The method proposed by Lu Yuetong is a good method, but it is also very difficult to achieve this.Huayueling thought about it, there seems to be no better way than this, but what to do is still a question.

And if he did that, he would still need to look for the teleportation array at that time, but where is the teleportation array? No one can answer this question, nor can he answer his own question.

"The idea is really good, but what to do is not easy to say at the moment."

Hua Yueling sighed and said so, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang were also contemplating this question, but there is no good way yet. This is quite annoying. If there is a good way, it would be good, if not. I don't know how much time will be spent here for this.

After a few people returned, they arrived at the place where Aroline and Huayun were. Hua Yueling said what had happened, and looked at Aroline and asked her if there was a better way.

"The teleportation array here is quite special. It doesn't seem to be set up by someone, but more like a random appearance."

Arolin frowned after he finished speaking and said, Hua Yueling didn't think of this, after all, he didn't know much about the teleportation array.Since Aroline said so, she naturally believed her judgment. In this regard, the two of them were far apart.

"Then what should we do? By the way, and how should we go back, if we seal the teleportation array?"

"Don't worry about going back. Sister, naturally, I have a solution, but if you want to seal the teleportation array, you still have to look at Xiaoyueling yourself."

"Do you still have to look for it? I don't know if Sister Aroline has any clues?"

The only one who can rely on now is Sister Aroline. After all, she is the strongest person here. In fact, Mu Ningshuang and the others have some knowledge of the teleportation formation, but there is definitely no way to compare with Aroline. Up.

"Is it accidental that we were teleported to this place? Since we are here, we are teleported to here, there must be something different from other places here."

Hua Yueling frowned and looked around, if there was anything special here, he really didn't see it.Even with careful observation, there is no way to find out what is coming from using probing skills.

But after all, it took a lot of time just to find the phantom before, and almost all of my attention was on it. Now I have time to focus on the environment in front of me.

Let him see what is special here.

Hua Yueling thought so, and immediately acted. Not only that, he also called Shang Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong to help him.Although he has some abilities in magic, there is definitely no way to compare with them. If you want to discover something, you still need their help.

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong naturally wouldn't refuse, and they immediately agreed, and the three of them explored here together looking for something wrong.

"Ningshuang, did you carefully observe the teleportation formation before it came out? Is the teleportation formation formed by magic?"

While exploring the surroundings, Hua Yueling communicated with Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang. Naturally, Hua Yueling had explored what the teleportation array looked like, but at the time she had not received any useful information.And he didn't tell what kind of power was used to form it. Now he wanted to ask Mu Ningshuang if they noticed it.

Mu Ningshuang didn't answer immediately. She didn't think about it carefully before Hua Yueling asked about it. She only thought about it after Hua Yueling asked.But she hadn't paid too much attention to these before, so Hua Yueling really stopped asking him when she asked, and she really couldn't think of it.

"Didn't notice."

Mu Ningshuang shook his head, thinking for a long time but still didn't remember whether the portal was shaped by magic.Hua Yueling was not disappointed either, after all, he had already thought that it was unlikely that Mu Ningshuang could answer.

Looking at Lu Yuetong next to her, Lu Yuetong also shook her head without noticing.Hua Yueling couldn't say anything, after all, she didn't pay attention to this, so how could she ask others to do anything.

But it doesn't matter if you don't find it. Now you can continue to look for it. Hua Yueling believes that something can be found here.As for what can be found, it depends on their abilities.

Hua Yueling searched all the places here, in such a flat place, he didn't believe that there was anything that could hide his eyes.

The first place to look for was the place they were teleported to, but Huayueling didn't find anything there. Not only that, there was an ordinary posture, and there was nothing worth noting.

"It seems that the key point is not here, you have to look for it elsewhere."

After searching for a bit, Hua Yueling was still a little disappointed, shook her head, and excluded this place from the search range. After all, there was nothing found here.It doesn't look like something is hidden, it's normal everywhere, nothing surprising.

Although Hua Yueling was a little disappointed in her heart, it was only a little bit. He was already prepared to find nothing here.Although my luck is good, it is not always so good.

Luck alone is definitely not enough, luck has helped him many times, and he also needs to make good use of his power.At the moment, the best thing to help yourself is the exploration skills. If the exploration skills can't find anything, there is really no way.

Since you can't find what you're looking for here, then look for other nearby places as the target. In this case, although it will take some time, it is necessary.

Hua Yueling is naturally aware of these, so he did not stop there, but continued to search. Mu Ningshuang and the others are also helping. Mu Ningshuang and the others don't have the same exploration skills as him, so they need to look for it. A lot of trouble.But it is better to have someone to help than no one, and it will save you time and time than looking for it alone.

Looking around, Hua Yueling didn’t find anything useful after searching for a while, and even some clues were not found. He didn’t know whether it was hidden, or it was just that he was not looking for meticulously enough to cause the result. s consequence.

He had searched all the places nearby, and finally returned to Alorin's side with a frown, very strange, there was nothing.

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