Struggling hard, the body turned into many different appearances, and the long vine-like thing protruding from the body lashed and confined the cage, but let alone break it open, there was not even a trace. Stay.

After tossing for a long time, not only was there no fruit at all, but it had consumed a lot of strength, and the body had melted a lot.Compared to when it was caught in the first place, its power was weakened a lot. In the beginning, its power can't be said to be strong, but now it is even weaker.

Hei Mu stopped his movements and lay in the cage without moving.It can be seen that it is very tired and exhausted.

It didn't take long for Aroline to leave, but it was only a few minutes, and Livio returned with her.When the two came to the laboratory, Livello went to the table and looked at the black mud that was locked on the table.

"That's what you said."

Livello asked with a frown.

"Well, this is just one of them, and there are many more. I don't know when they were scattered on the earth. I think they should have a manager, but so far there is no more discovery."

"What are the abilities of these guys?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to experiment in a while."

"Also, I will try it with you."

Livello thought for a while, there was nothing to do on that side for the time being, and it was nothing to spend some time here.She didn't mean to reject Aroline, she promised to stay and help Aroline.

It is safer to experiment with two people. Although there is nothing to do with Aroline alone, there is still no two people who can get more.

After cleaning up for a while, Aroline and Livio began to experiment, mainly studying some of the characteristics and abilities possessed by the black mud. The final gain is naturally self-evident, and the harvest is great.

"If this kind of thing becomes a disaster, or if it is bigger, the threat is still great."

After studying, Aroline and Livio both had a heavy face.The power possessed by the black mud even made them feel scared. This kind of thing is really terrifying.

But the most terrifying thing is not its attack power or what it is, but its special ability to invade the bodies of other species.Moreover, this kind of invading ability is extremely strong, and it is difficult to compete.

Arolin and Livello hadn't tried it herself, it wasn't too dangerous for them, but it wasn't to the point where it needed to be tested.However, they tried to use some monsters, some of them were weaker, and some were stronger.

Without exception, these monsters can be eroded by the black mud, and after being eroded, the strength of these monsters has been greatly improved.It’s really unbelievable. One part of the method of power enhancement is that Black Mud directly uses its own power to force the growth of the monster’s body. This has a destructive effect on the monster’s body itself. The power contained in the mud is related.

In any case, although the black mud will increase in strength after erosion, even if the monster itself is directly destroyed, even if it can still act, it is no longer the monster itself.

They have also learned about the strength of monsters, and the result is still acceptable. With their strength, they can still deal with it easily, there is nothing to say.

The other thing to say is that since these monsters don't matter, there is nothing more than a stronger strength if you change to an ordinary person.But this will cause many people to fall into the state of monsters.

"It would be troublesome to do it in advance."

Aroline felt a little annoyed about this. Although it was not impossible to act now, it would obviously attract the attention of these black mud leaders.What they have to do is to destroy the leader of the black mud, instead of just destroying the black mud as it is now. This is obviously not enough.

But that's fine, they don't have to worry about it, at least Livio put this matter aside, although she also thinks that the characteristics of black mud are still very useful in some ways.

The black mud was taken out again, there is nothing wrong, even if it invaded other creatures, the black mud can still come out.The monsters will also recover some of them, but the overall situation is still greatly affected.

There is nothing wrong with the black mud itself, but it feels that the power is still weakened. Maybe it is because the power is left in the monster's body. Besides, I don't know what else is possible.

The situation is quite special, but now such monsters are all over this place, who knows what else will happen.These monsters appeared suddenly and were hidden in various places. For the time being, I don't know what purpose their leader has, but based on the information obtained so far, they should be used to control humans.

This is a troublesome thing. If these humans attack others at that time, I don't know how many unfortunate accidents will result.

"Why does this happen."

Livello didn't pay too much attention to the black mud, but said so at this time.Arolin was taken aback, and she didn't quite understand the meaning of Livio's words.But it didn't take long after that, and she soon figured out what Livello wanted to say.

"This is indeed a problem. It can't happen for no reason."

But why does the black mud suddenly appear and there are so many more, it is a certain planet, or the planet where these black mud originally inhabited is attacked, they can only escape?

I arrived here without knowing it. This is a great possibility, but Aroline still feels that this kind of reason is somewhat wrong.There should be other reasons.

Things like black mud can't be removed casually. In their opinion, this kind of thing is quite weak, but it is different for others.

Arolin and Livello sat down and thought for a while, while still observing Hei Mu's reaction. He lost the strength of their experiments, and just lay there motionless. , As if dead.

"But this is not necessarily a bad thing."

"It won't be easy to get rid of them," Livio interrupted her. "And it won't do us any good if it makes too much noise."

Aroline nodded, she naturally knew this, it was good for this kind of thing to be reduced within a certain range.This is true for both Huayueling and themselves.

Of course, in fact, it's fine even if the trouble is big.

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