"Xiao Yueling, please tell me, what can I do to find sister, if it is too troublesome, sister I can't help you."

"No, no, it's not a troublesome thing. On the contrary, it should be a relatively simple thing for Sister Aroline." Hua Yueling said so, but Aroline listening to the side is a He didn't believe it, if he could definitely solve ordinary things himself, there was no need to let her help. Relatively speaking, since she was asked to help, it was definitely not a simple matter.

This kind of thinking is actually correct, and after being seen through by Sister Aroline, Hua Yueling grabbed her hair a little embarrassed, but she still expressed her own thoughts.

"That's it. Just a few days ago, and not long ago, we went out and ran into Lin Lang."

Hua Yueling explained it briefly, and after the explanation, Aroline understood what he meant by photographing herself.

"So, I want me to help you find where it came from. Well, although it's a little troublesome, it's not a big deal to my sister. Okay, who makes this Xiaoyueling, please. Yes, sister, I'll trouble you a bit, and I will help you find it."

"Thank you, sister Aroline."

Hua Yueling immediately expressed her gratitude to her, and Aroline didn't say anything, just nodded and said it was nothing.

"This matter is just like what you said. It's not that troublesome. Isn't it too difficult? Is this the only thing?"

"Well, there's actually one more thing," Hua Yueling smiled bitterly, knowing that she was seen through by Sister Aroline, so she told her about the fact that Sister Jelousy asked herself to be asked. After listening Jelucy didn't see the accident at all, and even thought it should be "Sister Jelucy, please."

After listening to his explanation, Jelucy thought for a while.

"It’s not a big deal. It’s okay to help Xiaojie Lucy, ah, but recently I may not have time to pass, so let’s ask Xiaoyueling for your help. Then she can give her this thing. She should Know how to use it."

"Well, this is what I asked Sister Aroline to help you, it's nothing."

Hua Yueling took the things that Sister Aroline handed to her, but Sister Aroline's hands were all clenched before taking it, so he didn't even know what was handed to him.

After receiving the thing, Hua Yueling opened her palm and took a look, then her eyes widened, almost screaming.


After seeing his reaction like this, Aroline couldn't help laughing. She slapped the table hard while clutching her belly, leaning forward and backward, turning the world upside down.

It took a long time for Hua Yueling to break free from the astonishment. She glanced at Sister Aroline in angrily, and reluctantly put the things in her hands on the table.That is a photo, the person in the photo is not someone else, it is Jelucy.

"Sister Aroline, aren't you afraid of being beaten like this?"

Hua Yueling asked with a helpless expression, but Aroline's rhetorical question also made sense.

"Hmph, Xiaoyueling, do you think anyone else would dare to beat my sister, hum, let alone other, there is simply no one with such courage now."

"Yes, that's right, and even if there are such people, it's definitely not me or Sister Jelucy, right?"

"Heh heh heh, that's it, and even if it's a sister, I say you can do whatever you want, do you really dare?"

Aroline stared at him with big eyes, embarrassed to show him.

When he turned his head, Aroline chuckled and retracted her gaze, and hummed softly in her mouth. Hua Yueling didn’t understand what she meant by these two hums, but she could. To be sure, she is quite proud.In this confrontation, he once again gained the upper hand. Although Hua Yueling doesn't think this is something to be proud of, but sometimes Sister Alorin has such a child-like personality, which is quite cute.

Naturally, this photo won’t be an ordinary photo. In that case, how could Sister Aroline play her pranks? It is a photo that Jelusy would definitely want to tear off when she saw it, and that no one else had ever seen. .

Hua Yueling buckled the picture on the table and pushed it back.

"Sister Aroline, let's stop making such jokes and give me things quickly."

"I know, I know, Xiao Yueling, you are too boring, isn't my sister just making a joke with you, if you can't even do this kind of joke, no girl will like you!"

Aroline shook the index finger of her right hand and said with a serious face. Even though she was so serious, Hua Yueling felt that Sister Aroline was really making a fuss. Do these things have anything to do with what she said.

Hua Yueling didn't think it had anything to do with it, but he didn't say anything, just pretending that he hadn't heard it.

Seeing him like this, Aroline felt a bit boring, so she didn't continue to tease him, and stretched out her hand again.The small white chin lifted at him, motioning him to reach out and catch it.

"Sister Aroline, don't you still play the same routine, do you?"

Hua Yueling looked at her suspiciously and asked.But she couldn't get an answer from Aroline. Aroline just raised her chin again, and the meaning was very clear. If you want to continue, then continue, if you don't, then forget it.

Hua Yueling really couldn't help her at this moment, or she would stretch out the next thing she handed to herself, or else just do nothing and wait for her to take it back.

Naturally, she can't wait for her to take back that thing. If she takes it back and wants to get it, there will be no better chance.Hua Yueling had no choice but to stretch out her hand, and prayed that Sister Aroline would not tease herself anymore.Hua Yueling thinks so, but it's hard to say whether it can be done.

Hua Yueling caught the thing. This time it was different from before. The thing in her hand was not a piece of paper like before, but something softer.

It is not clear exactly what Huayueling is, anyway, after receiving it in his hand, he immediately retracted his hand and took a look at his hand, and found that it was something similar to a candy, a light blue candy, anyway, Huayue Ling has never eaten.

"This one?"

Hua Yueling looked at Sister Alorin with a look of confusion and asked, Alorin nodded this time, indicating to him that this is definitely not wrong.

"Just give this to Sister Jelucy, right?"

"Yes, that's right, this tastes pretty good, Xiaoyueling, would you like to try it?"

"Forget it, who knows if there is any more after tasting, and I don't need to eat it."

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