"Nor here!"

In the distance, Lu Yuetong's voice came into her ears, Hua Yueling frowned and looked in another direction.But I haven't heard any sound there yet, looking in one direction, I can hear footsteps coming, and they are still messy footsteps.

"No way."

"I also have a lot of people here. Really, where do these people come from? They are all controlled by the black mud, otherwise it wouldn't be the case. It's fine now. It was troublesome to act before. Now that so many people are being chased and intercepted, there is nowhere to go."

Hua Yueling sighed and looked at the situation behind her. Those who were chasing and blocking her didn't say sprinting or running, but even that was terrifying enough.They have absolutely no way, nor can they say to attack these people, otherwise, with human physique, there is no way to withstand their attacks.

Maybe just one attack would kill them, this kind of thing Hua Yueling and the others couldn't do it.

"We can only see if Sister Yun can leave."

All three directions were blocked, and there was no way to go. There was still no response from Hua Yun, but Hua Yueling didn't hold much hope.

Several people reunited, and then they headed to where Hua Yun was.But before they moved their feet, they heard the sound of footsteps and rapid gasps.Hua Yun ran back.

"Sister Yun, isn't it okay over there?"

"No, what about your side?"

"Nor, no matter where it is, it's crowded with people. It's impossible to get out."

"Then you can only go from above."


Hua Yueling and the others can be regarded as masters. Flying over the wall is naturally not a problem. At this moment, no matter which side is blocked, it seems that there is no place to go. There is only the only way left.

"Go from above, go from here, can't wait here any longer."

Hua Yueling sighed and said helplessly.Originally it was just black mist chasing and intercepting, but now there are so many people, there is no way for them.It's troublesome to avoid the black fog tracking, but now they have to keep avoiding those people, the controlled people can't attack, which makes them really uncomfortable.

"Ningshuang, get rid of the black mist over there, let's just rush over there like this."

Hua Yueling pointed to a direction that is easier to break through and said to Mu Ningshuang.Mu Ningshuang nodded, the magic wand pointed at the black mist in the distance, and the fireball rushed to the black mist, sending out a strong explosion.

Everything blocking the road was wiped out instantly, clearing the way for them.Hua Yueling and the others quickly jumped to the roof, and just escaped directly from the chase and interception.

Several people jumped onto the roof, and then rushed along the roof in a direction where there was no dark fog.The black mist here was basically wiped out by Mu Ningshuang's magic, and even if there was some leftovers, she continued to wipe them out, basically there was nothing left, and it didn't affect their actions.

After running for a certain distance, Hua Yueling stopped in a place with less black fog.Turning his head to observe the surroundings, he hadn't seen anything worth noting. There were people everywhere, and the traffic was very scary.In fact, the most terrifying thing is that those people cannot attack at all.

"No, there are too many people, they can't attack but can only avoid, it's too difficult."

This means that they can only pass from above and cannot move from other places.Now there is no way to jump down, as long as you jump down, you will be surrounded, there is no way.

"It's really troublesome to not be able to attack or fight. It is uncomfortable to not be able to use it after using the power."

Hua Yueling sighed and waved his arms. He wanted to find the black hand behind the scenes as soon as possible and then solve the opponent.The black fog alone is scary enough, there are still so many people.

Being besieged and intercepted was uncomfortable, but the most important thing was that there was no other way. Hua Yueling and the others kept running all the way, basically never stopped.But I didn't find what I was looking for.

"Xiao Ling, do you think that guy would hide in these people?"

Huayue Ling was stunned by the question of Hua Yun. To be honest, he hadn't really thought about this possibility.But this possibility still exists.

"Maybe you can check it out."

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling activated her exploration skills.However, due to the large number of people here, it takes a lot of time to find out, and now Huayueling lacks time most.There is no way to stay in one place for too long, he needs to buy more time.

"Fortunately, these people can't get up there, otherwise we really have no place to hide."

Several people are quite helpless, who would have thought that things would turn out to be like this, it is really incredible.Those black mud invaded and controlled people, and strengthened them, and then frantically attacked those who were not controlled.

Why is this, what are they thinking?

The most important thing is what is behind the scenes thinking, why do you want to do it.It was really uncomfortable. Huayueling thought helplessly. He didn't understand the other party's thoughts and didn't want to understand it for the time being. He just wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise there would be no way to rest even if he returned home.What's more, there is no way to rest now.

Hua Yueling frowned after searching for a circle with the Exploration Skill, and there was no noticeable figure nearby.It doesn't seem to be near here, and needs to go elsewhere.

Although it can be found in this way, it obviously takes a lot of time, not to mention that various places don’t know how much time it may take, and it’s all around the world, not just in their small area.

Of course, since Sister Yun said that Sister Alorin thought that the man behind the scenes was hidden here, the scope of the search was naturally narrowed.Even so, there is still no way, I don't know how much time it will take.

With a sigh, Hua Yueling has no way at all, so she can only move continuously like this, looking for different places, to explore those people in various places, looking for different figures.

It's a pity that it took a lot of time, but Hua Yueling didn't get anything, which made him somewhat disappointed.There is no better way, I can only find it a little bit like this.

However, it was not without pleasant things along the way, they wiped out a lot of black fog and made the environment much more refreshed.

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