The alien species of the city arrives

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1571

Hua Yueling didn't feel surprised after seeing the time. After all, she had experienced it before, so she wouldn't be surprised.Hua Yueling looked at the entrance of the yard. The door there was tightly closed. It was closed when they came in. It seems that no one has been here.

Sister Aroline didn't know where she was going, but she had always been like this, Hua Yueling and the others were accustomed to her behavior.But she should be told to go to dinner together. Sister Yun can't help it. After all, she still has to go to work. Sister Aroline doesn't have this concern and don't have to think so much.

"Sister Yun, let's bring her some food after we finish eating."

"we can only do this."

Hua Yueling and the others didn't have a better way, but now they can contact Sister Aroline. Sister Aroline is definitely willing to go together.I called her, the ringer rang for a while and was picked up, and then I heard sister Aroline's particularly familiar voice.

"Why, Xiaoyueling, is there anything particularly anxious? Calling sister me, this seems to be the first time."

"It's not a big deal. I'm going to have lunch at Sister Jelucy at noon. Sister Aroline, do you want to come over?"

"Just now?" Aroline asked immediately, sounding like she wanted to go.

"Well, it's almost there, a little later will do."

Hua Yueling replied, Aroline agreed after thinking about it.

"Okay, sister I'll be over in a while."

After talking with her, Hua Yueling hung up the phone, then looked at Lu Yuetong beside her and asked her if she had anything else.

"Or let's go back, because there is nothing wrong here anyway."


Hua Yueling thought for a while and thought that she seemed to be fine for the time being, so let's go back.

In this way, the two returned to the elven forest in another world, and they were still very quiet after coming here.But after they came back, they remembered that there was someone who hadn't seen her for a long time. I don't know how she is now, but Karin said she was also an elf princess.

"Let’s go find Karin, and ask her to come over for dinner. If we can, we will take her to the earth for a while in the afternoon. Anyway, we haven’t seen each other for a long time."

Hua Yueling almost forgot when they last met, but they must have met when they came here.Karin also went to the earth with them, but didn’t stay there for long and didn’t play much. This time, if Karin is willing to go with them, as the host, she must be taken with her. Have a good time.

Karin should be in the elven country. Although Hua Yueling and the others have not been there many times, they have been there several times, and they are considered acquaintances there.So even if it is within the range of the place where the elves live, it is fine even if they are discovered, and even elves appear to greet them.

Neither Hua Yueling nor Lu Yuetong knew the elves who came out to say hello to them, but since the other side came out and greeted them, they couldn't help but react.The two people greeted each other very friendly, and both parties exchanged greetings.

There are not many things that can be said between each other, and Hua Yueling herself is actually not that much, and after all, this is not a familiar place, so there are not many topics to talk about.But since the other party had spoken actively, then Hua Yueling and the others would naturally have a chat with each other.

In addition, they happened to be looking for Karin, so they asked if Karin was here.

The other party didn't hide it, but told them directly.But he wasn't sure, only that the princess should be patrolling nearby.

"Is Karin patrolling?"

Hua Yueling asked again, this would be a little troublesome. This forest is almost the patrol area of ​​the elves, and it is not easy to find the other party.

"Well, the princess should have gone over there. If you two go over there, you may be able to find it. But it's not too early now. Maybe the princess has already gone back, maybe the two can also go to the city. looking around."

"Thank you."

Although I didn't get enough specific information from the other party, it was pretty good.After Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong expressed their gratitude to each other, they walked towards the wizard city.

This place is called an elven city, and there is a palace in the depths of the city, but these places are just called the same as the human world, in fact they are quite different.

The environment where the elves live, the buildings they live in, and the construction of defenses around the city are quite different from humans.

Hua Yueling had known this a long time ago. After all, it was elves. Fantasy races must be different from humans, and could not be exactly the same as humans. In that case, they would be called humans, not elves.

After discussing for a while, the two decided to go to the Royal City first to find out if Karin is in the Royal City. If she is, it will save a lot of trouble. If she is not, it will be more troublesome.

The two of them walked in comfortably, looking at the sides from time to time, watching the activities of the elves, watching the place where they lived while walking.Very interesting, I have to say that the life of the elves is still very desirable, but the fun to say is definitely not as good as the life of modern people, although modern people's life is very busy, the pace of life is also very fast.

But there are also differences. People living in such a world naturally have their way of life, which has been like this since childhood, just like Huayueling them.Hua Yueling and the others couldn't understand each other's lifestyle, and the other party probably couldn't understand their lifestyle, all of which were relative.

Hua Yueling can also understand that there must be a generation gap between the two sides, but the more you do this, the more you have to try to understand each other. If you can't understand each other, then what friendship is there to talk about.

The arrival of Hua Yueling and the others also surprised the elves, and many elves showed surprise expressions when they saw them.Hua Yueling and the others are actually not well-known here, and it is normal for those elves to see them so strange.

Fortunately, Karin was there. Karin should have mentioned them to the elven guards, so they came to the palace area unimpeded along the way. They said it was the palace, but actually it was just a more beautifully repaired place. local.There is a towering tree here, also built into a tree house, and there is the place where the Elf royal family lives.

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