has vitality.But no matter how Hua Yueling and the others went to investigate and understand, they couldn't be sure that the statue in front of them had life, it was impossible.

"Why does it act?"

This is also something that Hua Yueling and the others don't quite understand. If it is a sneak attack when others can't notice it, but its previous attacks were made directly under Abiatha's gaze.No matter how you think, this kind of guess is unlikely.

"It's strange that I don't know what to say."

Hua Yueling sighed and said.Right now the statue doesn’t move, but it looks more like it might attack at any time. Hua Yueling doesn’t dare to be too careless, let alone Abiatha. She is still farther away. In order to avoid being attacked by the statue suddenly, there is no way to react in time.

After walking two steps forward and getting closer, the statue swept over with the sword about the height of Huayueling.This time not only Huayueling, but Abiatha who was standing in the distance was also affected. The strong vigor swept across, Huayueling dodges and avoids, and Abiatha retreats back. After driving away, the speed of dodge is also very fast, not slower than Hua Yueling at all.

After the two men dodged the offensive of the statue, the statue became inactive again, staying there quietly, as if nothing had happened before.

"Otherwise, let's just destroy this statue."

Abiasha said that, this is also an idea, but Hua Yueling always feels not so good, and feels that she shouldn't do this.

"I don't want it anymore. I have a not-so-good premonition. We'd better not provoke this guy. Let's go. Go to the place where you originally planned to go, and don't waste time here."

Hua Yueling believed in her premonition very much. Although Abiatha was still a little dissatisfied, he also chose to believe in Hua Yueling's premonition, and did not continue to demand that the statue in front of him be destroyed.Whether this choice is right or not is still unknown, but Hua Yueling and the others still made this choice.

Turning to leave, Abiasha and Hua Yueling both turned to look at the statue when they left this place.

The statue quietly maintained its final waving.

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