Not long after returning to stay, Jelucy also recovered from her thoughts. She went around the room again and then came out of it.

"I'm back, have you seen her?"

"I see, the Holy Woman is very good to talk. After we told her that the master told us to find her, she taught us how to save the dead." Mu Ningshuang replied.

"That's good, then the matter of saving the undead is left to you. I will find a way to help you get away this energy here. Even if there are undead who are unwilling to leave, as long as this energy disappears, it is estimated that they will also It will not continue to depend on. The reason why those undead can survive for a long time depends on this energy here. Without this energy, it is very difficult for them to survive, but it will not disappear, but it will be very painful."

"That's great. We are really worried about the ghosts, and we don't know how to convince them. And we didn't think about how to communicate with the ghosts. We didn't even know whether we could talk to them properly."

Hua Yueling said with a sigh of relief.He had this feeling when he heard the existence of that kind of power from Alice before, and that kind of power must be the most important point in their action, and he also discovered through his own observation, Those ghosts live by this power. Without this power, they cannot exist and communicate with people like they do now.

Sister Ze Lucie also came to the same conclusion as him, which shows that his idea is correct.

"Master, His Royal Highness also said that if Master has the skills in the future, she can go to her. She misses Master very much and wants to meet Master and have a good chat."

"I know, I will find her when I have time."

Jelucy said so, and then she left from here. Since she has left, then Hua Yueling and the others have no need to stay here.Leaving with Ze Lucy, Ze Lucy also told them of her plan on the way back. In fact, it is not a big strategy, but she needs to go back and study the power here carefully, and wait until the research is over. Only then can I find a way to get rid of the power here.

But it definitely takes time, but how much time it will take is hard to say, and Ze Lucy himself has no way to make a clear judgment.

"Then, then, are we going to supersede those ghosts in the future, or wait until Sister Jelucy, you get rid of the source of power here." Hua Yueling asked Jelucy for a moment and thought about it. Then he shook his head.

"It's fine to do it yourself. You can do whatever you want. You don't need to ask me, no matter how you do it, there is no problem."

Je Lucy finally gave this answer. She didn't give specific suggestions, but Hua Yueling and the others must think about it, and they can't act casually.The most worrying thing is that if some of the ghosts are overrun now, will the other ghosts leave like this. If they hide and do evil, Huayueling and the others will have to spend a lot of effort to find it, no Know how much time it will take.

Her Royal Highness also said to them that it would be difficult for Chaodu to be effective unless the other party agrees or is in control of the other party.So they must be prepared.Those ghosts who agree to be overwhelmed naturally don't need to say anything, but those who are unwilling need to be well prepared.

If it doesn't work, you can only resort to coercive methods. If you can persuade them, it is naturally the best, but you must be prepared that there is no way to persuade them.

Hua Yueling looked at Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong, and was also asking the opinions of the two of them. It is not enough for them to have their own ideas. They need to refer to other people's ideas.The three people think about what to do, and then find the best way.

So far, I haven't figured out a particularly good way. At least Hua Yueling hasn't figured out what to do.

You have to wait until you go back, think about it, and discuss it carefully. This kind of thing is really not very good to think about. It is actually very difficult not to try various methods and just think about it, but now Huayueling can only do that. do.

After returning home, Jelui Xi did not leave, but stayed here, but she went to the room where Hua Yueling's parents lived by herself.She is saying that she wants to think quietly by herself, and how to deal with that power. She has to think carefully. She does not just want to destroy that power, but find a way to control it in her own. Hands.That kind of power is very interesting to her, and she believes that if she can control that kind of power, it will definitely have a lot to do with her future research.

Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others would not bother her. After she entered, they also went to Hua Yueling's room.In the room, Huayueling and the others told Alice about their harvest and promised her that they would solve the problem as soon as possible.

"But for the time being, you still need Alice to be wronged. For the time being, we can't do anything. But the time won't be too long, it won't take long."

"Trouble you, I know, I originally asked you to help. It's enough for you to help me like this."

Alice didn't have any special thoughts, so she accepted what Hua Yueling said.In fact, she really didn't know what to do if she didn't have Hua Yueling them, she really didn't know what to do, she had no way to do it alone.

After briefly talking about the abandoned mansion, Alice wanted to leave, but Lu Yuetong insisted on staying.Asking her to stay here to play, Alice agreed after thinking about it.

But only Lu Yuetong was playing with her, Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang were what they should do after they took it back.

"If Alice wants to go in the evening, I can go with her to save the ghosts who want to be saved. We can talk to them about the other ghosts, and perhaps persuade some of them."

Mu Ningshuang said.She had this kind of thought at Hua Yueling at the beginning.But just like I thought before, what if other ghosts leave that place because of this.

Hua Yueling asked her doubts, Mu Ningshuang shook her head after a brief silence.

"They won't leave."


Hua Yueling asked with some doubts.He didn't quite understand why Mu Ningshuang had such an idea, he felt that the possibility was very small.

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