Hua Yueling and the others made a circle and returned to the entrance of the community. This circle cannot be said to be a waste of time.There is still some progress.

"It should be nothing wrong to enter from here."

When she returned here, Hua Yueling had no more lost thoughts, and directly attacked.Before the others reacted, he had already made an attack, which surprised Hua Yun and the others, and they really didn't see Hua Yueling in such anxious appearance.

The two-handed sword slashed heavily, and the black mist in front of him was easily cut away.Compared with the black mist's blocking before, this is the reason why Hua Yueling and the others suspected.

I don’t understand what the black man thinks behind the scenes. If Hua Yueling is not strong enough, I don’t believe it anyway. Black mud can still be controlled. The defense that can be made by using black mud is better than the current one. I don't know how strong it is.But it didn't do that. I don't know why, which is strange.The black mist at the entrance of the community dissipated, and Hua Yueling led the charge toward the inside.

The exploration skills are a little messy, even if it is up to level 7, there is still no way to explore this place easily.The black fog that blocked the place disrupted his investigation, making him unable to immediately discover where the black hand was behind the scenes.

"Not here."

Hua Yueling spoke in a low voice, speeding up her pace and rushing inside.Although the Hua Yun people who were catching up behind him told him to slow down and not to rush too fast to avoid separation, Hua Yueling didn't know what was wrong and didn't listen.

There is some distance between the front and rear, but fortunately, this distance is not too far, as long as it takes a little effort to easily catch up.But even so Huayun they are still a little worried, chasing his figure non-stop, trying to catch up with him, but Hua Yueling speed is too fast, and there is no slowing down, it looks like they are aiming for a The target attack is the same as in the past.

There is no such goal, no one else is here.

Hua Yueling didn't mean to stop, he just rushed forward without a goal.Others don't know if he has a goal, but looking at him, he seems to have found something, and is rushing in that direction.

Regardless of whether they have a goal or not, Hua Yun and the others must catch up, and they can't let him go out alone. That would be too dangerous.

Not long after Hua Yueling ran forward, a black mud-like substance suddenly appeared on the ground, and that kind of thing spread up to attack Hua Yueling.But this attack did not work, Hua Yueling dodged and rushed forward.

He didn't even care about the black mud on the ground, just as if it didn't exist, Hua Yueling continued to sprint like this.

In the back, Hua Yun and the others are also going to go around. After all, Hua Yueling has passed, and they can't waste time here.But the black mud that appeared on the ground didn't care about this, but directly emerged and turned into a black long sword and swept over.

The pitch-black water drops dripped on the ground, and the ground was eroded and turned black.

"No, you can't waste time here, you must go as soon as possible!"

Hua Yun spoke aloud, preparing to rush past, but this approach was not successful, her dark two-handed sword blocked his way, making her unable to rush past.

Having to stop, Hua Yun didn't want to be hit by a two-handed sword.The damage that may be caused is second, mainly because the characteristics of black mud make them feel suffocated.

None of the few people had a way to pass, and they were all intercepted by this attack.But if a group of people are separated here, it is a bit dangerous.

"Xiaoshuang, please!"

The magic wand in Mu Ningshuang's hand was waving, and the fireball flew out under her control, hitting the black matter not far away, this attack could be described as an outstanding effect.The effect was self-evident. The black matter was turned into ashes in the burst of the fireball, and the ashes disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The damage caused by magic is still quite enough, quite effective, and the black matter is particularly afraid of magic if it doesn't know what is going on.Although Huayueling's attacks were also effective, they were still a lot worse than magic damage.

However, Hua Yueling has disappeared in such a short period of time, but fortunately, she can still feel some aura at this time, but it will not prevent them from finding Hua Yueling.

Feeling the breath, Hua Yun and the others rushed forward and turned a corner. They could clearly feel the existence of Huayueling, but they could not see Huayueling's figure.I don't know where he went.

"Not here."

Hua Yun looked around for a week, her breath was nearby, disturbed by the thick black fog that "protected" the community.This made them unable to perceive Hua Yueling's breath well, so close, but they still couldn't see him.

What is even more strange is that now I can't hear any sound, as if no one is there, Huayue Ling Mingming rushed out with a large sword in both hands, but never heard the sound of fighting.

"It doesn't seem like a fight, is this to separate us?"

If you want to find people as soon as possible, you must act separately, but it is quite dangerous to act separately.The strength of the enemy here is still unclear, and it would be quite unfavorable for them to rashly separate.


Just when Hua Yun and the others had no way to find Hua Yueling's figure, Mu Ningshuang suddenly pointed in one direction and said.She usually doesn't speak much, but she is so reliable at such an important time.

Hua Yun didn't ask much, so she ran over. She didn't run long before she found Hua Yueling's figure.But what was strange was that Hua Yueling stopped and did not move on, but no other enemies were seen beside him.

"Xiao Ling!"

Hua Yun called his name and rushed over, Hua Yueling turned her mind, looked at her, and her godless eyes also had some expression.

"Xiao Ling, what's the matter with you?!"

"No, it's okay, I don't know what's wrong, when I get here..."

Hua Yueling covered her head with one hand, shook her head vigorously, and said with some vague words.I don't know what's going on with him, Hua Yun looked at her younger brother caringly, and went forward to grab his arm and hug him.

Hua Yueling fell into her sister's arms like this, as if she had no strength.This made Hua Yun very worried, but she had no choice but to look at her sister so worried.

"Are you ok?"

"No, nothing."

She shook her head again. Although she said so, Hua Yueling was still very weak and couldn't even move.

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