The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 1582 New Fragments

Fanning the dust in the air, Hua Yueling glanced around and found a few more places.There are windows in the distance, the windows are tightly closed, the wooden frames are a bit decayed, and the window glass is covered with a whole layer of dust.

Dirty and can't see the outside clearly, but Hua Yueling also looked elsewhere after just taking a look.After exploring all the areas that can be explored in this room, the corners were not overlooked, but he was destined to be disappointed.

It was no different from the place he had explored before, and he still couldn't find what he was looking for.Could it be that Karin made a mistake in his judgment? This kind of possibility cannot be said to be no, but he can't make a judgment rash, and must wait for Karin to come out.

Karin hasn't reacted much so far, it should have been undetected, otherwise he should have been asked to come and have a look.Thinking like this in his heart, he walked out of the room lightly, and Karin still didn't come out when he got outside.

Hua Yueling knows which room she is in now, but don't bother others at this time, she will come out naturally when she finds something or finishes searching.Hua Yueling went to other places to search, but of course he didn't find anything.

I don't know if those things have been taken by Karin, maybe there are other possibilities, there is no.But for the time being, Hua Yueling didn't have any new ideas.

After finding almost everything, Hua Yueling stopped his actions and looked at the room where Karin was.Karin didn't know what she was doing there, and she searched in that room for a long time. After all, Hua Yueling had been around for so long, but she hadn't come out since she hadn't finished searching.

"Well, wait and see here. If only there is a place to sit."

With a light sigh, Huayueling thought helplessly, there was dust everywhere here, let alone sitting down, he didn't even want to move.It's better to go out for a while than wait here.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that the idea was not bad, and walked outside lightly.After leaving the room, he went outside, went down the stairs, scanned around, and his exploration skills spread out.

The surrounding situation was in a panoramic view, but there was nothing to be concerned about outside, no ghosts passing by, and no one else.Lu Yuetong and the others left long ago, so they should be having fun now.

Hua Yueling also wanted to play for a while, but now there was obviously no time for him to play.Turning his head to look inside, the expression on his face was slightly anxious.

"If it's not, I'll go look for it in other places first," Hua Yueling's thought was rejected by him as soon as it was born. "Don't be like that. If Karin can't see me when she comes out, then Don't worry yet."

Hua Yueling stayed outside for a while, then went to the side of the well to look inside, and the source of power seemed to have not changed compared to before.However, after staring at it for a while, Hua Yueling felt that something was wrong, and the strength here seemed to have been affected a bit, slightly weakened.

"Is it because we took the fragment?"

If it is because of this, it means that the fragments have indeed formed a magical array-like function, enhancing the power here.After being taken away, the magic circle was cracked or partially weakened, which caused the current situation.

"Kalin should know this."

Although Hua Yueling was a questioning word, her tone was quite certain. He didn't think Karin would not know this, but she didn't say it.

Not long after returning to the living room, Karin came out of the room she was in, walked straight to Hua Yueling's side, and stretched out her hand.

"this is?"

Hua Yueling had a familiar feeling when she saw what was in her palm.Soon he remembered what this was. This should be the kind of thing Karin had found before, and this was the same as that fragment, but it was fragmented, but the fragments were large and small.

"Did you find it there?"

"It's in that room, I said there must be this here." Karin did not show complacency, but replied in a very ordinary tone.

Hua Yueling still wants to ask what this is for, but now he wants to know if there are any others, and if there are others, he must look for them.

"This is all evidence, but is there anything else?"

"There should be more, but I only know the approximate location, there are several places to find."

"Then go find it again. Let's split up and reunite after finding everything."

"Alright. But you have to pay attention when looking for it. This kind of thing is not easy to find. It does not mean you can find it at a glance. It is not hidden, but it has a kind of hearing before you get it. Special characteristics, you need to pay attention."

"That's it," Hua Yueling felt a little headache when she heard Karin say, and she was a little unsure about whether she could find it, but then he shook his head vigorously, telling herself to calm down and be more Confidence "It's definitely okay."

The two divided the areas to be searched, and Karin actively asked to search more places.

"Is it okay? Let's do half and half."

"It's okay. Let me search more places. I have more experience than you. Searching is easier. And that doesn't mean that you can't change it after booking. If you search faster than me, you can come and help. "

Karin shook her head and explained her thoughts. After hearing what she said, Hua Yueling had put away her previous thoughts. It is not bad to think about it, and there is no need to argue about it, it is pure waste. The act of time.

"Then act."

The two people separated here. Hua Yueling was in charge of places where there were a lot of weeds, while Karin was in charge.Although there are a lot of weeds, it seems that the yard has not been abandoned for that long. It should have been inhabited some time ago. Weeds have not yet been so rampant, occupying almost all places and spreading towards the sky.

"They are all guys who yearn for the sky, but don't expect to be able to go up. Even if you go up, you will be burned to death."

Not only the inside of the yard, but also the outside of the house, there are so many weeds. Not to mention the owners of these houses, even the cleaners do not care about it.The main reason is that this side is too remote, if it is near the main road, it cannot be ignored.

In such a place, the cleaners would also feel that there is no need to clean up, no one will come, no one can see, and it will become like this over time.

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