Judgment, the important thing is to judge what these situations show.Mu Ningshuang thought so, she has also received a lot of news she wants, but this is not enough, more news is needed.

To make a sufficiently accurate judgment, enough information is needed, but now Mu Ningshuang feels that the information she has received is not enough.Not enough for her to make a 100% accurate judgment.

In fact, even if there is more information, there is no guarantee that the judgment made will be 100% accurate, but the accuracy is definitely better than it is now.Even if she makes a judgment now, it can be said to be blind. It is not a real judgment, although she feels that the possibility is very high.

"I still need to understand some places, but this is not enough. I don't know if the power in other places is used to confuse me or is there for other purposes. It's not easy to say for the time being."

Mu Ningshuang was thinking a lot of things in her mind, which made her head a little bigger, but it didn't matter, she hadn't fallen into confusion yet, she could continue to think.

There are many things to think about. At present, she has figured out the situation clearly. Although she cannot fully understand and cannot make a judgment, as long as she continues, she believes that she will have enough Harvested.

He followed Hua Yueling to many places again, and after learning about the power that those places possessed, after reading all the places he wanted to see, Mu Ningshuang returned to the place where they were teleported.

Hua Yueling followed her back, and was silent along the way. In fact, he had a lot of things to ask, but he hadn't asked yet.It's not that I don't want to, but I can't. Mu Ningshuang's thinking hasn't ended yet, and she has to wait.

In fact, Hua Yueling also knew that the scattered forces here should be used to activate the portal, but how to activate it was not clear.This needs Mu Ningshuang to study, as long as it can be researched out, it can definitely be countered, this is what Hua Yueling and the others want.

After waiting for a short time, Mu Ningshuang stopped thinking about it, raised his head and looked around, and finally fell on him.

"Is there an answer?"

Hua Yueling asked quickly, and he was finally able to ask, of course he was anxious.

"Almost, it feels right, but I'm not entirely sure."

"It's okay, it's for sure, after all, it is such a place, and it is deliberately made like this."

"I've seen this teleportation formation from the master. However, it is still very different from this. At present, I am not sure whether it is intentional or that this magic array is like that. If it is deliberately to confuse the sight, then I can be sure."

Mu Ningshuang was still unsure, but she felt that she should make a decision.Is the magic circle hidden here as I know it, or something else.

"Then what if you don't take the forces here as the object of observation, but use the results to reverse it?"

Hua Yueling didn't say anything at first, but he suddenly thought of other things and immediately said to Mu Ningshuang.Mu Ningshuang's expression changed. If Hua Yueling didn't remind her, she really hadn't thought of this, or that his attention had been focused on those powers hidden under the ground, and there was no time to focus on the others.

Now being reminded by Hua Yueling, she suddenly closed her eyes and thought about it as if she had thought of something.This kind of thinking speed is very fast, but in an instant, her attention was transferred to other places. After scanning the vicinity, she showed a look of sudden realization.

"I was almost deceived, thank you for reminding me."

Mu Ningshuang said this in a somewhat unexpected tone, and Hua Yueling was very happy to hear her say this, as long as her reminder could be effective.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, it's pretty good here. It's true or false, if it wasn't for your reminder, I would have been deceived."

Then Mu Ningshuang probably explained to him what was going on. Although Hua Yueling didn't understand it in some places, he didn't need to understand it completely, as long as he knew what was going on.The next step is to need Mu Ningshuang to help, find a way to understand the portal, and then destroy the portal.

"How did this teleportation array teleport to the earth, do you understand it clearly?"

"Almost. But it is very troublesome to make it."

"Then what about this portal here, can we control it?"

"It's difficult. This kind of portal is the next thing. The most important thing is the power that generates it. If there is no way to control this power, then don't think about it."

"Then you can only find a way to solve the problem of going back."

Hua Yueling sighed and said, if you can directly control this teleportation formation, you don't need to bother and trouble, but now it seems that there is obviously no way.Mu Ningshuang couldn't do it, even he couldn't.

Although Aroline can do it, she definitely won't help, Hua Yueling can be sure.

If you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself, and now you have to rely on this Mu Ningshuang to solve the problem.In fact, as long as you understand the mechanism of this portal here, there is no problem, and there is no need to worry about the others.

After understanding it roughly, Mu Ningshuang still frowned. Although she knew almost everything, it was very difficult how to proceed with the next work.

After all, what Hua Yueling requires is a portal that can be used but not used by others. After learning, she knows how to teleport back from here.But if that's the case, the teleportation array must exist, unless it is the kind of teleportation that only exists for a short time, otherwise there is no other way.

Whether you use the existing teleportation array or create your own teleportation array, you need to have a portal, but this also means you must leave the teleportation array.In this case, Hua Yueling's other thoughts could not be realized. By then, the phantoms here could still travel to the earth through the teleportation array. This was a situation Hua Yueling did not want to see.

But no matter what, this teleportation array must be destroyed right now, and then think about other things.

"I have a way. Even if we use the portal, the people here will not be able to get to the earth through the portal after we go back."

"Oh? What can I do?"

Hua Yueling showed a look of surprise, Mu Ningshuang had a way to naturally be the best, he really wanted to know what it was, and immediately asked.

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