After discovering that he had been deceived, the enemy still wanted to escape in time, but how could Hua Yueling give it that opportunity.If you are really escaped by it, then everything you have done before is not equivalent to wasted.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, the movement on her hand did not slow down, the hidden dragon blade pierced out, suddenly accelerated the sprint and attacked.Although the other party wanted to avoid it, it was too late at the moment. He could only watch Hua Yueling attack and fall on him, but it had no way.

When there is no other way, I can only think of a way to minimize the loss on my side. When the arm crosses over, I can't see what it is holding, let alone any unnecessary movements.He wanted to use his arm to block Hua Yueling's attack, which was called a fatal blow.

Naturally, Hua Yueling couldn't let the other party succeed, and immediately changed the direction of the attack. The speed of his attack surprised the other party.I want to change my defense again, but it's obviously too late.

The hidden dragon blade pierced into the opponent's body fiercely, Hua Yueling used all his strength this time, without giving the opponent the slightest chance of fighting back, Hua Yueling suddenly pulled out the hidden dragon blade, and then attacked again.A continuous wave of attacks brought considerable damage to the opponent, and Hua Yueling attacked with all his strength, leaving the opponent unable to act according to his own ideas.

After such a strong offensive, the opponent was knocked to the ground by Hua Yueling, even if he wanted to dodge and let his figure disappear, there was no way to do it.

Hua Yueling also fell to the ground, fell beside the opponent, squatting down, no matter how fierce the opponent's eyes were, staring at herself, as long as she didn't see it, she thrust the hidden dragon blade down. , Pierced the opponent's chest.

Hua Yueling had spent such a lot of effort and finally killed the enemy, she was also extremely excited. After the excitement, it was time to act.After killing the target, Hua Yueling just continued to rush forward.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong below followed his footsteps and rushed forward. The three were fast, but they reached the place Hua Yueling had noticed in a short time.

If you look at it from the outside, you can't see anything, but Hua Yueling used the exploration skills to find out where the opponent is.That was a strange place. Once Hua Yueling's detection skills passed, it seemed as if something might be hidden there.

"It's here!"

Pointing to the ground not far away, there can be seen some dragons on the ground, this is the biggest difference between that place and other places nearby.But if it were ordinary, without Hua Yueling's reminder, I believe other people would never think of anything hidden there.

Even if Hua Yueling reminded him, Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were a little surprised.

"Ningshuang, Yuetong, this time I still have to trouble you. I guess it doesn't know that we are here, it is a good time for you to attack. It would be great if it can be solved this time."

Hua Yueling pointed to the place and said to them, it was self-evident what to do.Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong didn't have any opinion, and nodded at him, the magic power gathered and aimed at that place.

Perhaps it was because they were still recovering from their injuries, so even if Mu Ningshuang and the others' actions were obvious enough, the other party still didn't have any reaction, as if they didn't know what was happening outside.

In order not to be discovered by the opponent before hitting the opponent, Mu Ningshuang's condensed magic power shouldn't be too much, otherwise it will be easily discovered by the opponent. If it is too little, obviously there is no way to bring enough damage to the opponent.Naturally, Mu Ningshuang must weigh the trade-offs.

Feeling that the condensed magic power was almost there, Mu Ningshuang immediately used a more powerful magic.

This time the magic went out, let alone a hidden phantom, that Hua Yueling would not be able to bear it without any precautions.However, it would be a good thing if the ghost can be resolved at this time.

Infinite flames bombarded the ground, followed by heavy sounds after another, watching the place where the phantom was hiding.He didn't believe that the other party could survive such an attack, even he didn't have such confidence.

One after another, a large amount of flames fell to the ground like rain, and this one and another was almost destroying everything here, without giving others a chance to breathe.

There is no other movement of the phantom in the place in front of him, but this is also conceivable. After all, this is the case, and a lot of smoke is filled, blocking his vision, making it difficult for him to see clearly.


A figure suddenly appeared, and then rushed to the place where Mu Ningshuang was.

"Ningshuang, be careful!"

Hua Yueling loudly reminded Mu Ningshuang not far away, Mu Ningshuang did not have his detection skills, so there was no way to find out that the actions of the phantom were excusable.But Hua Yueling can't let her get hurt here. If she really doesn't have any precautions, it is clear that Mu Ningshuang will be successfully attacked and injured by the other party. This is not the scene Hua Yueling wants to see.

Mu Ningshuang also didn't expect to be able to kill the opponent under her own bombardment, but her reaction was also quick, and immediately after Hua Yueling reminded her, she moved back and retreated.At the same time, she also gathered magic power to form a magic shield in front of her.

With this shield, she didn't believe she could not stop the opponent's attack, Mu Ningshuang was still confident in this respect.The magic shield moved forward by one block, and she quickly stepped backwards, and quickly moved away from the opponent.

Xu Ying naturally refused to let it go, but there was no good way.Although Mu Ningshuang's speed is not necessarily faster than hers, it is not slower. After discovering its actions, it means that its actions have failed.

The virtual shadow originally wanted to use this opportunity to bring some trouble to Hua Yueling. It would be better if it could solve Mu Ningshuang, but the sneak attack failed, declaring that it must face three people at the same time. It is not so easy to do.

Thinking of facing the attack of the three of them for a while, it's better to take advantage of the opportunity of getting closer to Mu Ningshuang to solve her.With this thought, Phantom accelerated his pace and ran directly into the magic shield, but it never expected that the magic shield made by Mu Ningshuang would have such a defensive power, and even all the attacks made by it would be so powerful. There was no way to break it, and was blocked by the magic shield.

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