The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1516 Counterattack

The two-handed sword swept across the body of the phantom heavily, but the phantom was not cut in half, nor was it knocked into the air as Huayueling expected, but caught it easily, without even being injured. Signs.Hua Yueling's attack was inevitable, but she never thought it would be broken so easily.

The situation was a little unexpected, Xu Ying directly hugged the sword body of the two-handed sword with both hands, and thus easily blocked his attack..

At this moment, when Hua Yueling was about to withdraw, she saw that the phantom had changed again, and her whole body disappeared, as if it was integrated into the two-handed sword.

Huayueling's brows couldn't help but frowned. Is this a trick similar to the black mud?No matter what kind of tactics, weapons can't be given to the opponent in this way. He also gathers strength to inject his two-handed swords to compete with the opponent. He doesn't think he will lose to the opponent.

The two sides started a tug of war, and the situation was even worse than Hua Yueling thought.He never thought that the opponent's power would be so strong, even if it was such a confrontation, Hua Yueling could not be said to have the upper hand.

However, Hua Yueling is the master of the two-handed sword after all, so he is still in the upper hand.However, the phantom still has a brilliant trick. I saw its figure disappeared from the front for unknown time, and its power was also weakened.Hua Yueling knew very well that the situation was not so good, so he immediately took action, instantly strengthened his strength and broke the opponent's intrusive force, and then took advantage of the trend and continued to sweep out with his two-handed sword.

No matter which direction the opponent is attacking from, Hua Yueling believes that this one is enough to injure the opponent.Hua Yueling's approach was correct, and Xu Ying didn't expect him to do this, so when he attacked, he didn't react at all. When he was swept away by the two-handed sword, he didn't have any strength to fight back. .

Hua Yueling turned to face the opponent, and saw that although the phantom was swept away, there were many black soft whip-like things extending from her body, entangled and wrapped around Hua Yueling's two-handed sword , Stuck to it, moving left and right with Hua Yueling's attack.

Not only that, the phantom even took advantage of this opportunity to move towards Hua Yueling, using something like a soft whip to forcefully eject forward.In this situation, if others want to attack it, they must be careful not to hit Huayueling, and it is very difficult for Huayueling to attack it.

This was also what Hua Yueling was worried about before, but he didn't expect that the other party would do it. This is still quite unfavorable for him.Huayueling is a little confused at the moment, not knowing what to do. This situation is really annoying. If he used the hidden dragon blade to attack, it would be fine, but he was worried that the other party had other means, so he didn’t Willing to confront each other at close range.

"By the way, the two-handed sword can be stored in the item space. What if I just take it back like this?"

I don't know what the consequences will be, but Hua Yueling feels that she can give it a try.Maybe the effect will not be very good, but I will also break free of the opponent's restrictions.

Hua Yueling thought so, and immediately put away the two-handed sword.The phantom that was originally attached to the two-handed sword now has no room for attachment. The figure that was still in mid-air just fell down like this, and the attacking movement suddenly stopped. There was no way to give up the attack.

The ghost fell to the ground, and Hua Yueling took out the two-handed sword again and slashed it over, but this method of attack was still useless.Seeing that the phantom was attached to the two-handed sword from the side in this way, Hua Yueling's attack was still ineffective.

Hua Yueling couldn't help frowning. There was still no way for her to attack like this. The phantom's ability was also annoying enough, if she could find a way to directly seal it or make it impossible to use this method.

But Hua Yueling couldn't think of any good way to seal it.This kind of trick is actually very simple to say, as long as it finds a way to make it unable to attach to it, it is simple, but the fact is that it is difficult to do it.

Hua Yueling retracted his two-handed sword and watched the movement of the phantom. For a while, she didn't know what to do, she was hesitant and confused. The opponent's ability was really cheating, not that she could solve it if she wanted to solve it. Understand.

The attack was still ineffective, which cast a shadow on Hua Yueling's face, which was a bit uncomfortable.The two-handed sword swung and attacked, but there was no way to hit the opponent, which was very difficult.

"Can you only ask Ningshuang and the others to attack?"

After Hua Yueling attacked several times in a row, they all failed. This made his inner thoughts also changed. He wanted to solve the opponent by himself.But since there is no way to attack, you can only rely on remote attacks.I believe that this kind of trick of remotely attacking it should be useless.

It's not clear whether this kind of thinking is right for Hua Yueling, but it needs to be tried.

After Hua Yueling moved away from the opponent, Mu Ningshuang and the others understood what Hua Yueling meant, and condensed magical power to attack.The fireball flew towards the phantom, Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun also attacked.

The phantom reacted differently from before, but this time he didn't evade and rushed over, letting the fireball hit him.Hua Yueling was also stunned to see how it coped. He didn't expect the other party to do this, and I don't know why.But no matter what, Huayue Ling thought that it was definitely not just giving up, but having other ideas. As for what the other party wanted to do, it was temporarily unclear.

"Could it be..."

Hua Yueling closed her eyes, thinking of the abilities that the other party might have, Hei Ni possessed such abilities.

"Can it still control the fireball?!"

Hua Yueling herself felt that this idea was a little weird, but it was still very possible.But no matter what, Hua Yueling was always on alert, and did not relax his vigilance because of this.

I saw the phantom directly hit the fireball, and then the fireball rushed towards him in a turn.This confirms Huayueling’s thoughts, but Huayueling doesn’t just let it come. If he attacks by himself at this time and confronts the fireball, the result will definitely not be too good at that time. Once the fireball explodes, ghosting It is very likely to take this opportunity to sneak attack.

"Then use a remote attack."

Magic Huayueling is not good, but there is no way to use it as skillfully as Mu Ningshuang, and the power is definitely not as good as hers.

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