The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1502 Black Mist Disperses

" still have to look for clues, it's just a matter of how to find it."

Hua Yueling glanced at the others, but none of them had any good ideas.Not much is known at present, even if you know that there may be key clues hidden behind the black fog, it is almost impossible to find so many places to find.

"If you don't take a break, go out and have a look."

After sitting for a while, Hua Yun said.She sat up, took a sip of her drink, turned her head and glanced out of the dark window, to see if she did not need to go to work anymore.

"But should I go and see?"

"Well, sister Yun, what did you say?"

"I'm thinking about whether to go to work, but judging from the situation we are out, it should be unnecessary."

"It's not necessary. Even if you lose it now, you shouldn't be able to see anyone. After all, this is the case, and no one else is awake except us."

Hua Yueling shook her head and said, through the exploration skills, we can also understand the current situation in this building. There is basically no one moving in the building, except for them.

People in other places are still in a coma and unconscious state, but there is no black mud in the building, and they don't know how to do it.Obviously there was no intrusion, so he knocked all the people down here.

And the most important thing is that I don't really know what the purpose of the black mud is. If the purpose is human, there is no other action so far.

"Starting to act."

Aroline shocked all of them with a word, and all stood up and looked out the window. There was no change in the darkness outside the window, no change.However, Hua Yueling could feel the movements of the black mist, they were moving, spreading in all directions, as if they wanted to invade these building facades instead of just staying outside.

"what happened?"

Just when Hua Yueling was thinking about it, she saw that black fog had appeared by the window, and the black fog had turned into black mud again, and it stuck directly on the window, and the overwhelming sound of the window glass could be heard. .

"Kill it quickly!"

Not just one, but several of them all regard this as a goal.Hua Yueling rushed over and pushed the window open. The black mud fell from the glass, stuck to the wall, and was still wriggling upward.

Soon the black mud moved to the top of the window frame, and Hua Yueling was still standing there at this time.Seeing a figure of black mud came out, he directly stabbed it with the hidden dragon blade. This may have stabbed the vital part of the black mud, and the black mud was killed and dissipated in front of his eyes.

But this is not over yet, there is still black mud invading behind, but each one is wiped out by Hua Yueling, and they will not be allowed to enter the room.

"Anything else..."

Just when Huayueling was about to wipe out all the remaining black mud, there was a black mist floating here in the distance, and the speed was still very fast.If this goes on, it will soon fall into a kind of cycle, but Hua Yueling doesn't want to let them come just like this. If they invade the room, there will be no way to stay here, but obviously it can't be delayed here forever. , In that case, it would be endless.

"That won't work."

Hua Yueling frowned. If there is a way to set some trap here, it will be destroyed as soon as the black mud approaches.But Hua Yueling didn't have the knowledge in this area, so he couldn't do it, so he could only see if other people could do it.

"Set up magic enchantment."

"Can you?" Before Hua Yueling asked, he heard Mu Ningshuang say actively. It seemed that everyone was thinking of a way when he acted.

"What will happen if they are controlled by the black mud, will mom and dad be in danger?"

"You don't have to worry about this. Sister, I will help protect them. Xiaoyueling, you only need to find a way to find the man behind the scenes and defeat it."

Aroline said suddenly at this time, and immediately accepted the task.Then they disappeared without waiting for them to say anything.

"Sister Aroline is really anxious, but then there is no need to worry."

After that, Hua Yueling continued to block the black mud from the window, while Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun helped Mu Ningshuang prepare the magic array for defense.However, the only area that the magic array can protect is Huayue Ling's family. The larger the area involved, the more magic power is needed, and the magic power that Mu Ningshuang currently possesses cannot take into account too much.

"about there."

The Philosopher’s Stone was placed in several corners of the magic circle, so that even if she didn’t continue to input magic power, it could still support it for a while.One day may not be there, but more than half a day is not a problem.

"See how it works."

Hua Yueling stepped back a few steps and didn't care about the black mud moving inside, but it could be seen that the magic circle had indeed worked.As long as the black mud wants to move inside through the window, it will be attacked and destroyed by a magical force. Although the black mud itself has peculiar characteristics, there is still no way to prevent this magical attack.

I don't know if magic power also possesses special characteristics, or it is due to the characteristics of magic circle blessing.Anyway, Hua Yueling didn't know much about this, but he didn't have to understand too clearly, anyway, swimming in the magic circle was just fine, and there was no need to think about other things.

Hua Yueling glanced at the window again, and after confirming that there was no problem, she left here with Mu Ningshuang and the others.For the time being, there is no need to worry at home anymore, but what to do after going out is the most difficult and most need to think about. Up to now Hua Yueling hasn't thought of what to do.

"But if you move away, the outside will be much clearer, and it seems that it will be easier to find it."

The outside scenery was really similar to what Hua Yueling had imagined, and it was better than he had imagined.The black mist had dispersed a lot, but there were still some floating in the air, Hua Yueling looked into the distance.The remaining black mist continued to move towards them, but after the black mist moved, Hua Yueling still did not find anyone else.

"Aren't you here?"

Hua Yueling didn't see anything worth noting, nor did she see anything hidden behind the black fog.Turning his head and looking aside, there is nothing worth noting in the distance.

"It doesn't look like it's here, you have to look elsewhere."

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