Karin came back shortly afterwards. When she came back, she didn't say what she brought back. It was a little mysterious anyway.But when she got the magic scroll that Mu Ningshuang handed her, she was quite surprised, and obviously did not expect to have such a prop to use.

"Is it coming from Sister Zelucy?"

She thought so, after all, teleporting magic scrolls were not so easy to make, and she didn't think Mu Ningshuang had such an ability.So when she heard that this magic scroll was actually made by Mu Ningshuang, she was quite surprised.

"You made this?"

"Well, I asked Master about making magic scrolls, and Master told me that it was quite simple."

"It's very simple for Sister Jelucy, but I can't think of how fast you can learn."

Karin said in admiration.

"It seems that what I brought is useless."

"Let's go ahead and go to the next place."

All the necessary preparations were prepared, and after Hua Yueling and the others collected the necessary props, they began to take action.Use Mu Ningshuang's teleportation magic to teleport to the next place.

Going to the next place, but this place is a bit troublesome. It is very difficult to fully explore the inside, at least many times more difficult than the previous ones.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a place here."

Standing at the place where only one head was exposed, Hua Yueling said in an incredible tone.They are now next to a volcano, which is located in the southernmost part of the mainland, and there are almost continuous mountains nearby. There is no way to see any residents here.

It is in such a place that there is an ancient ruin. This is the destination of Hua Yueling and the others.When Hua Yueling saw this ruin, she felt that she had come a bit early. Compared to the places they had explored before, she didn’t know how many times more troublesome it was. She just looked at the ruins with a head exposed. You can imagine it on the surface.

"Such a relic is very troublesome to explore, plus there are members of that organization inside."

"Don't go and see how to know, let alone we are already here. Besides, aren't we ready, even if we have trouble, we can go back directly at that time, don't worry too much."

The entrance has not been found. Although this place is obvious, it is not easy to get in.It's a troublesome thing to find the entrance in this place, and it's also quite strange.I don't know where the entrance is hidden.

"Near here... well, this ruin should be underground, which means that if you want to go in, you may need to find a place with a lower terrain."

Hua Yueling is such a guesser, here is only a ruin that can be found here, there is nothing else, and if you want to go in, you need to spend some more time to conduct a more in-depth investigation.

"You have to look around here, maybe you can find the entrance. If this is really an important base for that organization, they will definitely protect the entrance very well, and it won't be easy for us to find it. "

It is difficult to find the entrance near here, especially the ruins only show a corner, and there is no way to enter from this corner.

"Let's take a look elsewhere, the entrance may be hidden far away."

Hua Yueling said so and immediately took action.Out of prudent considerations, Hua Yueling and the others first searched the neighborhood, but they only found the exposed corner.

"It's also really strange. If you really want to hide this place completely, there is no need to expose this corner. As long as you hide this place and you can't find the entrance, you should not be discovered. ."

Lu Yuetong couldn't understand why the other party wanted to do this. Maybe it was just negligence, but she didn't think so.

"Who knows, maybe it is to lure others to find this ruin. But it must be dangerous."

Hua Yueling didn't think too much about this problem, and now he was completely filled with how to find the entrance to enterprising.I didn’t find anything useful in this neighborhood, let alone where the entrance was. Even more features of this ruin were not found. Hua Yueling and the others also spent a lot of time investigating all the places nearby. , But there is obviously nothing useful here.

“It’s better to get to farther places, mainly valley areas. If there is an entrance, generally speaking, it should be in that place. It is also possible on the mountainside, but there are some places that are not suitable for hiding. I think It's unlikely."

After discussion, the four people decided to act together, not separately.In such a place, it should not be so easy to be spotted, but it is better for them to act together for the sake of caution, otherwise it would be troublesome to separate and be besieged by the other party.

Hua Yueling and the others are busy, and there are a lot of places and areas that can be searched here.In order to be able to explore this place clearly and find the entrance, Hua Yueling had to spend more time to act.

Start in one direction and reach the connection point between this mountain and the next mountain, which is the valley between.This mountain is considered to be a relatively high one among the continuous mountains, and it is the same as the peaks next to it.

This should be the highest mountain nearby, so it is difficult for Hua Yueling and the others to tell where the entrance is. They can only look for it one place at a time. This is the only way.

It would be nice if Karin knew something about this place, but Karin didn't know it, and I don't know if there is such information in this world.But now they have no way to find the information. They need to know how long it will take to find the information.

But I want to know that even if there is information, there shouldn't be too much information.

They searched the nearby Huayueling, a valley that surrounded this mountain peak. Unfortunately, there were no useful discoveries. They were all normal places, and there was no entrance.

"I have searched all the nearby valleys, and it seems that the entrance should be farther away. If you continue to search like this, I don't know when to find it."

Lu Yuetong stomped her feet. She didn't like to seek aimlessly like this, even if there was no other way.

"It would be better if you use exploration skills, but I am worried that you will be discovered if you do this."

Whether or not to use the skill Huayueling has not been decided yet, because the exploration skill has also been discovered before.

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