This passage is different from the passages that Hua Yueling has walked before. After playing this game here, there is no room at all. In order to find a safe place to hide, Hua Yueling has to continue to go Going forward, it is obviously impossible to just give up here, and Hua Yueling will not just give up like this, he definitely wants to find a safe place.

Stepping on a solid road, Hua Yueling squatted down and pressed the ground. Although it felt the same hard, it was different from the ground in the city, perhaps because of the difference in materials or other places, anyway. The ground is quite interesting.

Hua Yueling just checked briefly, and then left here.This road is really long, Hua Yueling walked for a long time before it came to an end.

"The voice came from inside, so is there anyone here?"

Hua Yueling thought so, and immediately leaned forward.Fortunately, the door is still open, so you can see the inside from the outside.The place he came from was a very wide hall. It was not clear how big Hua Yueling was, but the area was estimated to be about the same as his home.

"There are so many people here, they all seem to come here to rest."

Hua Yueling observed for a while and found that the situation was more troublesome than expected.It was troublesome to find a safe place, but now there is no place to hide safely.

In this case, it will be more troublesome to act. There is no place to hide. In this case, the only way seems to be hiding in a certain house near the exit in that area, and then taking advantage of the people coming back. Not paying attention, come out quickly and leave.

For now, this is the best way. If you can find other hidden places, it's okay, but at least you can't find anything else.

There are still many problems to be solved, and the most important ones cannot be solved yet.

"It's just a large open space with lots of places to rest. But there are also some strange places."

It seems that there is not just one place to rest here, otherwise the people in that area will not be separated when they leave, but they will all come here.I don't know how it was allocated, but Hua Yueling was not interested in these, which was beyond his scope of consideration.

Knowing that this is a place for rest, Hua Yueling is a little lacking in energy, such a place, to be honest, how to hide in such a place.Don't watch the door open, but you don't even have a chance to get in. It's very difficult to get in from here, it can be said that it is extremely difficult.

The most important thing is to go in without being spotted, but don't look at the lovers inside who are paying attention to the couple at the door. As long as they appear, the chance of being spotted is definitely unknown.

After observing at the door for a while, those people didn't seem to come out for a short time.It seems that their normal life is still very leisurely, and they are not always busy as they have shown before, otherwise they would not be able to relax in this place for so long as they are now.

"After the rest, they will go back from this passage. Well, if we come from here, it’s impossible not to meet them. It’s troublesome. This passage makes it impossible for us to avoid them. It’s not fundamental. Is there no way to come here?"

Hua Yueling mumbled in a distressed expression, trying to hide these people from being discovered by them, but it was not easy to do. He hadn't thought of any good way to solve this problem.If only there was a better way, Hua Yueling was holding her head and thinking with a headache.

Staring for a while, there was no other reaction from those people. Hua Yueling felt that time had passed for a while. At this time, she didn't need to waste time here anymore. It's better to go back and discuss what to do next.You must discuss with others to find out if there is a better way, otherwise they will not be able to move forward.

It is another difficult problem. To solve the problem, you need to use your brain. The answer will not come to you actively.

Returning along the same path, Hua Yueling deliberately used exploration skills to find almost all the hidden places in this passage, but found nothing.

This is an ordinary twisty passage, there is no place to hide.

"It would be great if there was a place to hide here, but it seems that there is still no way. We can only hide in that area. When they come back, we will try to avoid other people's attention."

There is one problem that remains unresolved, and that is, if not everyone comes over and there are people in the rest area, it will be difficult to handle, and they will be in a dilemma.

"If it doesn't work, the only way to go is to take action. If you can, hide the person. As long as you are not found, it will be nothing."

Hua Yueling also made up his mind. She hadn't done anything before because she was worried about being discovered, but in this situation, it might be difficult to move on without doing it.This is forcing them to do it, and they have no choice. If there is even a little way, they would not choose to do that.

In the vast working space, when Huayueling Huayueling came back, there was no one here, and the two resting people did not know where they were going.Hua Yueling immediately became alert, but the two people were not found near him.

"Where did they go?"

With doubts in her heart, Hua Yueling looked for the two people everywhere, but it was not so easy to find them.

"Isn't it discovered by them?" Hua Yueling was so worried, but she couldn't be sure if she did not find them.In short, it would be bad if it was discovered, so Hua Yueling immediately decided to take action. His idea was also very simple. He went directly to Mu Ningshuang and the others to ask, maybe he could ask something from them.

"Xiao Ling!"

Lu Yuetong and the three of them saw him after they came out of a house, and they ran over immediately. From their tone, they could hear that they were very happy.

"How about, are you finished exploring, how about there, can we go there?"

"Don't talk about this, why are those two missing? You won't be discovered anymore?"

"Don't worry, we have been paying attention to their actions. It seems that we had enough rest, so we went to work again, right here in the house."

"In that case, wouldn't it be more dangerous for us, maybe we will be discovered."

Hua Yueling's tone was filled with worry.

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