The alien species of the city arrives

1531 The location of the teleportation array

The fact that there is little gain makes Hua Yueling less happy, but fortunately, the receipt is only relatively small, not to say that there is no gain at all.Huayueling Li used her exploration skills to discover some strange phenomena and some strange things, but it is hard to say whether those things are what she wants to find.

"I have some discoveries, but whether these discoveries are related to the teleportation array is not yet certain. I think about it for a while and then investigate it carefully. If it is really related, our time is not wasted. ."

Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong were a little surprised, but they were very happy to hear that he could find some clues.The two girls immediately went with him to the place he said.

The side that Lu Yuetong explored also had some weaker powers hidden in the ground. Although it thought it was hiding well, it didn’t know that Hua Yueling had actually discovered its existence a long time ago. However, his goal was mainly to find something related to the portal, and he thought that this power was not related to it, so he didn't take it seriously.

But now that there is no other discovery, but only this discovery, of course the attention has been put on this.

No matter where he explored himself, or where Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong on both sides explored, there is that kind of relatively weak and strange power. Hua Yueling himself has not seen this kind of power. I think it should be in this world. Unique power.

Now think about it, this kind of power spreading over this area is very unusual, if Hua Yueling is allowed to speak, this kind of power may really have something to do with the teleportation formation.It’s just that I don’t know if this kind of power was arranged in advance, or is it natural, or it is owned by someone. It is distributed extremely scattered. If Hua Yueling is asked to say it, it is likely to be of some kind Arrangement, it feels similar to the magic circle that Livio once arranged, which is how power is used.

In fact, there have been examples of this in other areas, but Hua Yueling still doesn't know much, although he also knows some.However, this is not how he knows how to study domestic products, but is a guess. Generally speaking, this kind of ignorance is more like to make some bigger and bigger battles.

For example, this is the case with magic circles. It is not that magic circles can be created by using magic power in one place. Instead, magic powers must be used in different places, and then these magic powers can be combined in different ways. Will form a magic circle.

Since the magic array is like this, the teleportation array is probably the same, Hua Yueling thought so.However, it is not easy to say that the specific listing is not so.

Hua Yueling guessed so, so maybe if these portals are destroyed, they won't reappear, but it's not easy to say whether or not to swim.

Some guesses still need to be carefully observed before making a judgment. Hua Yueling is now only guessing based on the ones she has, and more information is needed to confirm her judgment.

Although Hua Yueling herself believed in her own judgment.

"Since it is here, it should be there too. I don't know how big an area is."

However, Hua Yueling did not rush to define the specific scope, but wanted to first explore the places she found.If you determine that these things are the power that makes up the portal, then you can act on your own.

"Here, can you detect it? That strange power is something we can't find anywhere else."

Hua Yueling pointed to her eyes and asked Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong under her feet.The two girls also stopped. If Hua Yueling didn't ask, they would have passed by here, how could they know what was here.

"Let me see."

Lu Yuetong lowered her head and stared at the ground, but in fact, her attention was not on the ground. She knew very well. No matter what Hua Yueling said, it could not be on the ground. If nothing else is true. On the ground, she would have found it a long time ago, so why use Hua Yueling to remind her.

After some careful observation, it is a pity that Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang still didn't find anything.Mu Ningshuang knew more about magic, but what he encountered this time had little to do with magic, at least Hua Yueling didn't feel that it was related to magic.

Lu Yuetong knows some investigative skills, but his level is too low to be compared with him.In the end, I can only rely on myself, but it is good to be able to find some information.

"Can't detect it?"

Hua Yueling asked, but in fact he wasn't very surprised. Given Lu Yuetong's current probing ability, it was normal that he could not find it.At the beginning, didn't I find it all, how could it be discovered by Lu Yuetong if I couldn't find it.

Not to mention Mu Ningshuang, she is naturally very powerful in magic, and she can also use some magic in investigation, but it is not so easy to use here.The land here seems to be somewhat different, as if it can be isolated from magic, and I don't know how to do it.

Maybe it is the peculiar nature of the soil here, or maybe it is something else. How to do it specifically for Huayueling still needs to be studied, but Huayueling obviously has no time to do it.

Since it is difficult to detect accurate and useful information, all they can do is to dig up the soil until it reaches the depths, to the place where the power exists. In this case, the power should be revealed. You can understand what it is like.

Hua Yueling thought of it here and just did it, but unfortunately he didn't have any useful equipment for digging, and Hua Yueling had no choice but to think of other methods.If you use the Hidden Dragon Blade, you can do it, but Hua Yueling doesn't particularly want to use this weapon to do this. This is an insult to the Hidden Dragon Blade.

The Hidden Dragon Blade is not used for this kind of work. If there are other equipment available, it’s a pity that there is no other in Huayue Lingshou. If not, you can only find a way to use magic power. Create a weapon, I don't know if Mu Ningshuang can do this kind of skill.

Hua Yueling inquired about Mu Ningshuang, but Mu Ningshuang shook his head and said that he didn't know how, there was no way.That kind of magic skill seems to be a very advanced skill, not that it can be learned so easily.

Hua Yueling also understood, so in the beginning, she actually didn't hold much hope. Now that she got such an answer, then forget it.

What to do, staring at the ground, Hua Yueling thought helplessly, otherwise it seemed that she could only dig with both hands, although Hua Yueling didn't want to do it at first.

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