"It feels like I have been led by the nose recently."

Thinking about it, Hua Yueling suddenly thought of this, even though what he had to say in the recent actions was also chosen to act according to his own will.But how to put it, it seems that there is something guiding me.

The plausible feeling cannot be said that it must be true, but Hua Yueling has such a feeling, and it is somewhat strong.Now he is thinking about this question, whether he thinks too much or is it true.

"Not so obvious, but..."

Thinking back to everything that happened in the past few days, busy, if you use two words to describe it, there is nothing wrong with being busy.Especially when it comes to summer vacation, my busy life has never stopped, basically it is like this.

Hua Yueling thought about it and felt that her summer vacation didn't seem to belong to her, but to a variety of events, if she didn't care about it, but he knew he couldn't ignore it.

This is very annoying, there is no choice at all.

Lying on the sofa Huayueling is also a bit irritable. Why is there so many things on her? She really doesn’t want to take care of these, so it’s better to stay at home and have fun. Everything is good.

It was quite lively in their own room. It seemed that Mu Ningshuang and the others were having fun, after all, so many people were playing together.Although it's fun to play alone, it's still not more fun than playing with multiple people. Hua Yueling also felt this way after getting along with Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang.

He had always thought it was good to play alone, so he didn't need to be with other people at all.

After lying down for a while, Hua Yueling looked outside again, her sister should be back soon.The police station seems to be very busy recently. Sister Yun comes back a little late every day, at least much later than before. I heard her say that there is an important task, so that's why.

After lying on the sofa for a while, Hua Yueling sat up and walked to her room. When she entered the room, she saw Mu Ningshuang and the others playing in full swing.They laughed while pitting each other, and they were always happy.

After standing behind them for a while, they didn't even react at all, and they all focused on the game.Hua Yueling didn't disturb them either, so she bent over and watched the screen on the TV, watching how they were playing.

In fact, none of the four girls can be said to be very good, at least in this multiplayer game. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong are slightly better, after all they have played for a while.Alice is also okay. The worst one is naturally Karin. Karin’s level is really bad enough. People can jump over the ditch when she jumps. She doesn’t know how to jump into the ditch. Up.

Seeing this scene, Hua Yueling couldn't help but laugh with Mu Ningshuang and the others, only then did the girls realize that he didn't know when he was near and stood behind them.

"This game is really interesting. I heard from Yuetong that I can create levels by myself, but unfortunately I don't control it well, or I want to create my own level."

"In fact, there is no need to force the creation to be good at first, as long as it is similar, and then try to clear the level by yourself, as long as it is not too complicated to make the level, it doesn't matter."

"Can I try it later?"

"Of course, just try it and just ask us if you don't understand."

"Have you made it?"

"There are a few, but most of them are made by Ningshuang. Of course, Xiaoling and I have also made some."

"Then you must teach me how to do it."

After Karin and the others finished the current level, they ended the game and started to make the level.Hua Yueling looked behind them for a while, and heard the sound of the door opening outside, thinking that Sister Yun should be back, so she hurried out to the living room.

"Sister Yun, you are back. Why is it so late today? Did you work overtime again?"

"There is another urgent task. I really don't know what's wrong recently. There are so many things."

"I didn't see anything special on the news, what kind of mission?"

"It's normal if there is no report. For the time being, we don't know what happened here. We are still groping. Not near our community, but elsewhere, there are always people who call the police saying that they have seen strange people and what is terrible. I went to see people at first but didn’t find what they said. I thought it was a false police report, but then more and more people called the police, which can’t be regarded as a prank."

"That's really weird."

"Just say yes. Xiaoling, have you had dinner? If not, I will cook."

"No need, there are some leftovers here, just heat it up, I'll get it."

After Huayueling finished saying that, Mu Ningshuang came out of it, and Chong Huayun nodded as a greeting, and then walked to the kitchen.Those who take the initiative are going to heat up food.

"I'll help too. Sister Yun, go and rest. I'll call you when the heat gets better."

"Well then, I will trouble you two."

Hua Yueling thought that her elder sister was so tired, so don't let her toss after going home.But what he didn't expect was that Mu Ningshuang was faster and more active than himself.

Before her sister returned to the house, Hua Yueling had already ran into the kitchen.Mu Ningshuang was busy in the kitchen, taking out the contents of the refrigerator, and reheating everything that should be hot.

"Ningshuang, I'll also help."


The two were busy working together, and it didn't take long to heat up the food.

One by one, they called the names of the people in the house and told them to come out to eat. Hua Yun was the first to come out. When she came out, she also greeted other people.Lu Yuetong and the others came out behind.

After the busy evening, I also consumed some energy, so I just had something to supplement.And it’s boring to eat alone, and it’s still lively with more people.

During the meal, Hua Yueling and the others also talked about recent events, the most important of which was to understand what happened in the police station recently.But what Hua Yun said at first was vague, not that she didn't want to say too much, but that she knew very little.

"But in any case, the nature of the incident this time is terrible, even worse than everything that happened in the past."

Hua Yun frowned and said, since she entered the police station and became a police officer for some years, she has also improved a lot by virtue of her ability.Until now.

"Not only is the affected area very large and the number of people large, but the case is also very peculiar."

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