Yinlong's blade stabbed straight in the past, this force was full of strength, but it could not hit the opponent, Hua Yueling's attack still failed to hit in the end.But his luck is also very good.The other party originally wanted some kind of power, but was discovered by Hua Yueling in advance and avoided.

It was a very strange ability. A black thread stretched out from the opponent's body and wanted to use this kind of thing to control him, but fortunately, he reacted fast enough and was not hit by the opponent.

"It's very risky. I really don't know what will happen if I get hit."

Hua Yueling sighed, and after avoiding it, the opponent's figure flashed and rushed towards this side.Huayueling narrowed her eyes to watch the opponent's movements, waiting for a response.

He is not in a hurry, no matter which side makes the first move, he is the one behind.And the opponent's strength is weaker than he thought.

Although it is the leader who controls the black mud, its strength is not much stronger than that of the black mud, but it has a more weird ability, which Hua Yueling has never seen before.

"You have to think of a way!"

Hua Yueling frowned and thought, if the other party used that method to sneak attack again, even if he knew what it would do, he would still be a little overwhelmed.If you want to be on guard, you must always be on guard, but Hua Yueling is worried about other attack methods it may have, and this is the most worrying place.

The attacking tactics of the black hand behind the scenes feel that it is best not to be hit. If it is hit, it is really troublesome. Although it is not clear what will happen, it is definitely not a good thing.

Hua Yueling stared at the opponent's figure, observing the opponent's attack, using only his own hand without a weapon, as if that hand was a weapon.It was like a stabbing sword continuously stabbing over, turning into a series of afterimage attacks, Hua Yueling dodged constantly without rushing to attack.

The continuous stabs were fast, but they weren't yet to the point where they could really threaten Hua Yueling, worrying and frightening him.Dodging from left to right with a relaxed posture, Hua Yueling's figure showed afterimages, and all the attacks from the phantom stabbed on the phantom afterimage, and it failed to hit him at all.

The current situation is nothing more than a preparatory activity for Hua Yueling, but even this kind of preparatory activity has already made Void feel uncomfortable.It is very difficult to hit Huayueling, it is extremely difficult, but it has other ways, it won't just pass by!

Hua Yueling has been observing its appearance all the time, but since the opponent is a translucent appearance of a phantom, there is no way to see her face, let alone see what it is thinking.It is impossible to judge its thoughts by observing its face, although Hua Yueling wanted to do so.

There is only one way to roughly understand the opponent's next actions, and that is to carefully observe the opponent's actions and not relax for a minute.

Hua Yueling dodged continuously, still unable to see the other party making any other actions, but Hua Yueling knew very well in her heart that not doing so did not mean that the other party would not do it.You can't be too anxious, you can't make a rash move, or you will fall into the other party's trap.

Hua Yueling was still waiting to seduce the opponent to take action, but the opponent was also very cautious. A series of attacks did not hit Hua Yueling, still did not change his strategy, still adopted a continuous offensive posture, without any. Variety.

Gradually, Hua Yueling became a little impatient. Continuous attacks were not impossible, but it was a bit too annoying now.But he can't attack casually, otherwise, he will probably not be able to react at the time. This is not what Hua Yueling hopes. He hopes that he can always control the situation in front of him, instead of being led by the nose.

"Since I can't attack for the time being, I can only give this task to Ningshuang and the others."

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling paid attention to where Mu Ningshuang and the others were. The position she was standing now just blocked their sight, so even if they wanted to help, there was nothing to do, and there were behind the scenes. The other enemies that had been brought out somehow also delayed Mu Ningshuang and the others' actions.However, this is not a big problem for Hua Yueling. After confirming that there is no threat there, she immediately stepped to the side to hide, directly exposing the black hands in front of her, so that if Mu Ningshuang and the others could free their hands If you come, you can attack it for yourself.

There is no need for Hua Yueling to say, Mu Ningshuang and the others already understood his thoughts when they saw his movements.Naturally, they wouldn't let him down. Just when the black hand was chasing Hua Yueling behind the scenes, Mu Ningshuang's hand was suspended with several ice cones exuding cold air, and the ice cones flew out under her control.


Hearing the sound, the black hand behind the scenes in the distance turned his head subconsciously. When he saw the ice cones, the figure flashed, and the illusory figure disappeared.I don't know how it did it, anyway, the figure disappeared in a blink of an eye, and it didn't look like it had come out.


Hua Yueling also didn't expect the other party to have such a trick, but even more unexpectedly it was revealed by such an attack by Mu Ningshuang. This seems a bit unworthy, and I don't know what the other party thinks. .

But it was a good thing for him anyway, so he was very happy.There was hardly any sound, a figure appeared behind Hua Yueling, his hand turned into a sharp blade and stabbed out, but Hua Yueling had been prepared for it, and when the black hand disappeared behind the scenes, he knew that the other party would definitely find other methods. Come to attack yourself, as expected.

This method of sneak attack is naturally effective if used well, but it is not worth mentioning if it is discovered in advance.However, although Hua Yueling said that he had discovered the opponent's actions a long time ago, he still did not counterattack. He still dodges. He is still afraid of the opponent's ability. That kind of power is not something that he can easily dodge. , Especially in the case of close range, so Hua Yueling has no real intention of doing anything for the time being when the other party does not make any extra moves.

Although Hua Yueling was reluctant to dodge in this way, she still had to do so in this situation.

"Sister Yun, Ningshuang, be careful, this guy is so fascinating, don't be attacked by him!"

Hua Yueling was worried that her companions would be attacked by it, so she reminded her in advance that she could not say that she had entangled the other party.

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