"Don't destroy it all."

Mu Ningshuang said to Hua Yueling, Hua Yueling's movements couldn't help but stop. Hearing Mu Ningshuang said this, he remembered the topic the two people had talked about.According to Mu Ningshuang, not all the power sources here are useful, some of them are actually used to confuse people, not to form a teleportation formation.

Now hearing her mention this, Hua Yueling feels that it is probably those things that are used to confuse the vision, don't worry about it, just clear those that form the teleportation array.

"In fact, the number used to form the teleportation array is relatively small, and more is used to confuse the line of sight. So we only need to know what to eliminate, and eliminate all of them."

Mu Ningshuang said.Hua Yueling nodded again and again, but still a little helpless.Only Mu Ningshuang can know those useful and useless here, and neither he nor Lu Yuetong are clear.

In this case, only one person can follow the action, and the other person still has to be eliminated bit by bit.

However, it is much better than the beginning, after all, the time it takes has been reduced a lot.The three moved separately, the two girls acted together, and Hua Yueling was alone. He had no choice but to eliminate those forces little by little.

In order to make his actions faster and more efficient, he also specifically asked Xiaoxue.He hadn't thought of it before, but now that he remembered it, of course he had to ask Xiaoxue if there was any good way.

"If the owner is willing to spend money, it will naturally be much simpler. People have a way, but it is impossible to not spend money."

Xiaoxue's answer was also very simple, which made Huayueling frown and spend money. If you want to spend money, you can only buy things in the mall.It is estimated that this is what Xiaoxue said. Huayueling sighed helplessly. There seems to be no other better way. Even Xiaoxue is the same, but it is the same. If you don’t spend money and don’t spend anything, how could it be possible? Can solve the problem so simply.

That's the situation. If this is the case, Hua Yueling can only ask Xiaoxue's solution, and he has no better solution.

Thinking in her heart, Hua Yueling was not vague. If you need to spend a little money, you can spend some, but you don't know how much it needs. If it needs too much, he will hesitate.

You have to look at the situation. Hua Yueling asked Xiaoxue what kind of conditions he needed, and Xiaoxue showed him directly.Hua Yueling took a closer look. The thing Xiaoxue wanted to buy by herself was an instrument to absorb power. This instrument looked quite advanced, but I didn't know how effective it was.

Anyway, looking at the introduction is pretty awesome, but you still have to read about it.

"Well, let me see the price..."

After looking at the price, Hua Yueling's expression has changed a bit. The price is a bit beyond his imagination. Although he has long thought that the price of this instrument will certainly not be too low, it is also unimaginable to such an extent. .

"How can such a high price!"

"This is not a matter of course, master, think about it, this is an instrument that can absorb all kinds of power, and the absorbed power does not mean that it is absorbed and disappears, but can be reused. If the price is not How to say it higher."

After Xiaoxue's explanation, Hua Yueling thought about it for a while. It was indeed the same. Indeed, it was able to absorb all kinds of power, but also to use those powers. The price was not high and it was not justified. It was normal.

He can buy the coins he owns now. There is no problem buying both, but the amount of money that needs to be spent still makes him feel painful.In order to solve the current problem, is it necessary to buy? Hua Yueling fell into deep thought.

The main thing is whether the purchase of props is worthwhile, and if you want to simply solve the current problem, this seems to be the best way.I don’t know how much money will be spent if I clear it myself.

Hua Yueling looked helpless, no matter what she thought, it seemed that it was more worthwhile to purchase items directly, but he was unwilling to make him spend so much money.

Just thinking about it back and forth for a while, Hua Yueling gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Buy it, but just buy one. Let Yuetong and the others use it. I still use the old method."

Hua Yueling still decided to buy only one, the cost of buying two would be a bit too high, and it was painful.In this way, Hua Yueling bought the props and gave it to Lu Yuetong, and then taught her how to use the props. After Lu Yuetong got the props, she was quite surprised, but she immediately pushed the props back.

"There is only this one item, so let Aling use it."

"It's okay, I have my own method over there, this is for you to use, as long as you are faster, you can help me, right?"

Hua Yueling said this, and pushed the props back into her hands. Lu Yuetong hesitated for a moment, or accepted it, and agreed.After all, Hua Yueling was also kind, and he was right. As long as they solve the problem quickly, they will be able to go and help afterwards.

In this way, Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang separated from Hua Yueling, and the two moved from two different directions.Hua Yueling is in charge of one direction, while Lu Yuetong and the others are in charge of another direction.

It's good for the two parties to act separately. In this case, the time required is definitely the shortest, and it's also the easiest way to save trouble.A large number of people is not necessarily good. After all, what needs to be done to crack those powers is still very simple. Three people together and the other two will have nothing to do.

After the two parties separated, Hua Yueling was not too anxious. After all, she had no equipment on her side, and she only relied on her own strength to do this thing. I don’t know how much time it would take. It’s better to just act like this without rushing. Just wait for Mu Ningshuang and the others to come over.It shouldn't take too long.

Thinking about these things, Hua Yueling also cleared up some power points, but since there was no Mu Ningshuang to remind him, he was not sure whether what he had dealt with was the power points used to construct the teleportation formation.

"Whether it is it or not, it can be cleaned up anyway, if it is not cleaned up, let Ningshuang and Yuetong come."

While thinking, Hua Yueling also looked at Mu Ningshuang and the others, their speed was faster than here, and they had already cleared up a lot of power points in an instant.Hua Yueling used her exploration skills to sweep over and found that the places they passed by were already empty, unless it was a place that was particularly far away.

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