This time, Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong were there, which helped Karin a lot.They told her those options and the meaning of those pages. As for buying the game, although Karin said she was a little embarrassed and wanted to spend the money on her own, she also knew that there was no way for the money on both sides, and how to exchange it was not easy to say.

If she wants to buy it herself, she doesn't have any money, so she can only ask Huayueling them.However, she wanted to exchange what she had, but it was hard to explain how to exchange it for a while.

Naturally, Hua Yueling and the others would not care about this, and this was not a big deal, for them now.What Karin said is their friend, some people want to play, they still have to find a way to satisfy each other.

"Do you want to play? Karin, which type of game do you prefer?"

"Which type?" Karin tilted her head, looking at him with a puzzled expression.Karin was different from them and didn't have this knowledge, so after listening to this question, she didn't understand what he meant.

In order for her to understand the meaning of her question, Hua Yueling had to explain the knowledge about the game again. After he explained it, Karin understood what he meant.

"That is, like magic, it's also divided into categories, right?"

Karin was quite proud to answer according to her own understanding. Hua Yueling nodded after listening. There was nothing wrong with his understanding, which was quite correct.

"That's how I understand, um, but I don't know what type of game I play."

"Then just open it and show it to me, I know what kind of them are."

Hua Yueling said so and asked her to turn on the game console.Don't think Karin has just used these machines for a long time, but she is already very proficient in using them, as if she has been using them for a long time. It is estimated that at the beginning, she played day and night every day.

He could understand the excitement of the novelty when he first got it, so he didn't think there was anything wrong, it was quite normal.

The three of them have been playing here for a lot of time anyway, and it is quite fun to have friends with them.But there are many things Karin doesn't understand, and they need their help in translating or explaining. Karin is still very easy to learn in this regard, but it is because of the language barrier and there is no good way to translate those languages.It's still only possible to rely on Hua Yueling to translate for her.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, Hua Yueling raised his head and glanced out of the window. Just when he wanted to say he was going back, he suddenly thought of the question of time.After eating lunch not long ago, they took the lunch home and left a note for Sister Yun. If you think about it this way, it should be the hottest time on the other side of the earth.

Inadvertently forgot about this matter again, Hua Yueling thought rather helplessly, it must be very hot to go at this time, not cooling down as they thought.If you want to go, you will have to wait until the evening here or even late at night.

Hua Yueling said her thoughts, Lu Yuetong also slapped her head, how could she have forgotten this, her memory is really bad.

Both of them were a little embarrassed because of this, they obviously had important things to do, but they forgot the most important things.I went back and forth several times on both sides, and not only on the two sides, but also in other places. I have been to so many places, but in the end I didn't remember these at all.

Most people naturally don't remember these, these have nothing to do with them, but for Hua Yueling and the others, it is quite important, to a certain extent.The next thing to do is very simple, wait for time.

Hua Yueling and the others went back during the period. After they went back, they looked at the time and returned.Just as they thought, although the other world said that time has passed for a long time, in fact, time on Earth has basically not passed by.

This is also quite normal, they are all used to it.

"Let's go back, or go there and look for it, and then go back after searching?"

"Didn't I say to take Karin with me? We have to discuss with Karin about how to do it. We can't just make a decision on our own."

When Lu Yuetong said this, Hua Yueling was right when she thought about it. Since she has discussed with Karin before, it is best not to be unbelievable.No way, what I said before is no way to change, only their actions can change.

There was no way, Hua Yueling was thinking that even if it was a little hot, she could still act, but it seemed that it would definitely not work now.

"But if you can't go to work, let's buy something to eat."

"What did you eat? Didn't you just finish lunch?"

Lu Yuetong looked at him with a strange expression, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Get some popsicle drinks and the like, but I don't have some food when I go there."

"Or just look for it here, Sister Aroline should have prepared a lot of such things."

Looking up at the sun above his head, Lu Yuetong still shook his head after thinking about the situation over there. Although he did not object to going shopping, he decided to do it in a less troublesome way.

I searched for Sister Aroline's house, and it really made them find what they wanted. Sister Aroline's house was really used a lot.There are not only drinks, but also a lot of snacks. Although I just took some from here, I’m sorry, Sister Aroline, the main reason is that they are cleaned. I don’t know what Sister Aroline will look like when she comes back. expression.

Hua Yueling feels terrible just thinking about it. Then it’s better to buy some more of the taken away and put it back on. Otherwise, wait until Sister Aroline wants to eat or drink, there will be nothing, what will it be Kind of expression.

You don't have to think about it, your expression will definitely look good.

If I went home and saw that my snacks and drinks were gone, what would I look like? Sister Aroline would definitely have that kind of expression, it wouldn't be bad.

It didn’t take long for the two talents to come back. They went back and forth very quickly, but there was no way. After they went back, they talked with Karin, and then divided the drinks and snacks. But it's not just the three of them, the two little girls and other girls who live here are all divided, and everyone is really happy to eat together.

The little girls from the cat-ear tribe and the dog-ear tribe jumped up happily after receiving the drinks and snacks, really excited.Although the two sides are connected through the teleportation array, they are actually only Hua Yueling coming over.

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