The blasting sound of magic has been sounding, this is caused by Mu Ningshuang's attack.Her attacks are still quite powerful, not only in power, but also in the range that can be affected. Every attack can eliminate a lot of black mist.

The black fog has actually dispersed a lot, but the amount of black fog that can be seen is still unclear.Looking around, gradually, although a lot of it has been wiped out, the black fog is on the contrary more and more, and there is no tendency to decrease at all.As with every previous observation, the results obtained have hardly changed.

Mu Ningshuang also had some headaches, even if her magic power was filled, she would feel uncomfortable in this situation now.Aiming at the black fog that is gradually approaching in the distance, but after eliminating some of it, he has to change direction and aim at another direction to continue attacking the past.

Fireballs can't illuminate the black mist in front of them, but Mu Ningshuang not only uses fireballs, but sometimes also uses ice cones to attack, but ice cones cannot freeze the black mist.I don't know what's going on, anyway, the black mist will not be affected, as if not afraid of ice magic.

I don't know why, but no matter how you think about it, black mist cannot have anything to do with magic.But no matter what, as long as you can continue to eliminate the black fog, the rest will be left behind, and there is no time to worry about these.

Hua Yueling walked forward step by step, and every step he took, he had to wave several two-handed swords to ensure that the black mist did not gather up, but this was obviously not enough, but at least he could keep moving forward.

"There are still some, you must use more strength."

Hua Yueling panted quickly, thinking a little anxiously in her heart, and the power of waving her two-handed sword became even greater.

There was more and more destruction, but there was also a feeling that it was difficult to move an inch. Every step seemed to drag him. There was a feeling of burden dragging him behind, making it difficult for him to move forward.

In fact, this is just a feeling, or the black mist floating in front of him is affecting his progress.It's not that you can do your best in a short while, you have to make a little progress.

"I'm about to rush over, just work harder!"

Hua Yueling reminded herself that the two-handed sword swept across, but the black mist in front of her still had not dissipated, and she needed to continue to attack.Wielding a large sword with both hands and slashing it vertically, this time it caused some damage, some black mist drifted away, and a blank area appeared in front of him to move.

The rhythm of the attack could not be chaotic, Mu Ningshuang and the others also followed behind, but there was still no way to get in now.Hua Yueling relied on his exploration skills to understand the situation, and found that he was almost halfway there, but the main thing was that there were too many monsters accumulated, which made him have no choice, and sighed helplessly.

"How far is it?" Hua Yun, who was not far from him, also became a little impatient, but she didn't show it, but asked like this.

"I don't know, but there should be a paragraph, not long, not long."

Hua Yueling replied.Progress is not without, but it is very slow, Hua Yueling also hopes to go faster, but this is beyond his control.The attack power and speed have reached the maximum level, but this is still not enough.

Still need to work hard, uninterrupted efforts.Hua Yueling's footsteps have never stopped, but this is still not enough.

After going through a hard battle, although it was actually just a unilateral attack on this aspect, it was still exhausting.Hua Yueling finally broke through a path that could be entered. At the moment when this path appeared, Hua Yueling did not immediately rush in, but instead told her sister Hua Yun to be the most advanced.

"Sister Yun, go in quickly and rush in directly!"


Since the younger brother said so, Hua Yun didn't say anything, but rushed in directly according to what the younger brother said.Then Hua Yueling spoke loudly to Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong who followed behind him, and asked them to rush in.

"Ningshuang, Yuetong, come here soon. If you don't get in quickly, it will be closed again in a while!"


The four people rushed in together, and soon after the last person, Hua Yueling, rushed in, they saw the entrance of the community again being occupied by the black fog.No one knows where the black fog comes from. It's strange. Anyway, it gathers so fast, and even with the use of exploration skills, there is still no way to understand its ins and outs.

Hua Yueling was also a little helpless, he really wanted to know why this happened, but he had no useful way.The exploration skills can detect what the black mud is, but it cannot detect how the black mud at the entrance came from.

The community is about to be occupied by the black mud, and Hua Yueling and the others have no good way. They still can't do much. The only thing they can do is to go home. They need to go back and cannot stay here.

Several people returned to the small building where Huayueling's house was located. Huayueling closed the door of the small building and pressed his body against the door, sighing helplessly.

I finally came back, and the work of this trip was not wasted.Although they didn't do anything, and couldn't learn more, they still eliminated a lot of black mud this time.

"What shall we do?"

If she keeps on doing this, Hua Yun will naturally not have to go to work, but she doesn't want this. This situation continues but she doesn't know what else will happen.

"I don't know, I don't have any clues at the moment. If Sister Aroline is here, I might be able to get some useful information from her, otherwise I will have to set off soon."

"Go back and eat something. There should be food in the refrigerator. Let's go after eating."

Aroline doesn't know where it is now, or she will go out to look for her later, if she doesn't come yet.This is also a method, but you can also act directly according to your own ideas and move forward with your own judgment.

Several people returned home. They found Aroline in the living room, and saw Aroline sitting on the sofa in the living room eating snacks.It seems to be quite laid-back, just like usual, no changes can be seen.

"Sister Aroline!"

"You guys are back, how are you? The situation outside is quite interesting."

"It's not interesting at all."

"Well, I can't say that. Although it is a little troublesome to come and go, it is not like I have never experienced it. It is also very interesting to feel this special power."

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