"Sister Aroline, does she have such ability?"

"Yes, we are able to talk to you only with the help of Sister Aroline, otherwise we won't be able to communicate."

Hua Yueling immediately nodded and said.

"In fact, we don't know the language of another world at all. After all, this is the first time we have visited, and we have never learned it. But with the help of Sister Aroline and Sister Livello, we can speak like this."

"That's it, I'll just say it." After listening to it, Jelucy nodded. This is much easier. If learning a new language does not know how long it will take, but if there are other methods, there is no need. Spend the time and be able to read or use another language directly. "It would be much simpler then. But I haven't seen Sister Aroline recently, and she didn't go to our side."

"Sister Aroline has always been fascinated. We only saw her when we were eating recently, but she didn't come during dinner last night. I don't know if she will come again at noon today."

"Well, if Sister Aroline comes over, you can help me tell her, let her wait for me at home or go to my side to find me."

"Well, we'll let her know if we see it."

After that, Jelucci and the others began to talk about some books-related topics, but Hua Yueling basically did not interrupt, he just listened to them chatting, sitting and drinking tea quietly.He really wanted to lie down and stay for a while, but unfortunately, he still couldn't, unless he was lying on the ground, but that would definitely not work.

I took out my mobile phone and took a look, then I swiped it and put it away.

"It's boring."

Hua Yueling sighed, thinking like this, what else is interesting, I can't think of it temporarily, but it should be fun to chat with them.

Hua Yueling didn't think about anything, just sitting and listening to them chatting, listening to them talking about all kinds of different books, in fact, it sounds a bit interesting.

There are also many interesting books in the other world, but Hua Yueling's books are not available here, but Hua Yueling feels that she might be able to see if there are any interesting books.He hadn't really seen any books in Jelucy's bookstore, and maybe it had something to do with him not caring about them.

Lu Yuetong, Mu Ningshuang and Jieluxi talked very happily. They talked a lot about books, and Hua Yueling felt that she wouldn't be able to talk so much if she talked.However, during the period, he also said some things that he was very interested in, such as magic books and magic guide books. Hua Yueling of magic books naturally knew and was quite interested, although his knowledge in magic is not very good. .

It was the first time I heard of the Magic Book. He hadn't heard of it before, mainly because Sister Zeluci hadn't mentioned it, nor had anyone else met in another world mentioned it.And even those shops selling magic books don't have such props.

"The magic book is a very precious magic item on our side. There are only a handful of them, and basically they are all heard in the legend. Only a few are in the hands of some people. Those can be said to be very An interesting prop, but if it is more authentic, it can be called a book."

This is how Jelucy introduced the magic book, which aroused Hua Yueling’s curiosity, but he was only curious. Since Jelucy said so, it means that it is a very, very precious prop. He can't get it.

Just after thinking about it, Hua Yueling left this behind, no matter how she thought she could almost get the magic book.

After chatting with them for a while, after almost two hours passed, Zellucci stood up and prepared to leave.

"Don't stay and eat here? It's almost noon."

Lu Yuetong asked so, but Jelusy shook her head.

"There are still things to go back, so let's talk about it next time I have a chance."

In this way, Je Lucy said goodbye to them and left, but before leaving, she did not forget to remind Hua Yueling that they remembered to tell Aroline about the matter.Hua Yueling and the others naturally nodded and agreed, saying that they would not forget, and they would tell her when they met Aroline.

The two little guys should stay here and play more. Jelucy has no opinion. It doesn't matter how long they like to play here.

"What do you do this afternoon?"

This is how the whole morning passed, and it felt quite fulfilling.But most of the time I was chatting. I chatted with Jieluxi and talked about a lot of things, but Hua Yueling and the others didn't talk much about the strange organization that they found, just a little bit.

Hua Yueling still wants to know more, but it is a pity that Jieluxi doesn't know so much.Before that, she also said that all the information in this area is still collected by herself, and she still collects some information by her own ability, but it is only a little bit.

After all, it is only her own power, and it is impossible to say that turning the other world upside down is unrealistic.Only by relying on the power of a large number of people can we collect enough information.Of course, even if she is alone, Jelucy is not saying that she can't do it. She may not be so professional to collect information, but the speed will certainly not be slow, but she has no interest in it, and there is no way.

No way, she can only let them come if she is not interested.You can also ask Karin to go with him. Karin should be interested too.

"In the afternoon...well, don't worry in the afternoon, it's not so cool, let's talk about it later, I want to see what Sister Yun said, but don't go too early."

"Then play at home for a while and wait until the sun is almost down before setting off."

For the time being, there are still some places to go. They are clues left to them by my sister. I hope to discover something through these clues.Hua Yueling is also very difficult. There are so many problems that need to be solved by herself, and she is so busy.

The problem here has not been solved yet, and there are still problems in the other world that need to be solved by oneself.Not to mention, there are still a lot of things they need to do, but most of them are things that don't need to be anxious, it is not necessary to say that they are too anxious to get everything done.

Of course, even if Hua Yueling wants to solve everything in a hurry, it doesn't mean that the problem can be solved in a hurry. This is often the case.

It doesn't mean that you can solve everything at once if you are anxious. Sometimes you just have to take your time. Anxious will be bad.Hua Yueling also understood, so although he wanted to solve everything as soon as possible, he didn't do it, and he did it step by step.

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