After Hua Yueling and the others left the rest area, they did not continue to move forward, but stopped at the exit.Hua Yueling hid her ears and listened to the sound in the resting area.After listening patiently for a while, I didn't hear anything.

There are still some people in the rest area, but there are not too many people. Those people seem to stay here to rest and have no intention of leaving.In fact, Hua Yueling's focus is not on them, but wants to hear what they will say.

"No, I can't hear any noise, it looks like it is very difficult to get clues from them."

Hua Yueling said so, waited for a while, then turned around and left.There is no need to waste time here. Although it is more dangerous next, they have to take steps.

You can't stand still here. Moving forward is the best way.

The road is not long, and it stretches down quickly.When she saw the downhill not far away, Hua Yueling was not surprised. On the contrary, it seemed normal to him.

"It looks like we should go deep into a more dangerous area, and the guys we will meet there are not as easy to fool around as these here."

Hua Yueling whispered to the others, even if he hadn't seen it yet, he already knew that it was almost obvious what he would encounter there.The awesome guys are all there, and the next moment is when you must act carefully.

In her heart, she was also reminding herself to be more careful, Hua Yueling accelerated the pace under her feet, and now he was also a little anxious, hoping to solve the matter here as soon as possible.

The road is winding and winding, and there are many diversions that distract them.In fact, it cannot be said that it was specially designed to deal with people who invaded here, but the ruins were designed and manufactured in this way.

This is the situation. They don't have a map and have to spend more time exploring.At every fork road, more forks can be found, and among these forks, it cannot be said that there is not at all, but only a few.

"It's really difficult to find important information."

After searching another room, Hua Yueling sighed and said that they had been to many rooms during this period, but there was almost nothing that could be found in these rooms.

"It would be nice if it could be simpler. And this is just the first place to be explored after Sister Jelucy narrowed it down for us. I don't know how many more places to explore later."

Lu Yuetong sighed like that.

"It's not easy to find important information," Huayueling spread out her hands helplessly. "But we are also approaching those places. The more places we search, the fewer places we need to continue looking for. It’s good news for us."

Just listen to this kind of self-comforting words, but whether it actually works or not has to be said otherwise.

Hua Yueling and the others quickly left this place and went to another place. There were so many roads here, they even felt that they were about to lose their way.No matter where you go, it is very difficult to get to the end.

"I'm basically done exploring here, let's go to other places."

Just as they explored one place by one place, they also ran into some people on the way. Those people just glanced at them and then turned their heads.No one greeted them at all, and I don't know why.

However, this can be regarded as helping herself anyway, so Hua Yueling and the others will naturally not say anything.

In this way, they spent time exploring little by little. Although Hua Yueling and the others were tired, they were still moving forward.After exploring one direction and one direction, they gradually reached a more important area.After getting there, they discovered that this important area is protected, and it is not easy to want to pass.

"What to do?"

Hua Yueling and the others hid before going to the important area and came to a place that seemed to be a library.It's just that this is different from the library Hua Yueling has seen.

However, the main reason for this is that the books here are different from the books that Hua Yueling and the others usually see, but the books that Hua Yueling and the others have seen here.

But don't look at it this way, the books here are actually neatly arranged. There are many books in it, but many of them are not understood by Hua Yueling, mainly because the language is unclear. This is no way.

"Well, if these books can be taken away, they are all very precious books."

"Or take them all."

Hua Yueling said so, and he actually put away those books directly.

"Is that okay? It's okay. Anyway, it's not likely to be discovered anyway. Besides, we're all here now, and there shouldn't be any problems as long as we figure out a way to make a blindfold."

Although Hua Yueling didn't believe it so much, he didn't think it would be a problem to do so.After asking other people with their eyes, Lu Yuetong and the others seemed to have no problem, and agreed, so after Hua Yueling confirmed that no one else had any problems, he directly collected the precious books.

However, there are not so many things that can be put in the inventory, so Hua Yueling also called Mu Ningshuang to help. Mu Ningshuang has a space bag that can put more things.

After removing all the books here, Hua Yueling and the others swiftly left from here. There are basically no people coming here, so there is no need to worry about being discovered immediately.

"But if we spread the situation here, it might cause some commotion, and that might be more beneficial to our actions."

Hua Yueling's words like this are nothing but speculation. Whether it will be helpful or not is hard to say, but it is likely to cause them trouble.From his own point of view, they are all very suspicious. In that case, if they are seen, they will definitely be suspected, Hua Yueling thinks so.

After going out, they were also to prevent being suspected, so they left here quickly. After leaving this area, Hua Yueling and the others came to a more dangerous place.It's not that there will be monsters here. No matter how you think about it, that kind of thing is unlikely, unless the people here raise monsters and use monsters to patrol, otherwise it is impossible to encounter it.

"How should we go over here? It shouldn't work to go directly?"

Seeing a few soldiers guarding the entrance of the passage in the distance, Hua Yueling looked worried.

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