The rest of the morning Hua Yueling spent leisurely with Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong. It was a very happy time, and Hua Yueling had fun with them.

It would be better if there hadn't been the attack that happened not long ago. Although Hua Yueling is having fun now, she is still a little uncomfortable.When I was playing, I was still thinking about what happened at that time, and the black mud figure was printed in its mind.

Hei you dashed over, hit the dwarf shield, and then controlled the dwarf shield.At that time, the terrible power made Hua Yueling feel a little terrible, even unable to contend, which is why he immediately released his hand and threw the Dwarf Shield out.

He probably has some understanding of the power of the black mud, but it can only be said that there are some, not all.Black mud can control things, it should not only be dead objects, but the creatures are also deliberate. The feeling that they have can not be faked. If they don't throw the Dwarf Shield in time, they should be in trouble.


The increase in the number of that kind of guys is also a big trouble, Hua Yueling doesn't want to run into that kind of guys anymore.But this is estimated to be impossible, or the possibility is too low.

"Anyway, we still need to understand more clearly, even if there are some things later, don't worry about it."

"A Ling, what's the matter, you have never responded."

"Oh, it's okay, I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted."

"Are you thinking about black mud?"

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both looked over with concern, and Hua Yueling hesitated and nodded.

"Well, I'm always worried, but it's okay, it's all over anyway, let's not talk about it for now."

Hua Yueling immediately wanted to turn this topic away, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong stared at him for a while, then looked at each other again, still did not ask, just let him think.

They were playing quietly, Hua Yueling and the others were very happy. They were still thinking about it before, but they forgot everything when they really played.

"Shall we cook a meal at noon?"

Looking at the time, it was half past ten, Lu Yuetong looked at Hua Yueling and asked.

"Cooking, um, let me do it, so I don't have to trouble you."

"Let's say it's not troublesome, let's go together. What are we going to do, let's go shopping for groceries later?"

"If there are vegetables, I don't know if there are any more in the refrigerator. I'll check them out. If they don't, I will buy them."

Since Lu Yuetong persisted like this, and there was the look of Mu Ningshuang next to him, Hua Yueling finally agreed to go shopping and cooking together.

After playing for a while, Hua Yueling went to the kitchen to take a look and opened the refrigerator. There were a lot of things in it, but there were almost none for cooking.

"You still have to buy it. Okay, let's go out if you go out. It's the same if you stay at home anyway. Go out and visit.


He closed the refrigerator door, turned and left the room, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were waiting for him outside.

"Have it?"

"Nothing, I still have to buy a trip. By the way, I have to call my sister and I won't have to buy more vegetables when I come back."

"Don't worry about this. Sister Yun hasn't got off work yet, let's talk about it later."

"I'm afraid I will forget it later."

"It's okay, we'll remember it for you."

The three of Hua Yueling and the others went out like this, and locked the door outside, they went all the way down the stairs to the downstairs.At this time, due to the relatively hot weather, there are no people outside at all, but the community is not at all quiet, and the noise of traffic and screaming is endless.

Even in this kind of weather, what should people do or what they should do, it is really hard to think about it, Hua Yueling and the others are already very happy.

I can stay at home in such hot weather in summer instead of having to do something every day, but there is not much leisure time like this.

The summer vacation is just beginning, but how many summer vacations are there in the future?

"Xiaoxue, do you understand that guy?"

In the process of walking outside the community, Huayueling did not forget to ask Xiaoxue's opinion.What kind of black mud Xiaoxue should have seen clearly in the previous battle, it is impossible to say that he didn't know what he was talking about.

"That guy," Xiaoxue's tone is somewhat embarrassing, it doesn't seem to be very clear, but it should be someone who knows a little bit. "I have seen some before, but it is not the same as the master encountered. This guy seems to have undergone some special change, which is strange."

"Really? What was it like before?"

"No, maybe the one I used to know is not the same species. It feels strange. Although it seems to be a bit similar to this guy, there are more differences."

"That means they should at least be related."

Hua Yueling analyzed it, but Xiaoxue didn't quite agree with this analysis.

"Perhaps, but at least it seems that there are more differences now. And the black mud that the master encountered also feels even more weird. It is hard to say that it has anything to do with the kind of guy I know."

The two chatted for a while, and Hua Yueling could be regarded as getting some information from Xiaoxue, but the information was temporarily useless.Probably only let him know something about the black mud, but what Xiaoxue said is really different, and it feels different from what they encountered.

But in any case, it is good to be able to learn some information, Hua Yueling can only tell herself that.

After chatting with Xiaoxue for a while, Hua Yueling took her attention back and returned to the road in front of her.They were almost at the vegetable market. On both sides of him, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were chatting very happily.

Hua Yueling listened to the topics they were talking about. The two of them seemed to be talking about topics that girls particularly liked, while Hua Yueling didn't have much interest.After listening for a while, she withdrew her attention, Hua Yueling was not very interested in it.


The three people walked for almost a quarter of an hour to reach the destination. When they arrived at the vegetable market, the three stood outside. You look at me and I see you, only to realize that these people have not yet decided what to do to eat.

"What shall we eat for lunch?"


For a moment to make Hua Yueling think so, he certainly couldn't think of anything, and shook his head, as if he didn't know what to eat.

"What do you want to eat."

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were also entangled with this, but after thinking for a while they stopped thinking about it, turned and walked inside.When they arrived at the vegetable market, they selected little by little.

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