After discussing with Sister Aroline at noon, Hua Yueling also got some information, but it was all useless information. Basically, after getting it, she knew a little bit more. If it is really useful, it still doesn't matter.

But the most useful is the method that Sister Alorin gave him to detect the location of the black mud. With this, at least the location of the black mud can be found.Otherwise, Hua Yueling would have nothing to do.

After eating lunch, there was not much time left for Arolin and Livello. There seemed to be other important things, but they didn't say anything, and Hua Yueling didn't ask.

After sending them away, Hua Yueling and the others returned to the living room, sat down and started chatting about black mud.

"How to do?"


When Lu Yuetong asked this question, Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang both leaned on the sofa and said nothing.Very troublesome problem, really troublesome, and can't think of any good solutions for the time being.

"I can only take a look at it at night."

"But even at night..."

"No problem. Let’s not talk about our speed and observation ability. In addition, I have the ability to be invisible. Let’s not talk about how much black mud is eliminated. At present, the most important thing is to understand what is behind the scenes and make these black mud. What did you want to do?"

"Well, what you want to say is indeed more important."

"Can you observe anything by doing this?"

"Who can know about this? I can only try it. Anyway, I have to find a way to get rid of the black mud. Whether I can get the information or not, it's a bit of progress."

Hua Yueling shrugged and said, there is only one thing to do at present, try to eliminate the black mud and try to collect information.If it's a human, you might be able to get some information out, but the black mud species cannot speak or understand the other's thoughts. It is really difficult to collect information from the black mud.

For the time being, I don’t know enough, and Hua Yueling has nothing to do. I can only check it out when I act. Maybe there will be other discoveries.Hua Yueling didn't know it yet, so she could only take one step and look one step at a time.

One day passed quickly. After her sister got up and went to work at noon, Hua Yueling also lay in bed and slept for a while.Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong are not very sleepy, they look quite energetic.

"Are you okay, the two of us won't disturb you sleeping here."

"It's okay, just play here, it won't affect."

Hua Yueling shook her head and said, pointing to the computer before lying down on the bed.I also took a look at the electric fan. It’s too hot in summer. It’s just a fan. The effect is still a bit worse. It’s better to turn on the air conditioner, but Hua Yueling still doesn’t turn on. If you stay in a cool room for too long It is estimated that he will not want to go out until the evening.

After sleeping for a while, he could still hear Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong's lowered conversation when he got up.The two voices were not loud, but Hua Yueling could hear clearly, and couldn't be clearer anymore.


After a long yawn, Hua Yueling sat up, looked at them, and saw them playing very happily.But instead of playing the game in the morning, I changed to a new game.

"What time is it?"

After asking casually, he heard Mu Ningshuang reply.

"It's half past three, I didn't expect you to sleep for a long time, but I thought you have to sleep for a while."

Lu Yuetong said so, turned his head and glanced at him, and then continued to play.

"Wake up, do you want to play with Ningshuang?"

He asked him this way with a smile, hearing her tone a little ridiculous.Hua Yueling smiled bitterly, shook his head and said.

"Let's talk about it later, I'm still a little sleepy here, so I have to rest for a while."

After yawning again, Hua Yueling lay down again.Speaking of it, I am up, but I still feel sleepy. I need to rest for a while, and I don't need to continue to sleep, just lie down for a while.

Mu Ningshuang put down the handle and looked at him. She stared at his face with big eyes and didn't know what she was staring at. She was embarrassed to stare at Hua Yueling and she hadn't taken her gaze back.

"Still sleepy?"

"It's okay, after all, I just woke up, the weather is so hot again, just lie down for a while."

Hua Yueling hurriedly waved her hands and said.Although it has been a long time to get along with Mu Ningshuang, it is still quite difficult for him to bear Mu Ningshuang's gaze like this.

"Then you can lie down for a while."

It seemed that Mu Ningshuang was looking forward to playing games with him, but didn't the two of them have played together in the morning.Thinking of this, Liu Chenxu added another sentence, "It will be fine in a while."


After lying on the bed for a while, Hua Yueling got up and walked behind Mu Ningshuang and the others.

"That's right, I just have time. I'll talk about what to do at night, right?"

"No, play a game, I'll talk about it later."

Unexpectedly, Mu Ningshuang was extremely opposed, and shook his head vigorously.The look of those sharp eyes kept Lu Yuetong who had made the proposal retreated, and finally had to bow his head to show that he was wrong.

"Well, just listen to Ningshuang, let's talk about it later."

Lu Yuetong shrugged, she covered her mouth and smiled "hehehe", looking quite happy.

"Then come and play."

Hua Yueling said that he changed positions with Lu Yuetong and became him playing with Mu Ningshuang. Originally, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong are still somewhat distant, but between Hua Yueling and Lu Yue After Tong changed positions, Mu Ningshuang took the initiative to move a little closer to him.

"Hei Mu feels strange to me."

Almost an hour later, Lu Yuetong, who was lying on the next bed, said suddenly, Mu Ningshuang might be quite content, so this time she didn't threaten her with murderous eyes.

"Black mud, how do I say it, I also find it very strange. It suddenly appears here, it feels like it was made by hand. And it's still mass production."


Mu Ningshuang felt the same way, and responded to Hua Yueling's words.But after her voice fell, Lu Yuetong glanced at her, her eyes filled with inexplicable emotions.

"This is true, but what I want to say about our actions at night is not yet discussed. If you act alone, A Ling will naturally be invisible, but it won't work if we are together. "

"Um...I haven't thought about this, then I can only act on my own."

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