Hua Yueling and the others left through the teleportation array, and shortly after they left, the teleportation door gradually dissipated with the "sizzling" sound like an electric current.But Hua Yueling and the others didn't know this at present, Mu Ningshuang knew very well, after all, all of this was designed by her.

When the teleportation array gradually disappeared, the remaining magic power in the magic crystal gathered towards one of the places. As the magic power gathered here, a certain magic item was activated and then quickly changed its color.

This is the magic array destruction device designed by Mu Ningshuang. The operation principle of this device is also very simple. It only uses explosions to destroy the original magic array.

As the magic power was injected into the magic props, the magic props had almost reached their limit, and there was a violent explosion in the place where the magic circle was immediately accompanied by a loud bang.

The portal completely disappeared, and the magic crystals that formed the teleportation array were blown out in an instant. Some of the magic crystals were blown to pieces and disappeared completely.

This is Mu Ningshuang's design. This method cannot be said to be very good, but at least it has achieved Hua Yueling's requirements.Nothing else is needed anyway, just destroy the teleportation array, and she did it.

The explosion raised a cloud of smoke and dust, but it was not able to dispel the darkness, and it was still shrouded in darkness.However, due to the fact that no one was around, no one knew that an explosion happened here, and no one knew what happened here before.

But all of this has nothing to do with Hua Yueling and the others, unless there are people here who can not know the teleportation formation, otherwise Huayue and the people living here will not have any intersection.

Hua Yueling hopes so too, and this is why he has worked so hard to do all this.If not, why think so much.The enemy here is a threat to Hua Yueling and the others from any aspect, so they must completely isolate the danger.

The effort was not wasted. As for what will happen later, I will know only afterwards.Now Hua Yueling doesn't want to waste his brain power on things here anymore, and he is not ready to think about it. He has gone home and can rest.

The black mud and the black hand behind the scenes came to an end temporarily. After Hua Yueling and the others teleported home, they were still a little uncomfortable. After all, it was such a teleportation. It is impossible to say that there are no sequelae. Yue Ling was still a little uncomfortable, and her head ached, but fortunately this kind of thing was short-lived, and it didn't take long to recover.

After returning, the first thing Hua Yueling did was to go to the window to look at the situation outside, but there was no one outside, but the time was very different from when they left.It was still morning when I left, not long after the sun had just risen, but it was already dusk.

Unexpectedly, the time would pass so quickly, and it was dusk in a blink of an eye, and the day passed without any feeling.In fact, I didn't spend much time in another world, but for that little time, it was already at night here, which was incredible.

"I don't know how everyone is going."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but now that the black mud has been wiped out and the black mud has disappeared, it stands to reason that people should have recovered.But now I can't see anyone there, and I look downstairs empty, and I don't see anyone.

"Sister Aroline, how are those ordinary people?"

Hua Yueling couldn't let this matter go, so she asked Aroline.Aroline didn't answer right away, she was probably understanding the situation.

"Well, it's okay, but those people are still in a coma. There should be nothing to do tomorrow, don't worry."

"Hey? Are you still awake now?"

Hua Yueling asked with some surprise. She thought that those people should have recovered, but she didn't expect that they were still in a coma.

"But aren't they all outside before? Why did they go back all at once?"

This matter was also quite strange for Huayueling. At least when they left, there were wuyangwuyang people who didn’t know how many people swarmed in, but now it’s like this.Who brought those people back, which made him unclear.

"Sister Livello did it all. She can solve this problem alone, it's very easy."

"Thanks to Sister Livello's help, I said, they shouldn't be able to go back if there is no one to help."

When Hua Yueling said so, it could be regarded as solving a doubt in her mind.He said that it was impossible for everyone to go back for no reason, and that things would pass like this, as if nothing happened.

You have to know that this is the real world, not the game world, how could this happen.

Originally, Hua Yueling was worried that something unexpected would happen, but now she is relieved, and there is no need to worry about sister Liweiluo's help.Those people went back like this, and even if they felt something was wrong afterwards, it should be fine.

"By the way, Sister Aroline, don't those people feel weird about what happened today? After all, nothing actually happened to them today."

Hua Yueling asked with some worry, he thought that those people might feel incredible because they don't have today's memory.

"Don't worry, they were under the control of the black mud before this. They actually have false memories. Thanks to Livio's help, the black mud has done a good thing, but after all the trouble is also theirs. Brought it."

"..." After listening to Sister Alorin’s explanation, Hua Yueling couldn’t understand what she meant, but on the whole she was saying that there was nothing to do. This was enough, and there was no need to worry about the others. Don't worry, but those people shouldn't wake up tonight, right?"

After asking, Hua Yueling still confirmed to Sister Aroline.

"In theory, it should not be possible. Don't worry, they are ordinary people after all, and it is not so easy to recover under the control of the black mud."

"Then today's night is really scary."

Hua Yueling looked out the window. Today is really quiet as never before. You can't hear people's conversations or the sounds of vehicles. The whole world is in an extremely quiet atmosphere.Hua Yueling has experienced a quiet environment, but has never experienced such a quiet, it is simply unimaginable.

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