"No, no, no!"

Screaming to use weapons to block, but this kind of block is useless, not to mention his speed has been slowed down, there is no way to avoid it.He watched Hua Yueling's attack fall on his body but there was no way. Although he had tried his best to attack the past, it had no effect.

The weapon blocked the front, only blocking the effort for less than a second, and Hua Yueling's attack directly knocked him out and hit the wall behind.

The man coughed and spit out a mouthful of blood, struggling to get up, but as soon as he moved, Mu Ningshuang's magic bombarded the past.

At this time, he had no movement at all, and he dared not move at a moment, and the strength of his support was relieved, and he fell to the ground like this.

"You still want to escape. It seems you don't think we will leave your name?"

"Hmph, believe your nonsense, how is it possible!"

With a cold snort, the other party showed his disdain, but his performance made Hua Yueling couldn't help laughing.I really thought that I was a human being, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, it was ridiculous that there was such a reason to even run away.

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling was not ready to talk nonsense with him anymore, there was no need at all, he didn't know much, and there was nothing to say after asking.

There is no need to think about this kind of thing at all, Hua Yueling will solve the other party directly and easily.The man originally wanted to ask for forgiveness, he didn't want to die, but Hua Yueling didn't give him this opportunity, he wasn't prepared to keep him.

After killing the opponent, Hua Yueling looked at the things stored in the warehouse again, there was nothing useful, and in their eyes these were just waste.

"But I can't say it's useless at all."

Hua Yueling murmured again in such a low voice, even though they didn't use these things, they could be exchanged for gold coins no matter how worthless.

Since it can be exchanged for gold coins, it must not be wasted. Huayueling stepped forward to collect all these things into the system bit by bit, and then directly exchanged them for gold coins.During the exchange process, Hua Yueling also checked, but the amount of gold coins that these things can exchange is really pitiful.

"Even if it's just ordinary materials, there are too few gold coins that can be exchanged."

Hua Yueling looked at the gold coins he had, and couldn't help but spit out, but even if he felt that there was very little that could be exchanged, he still did not give up and continued to exchange it.After all, the smallest mosquito is meat.So many things will not be wasted if they are not exchanged.

Waste is definitely not enough, and Hua Yueling did not leave until all the things were exchanged.Mu Ningshuang and the others searched this place during this time and found a few letters and some small notes. The contents above are basically orders from people in the organization they searched for. What do these people do.

Just by looking at these contents, you can see that these guys here are at the bottom of this organization, and they don't have any power to resist.And they don't take them seriously.

"Basically it's useless."

Lu Yuetong threw these letters and notes on a side table, and Hua Yueling came over to take a look curiously, but he didn't see what the notes were for.

"Nothing else, then let's go and go directly to the next place?"

"Well, let's go."

There is basically no meaning here, so Hua Yueling and the others didn't stay here for a long time, they just left here to go to the next place.However, the next place must not just go over like this, you still have to use the teleportation array to go over.

For this reason, Hua Yueling and the others had to teleport back first, and then teleport to another place through the teleportation array.

"How shall we go back?"

The teleportation array disappeared when it was teleported here. The teleportation array seemed to be one-off and could not be used all the time.

"Master gave me this, you can go back directly with this."

Mu Ningshuang took out a prop, which looked more like a magic crystal, perhaps it contained a teleportation array.Next, Mu Ningshuang poured magic power into it, shining with light. Before they could react, a light flashed in front of them, and then they disappeared from where they were.

When the light dissipated, Hua Yueling and the others realized that they had come to a strange place.What's strange is that they did not return to the tree house where Jelucy lived, but a place they had never been.

Hua Yueling looked suspiciously at Mu Ningshuang not far away, and saw that Mu Ningshuang put away the magic crystal-like thing again.

"This is the closest place to where we went before."

Seeing the doubts in their eyes, Mu Ningshuang explained that her explanation was quite simple.

"Hey, can you send it here directly? Didn't Jeruxie say that you need to send it back and then send it back?"

Hua Yueling still couldn't understand how it was so easy all of a sudden, it was really different from what she thought.But his question made Mu Ningshuang tilt his head and look at him suspiciously.

"When did the master say that?"


Hua Yueling thought about it carefully, he felt very strongly that Jie Lucy had said such things, but if he thought about it carefully...

"Is it because I think too much?"

Hua Yueling opened her mouth wide, thinking with a expressionless expression on her face.Did you add this kind of memory to yourself? It seems that it is true.

"It turned out to be like this, it's a lot easier."

In this case, it is very convenient for them. Next, as long as you go one place by one, I believe you can always find something.But it takes a lot of time to be sure, there are still many places left, and the exploration of each place also takes time, if you want to explore all of them, I don’t know how much time will be needed.

"Where is the next place, let me see."

Hua Yueling took out the notebook with the information and took a look. The next place was also a cave. In fact, many places in it were caves, and those guys were basically hidden in the cave.But some of them are different. Some seem to be hidden in the woods and live there, and some live in the castles together. Anyway, there are various places, don’t look at many places. , But compared to what the world has, it is only a small part.

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