After scanning the inside of the wall, Hua Yueling shook his head slightly, there was nothing he was looking for here.The ghost was not hidden here, and then he cast his gaze on the ground and the roof, where ghosts might be hidden.There is no need to say much on the roof, but it is not easy to say under the ground.

If there is a basement, it may feel bigger, but it is not impossible if it is not.

Hua Yueling has been here two or three times, but no matter which time he has not found a basement entrance here, it means there is probably no basement here.In that case, if the ghosts live underground, they will be buried in the soil. The taste is uncomfortable. Although they can't feel it, but if the surroundings are all soil, all they see are soil, so there is definitely no Good in an empty space.

"Kalin, did you find anything?"

Karin is also trustworthy in this respect. As an elf, he is more sensitive to ghosts and other necrotic creatures.Karin hadn't spoken since she came in, so Hua Yueling didn't know if she had discovered anything, she still had to ask.

Karin didn't rush to answer, but went around the room, went to all the rooms, and then came out to answer his questions.

• "The ghost is here, but not outside."

"Not outside?"

Hua Yueling couldn't understand the meaning of Karin's words, whether the ghost was not in the yard outside or it had other meanings.But since she said that after observing all the places, it might have something to do with the kind of possibility he thought. Perhaps it was that the ghost was hidden under the ground or on the roof.

But there was nothing on the roof. Hua Yueling had already explored it. The roof was messy, but there was no ghost.It is possible underground, but the space is huge, and it takes some effort to detect it.

With Karin in there, he won't have to trouble him anymore, Karin took the initiative to take them to the place where he found anomalies.Several people entered the room inside.Then Karin used magic to get rid of all the messy things in the corners of the room. Karin had tried her best to reduce the dust, but the room was still covered with dust, which made people uncomfortable.

"Go out and wait, it will be fine in a while."

Karin said this, and controlled the magic power to open the window outside. After opening, the dust drifted out from the window.The dust in the room gradually floated out, and when it was gone, Hua Yueling and the others entered again.

The things in the corner were moved to one side, revealing a staircase leading to the lower floor. The height of this passage is about one meter three. With Hua Yueling's height, they can only bend down and walk down, otherwise If you do, you should hit it directly.

Following the passage all the way down, Hua Yueling gradually discovered some mysteries after going down, which was even stranger than he thought.And if he thinks right, there is still danger here, so he must act with sufficient caution, otherwise it will be very difficult.

There was the same thing that was used to protect the source of power that he had discovered before, just like a magical barrier. It was precisely because of the existence of this magical barrier that he could not discover what was under it.

Now entering the underground, Hua Yueling gradually discovered the ghosts.They are here, they live underground.

I don't know if the ghosts found them, but it seems that they didn't. Otherwise, they shouldn't have any reaction as they are now. They should have exploded long ago, but they did not like this, but were living normally.

"How to do?"

Lu Yuetong looked over and asked him with his eyes.Hua Yueling hasn't thought about it yet, but can go straight to the sneak attack. After all, these ghosts feel different from the ones they encountered before. They should have other purposes, as can be seen from their actions. .

He deliberately hides the source of strength, and also deliberately hides himself. Hua Yueling doesn't believe what he has done without any purpose.To say that they are just to avoid Hua Yueling is not convinced.

Should we talk to those ghosts or just assault?

After thinking about it, Hua Yueling felt that it was better to talk to the other party, and perhaps be able to ask something out of the other's mouth.They don't understand the origin of the source of power, but these ghosts may have some clues. It is an easier way to ask them, otherwise there is no way to know the origin of these sources of power.

Apart from asking the ghost what else could be done, Hua Yueling couldn't think of a good way.

"Let's go down and see, these ghosts don't necessarily have much threat."

"It's better to be careful. If the barriers here are laid down, there may be other ones below to prevent intrusion. Just two people go down and the rest will stay here and wait. It feels like this It’s better."

Karin's proposal is still very good. After thinking about it, Hua Yueling asked Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong for their opinions, and they also thought it was better to do so.Even if there is something below, the person who enters is hit, and there are two people in the passage that can prevent worse things from happening.

After discussion, Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong went in, while Karin and Mu Ningshuang walked back a bit, which is considered to be hidden to avoid being discovered by the ghost below.

Now they are in the ghost barrier, but as long as they walk back, except for this barrier, they can avoid being discovered, which is also very easy.

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong continued to walk down, while Karin went back with Mu Ningshuang, splitting into two operations.

All the way to the lowest level, when Hua Yueling and the others reached the bottom of the stairs, those ghosts still did not notice their existence, Hua Yueling and the others were also quite surprised.Although this was what they hoped to achieve, and they deliberately concealed their figure, they did not expect that the effect of concealment would be so good, but from another aspect, it can be said that the strength of these ghosts is really not very good.

In fact, their chances are greater, so there is no need to worry too much about the strength of those ghosts.But you can't be too careless, just like the enchantment here, who knows if they have other similar tricks to use, it can't be said that such a possibility is completely impossible.

Hua Yueling and the others walked in slowly, and they saw a ghost floating not far away. They didn't know what it was doing, and they seemed quite focused.

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