Seeing Hua Yueling rushing towards him, the man ignored this and jumped directly back and onto the table behind him.This kind of avoidance is naturally no way to avoid Hua Yueling's attack, only to see Hua Yueling fall to the ground, and then attacked towards the other side.

The other party didn't mean to attack with a backhand. Instead, he continued to back up, not giving Hua Yueling a chance to hit him.

Hua Yueling chased him, while the other party kept dodge.Mu Ningshuang and the others didn't stop either, they were taking cover next to them, and under their repeated attacks, they quickly forced the other party nowhere to hide.

"You still have a helper, where's your helper?"

"You are very strong, but I have never heard your name. Who are you and where did you come from?"

A light appeared in the hands of the man with short light gray hair, and the violent magical fluctuations led Hua Yueling to feel a little terrible. It would be terrible if he was hit.

"If you hide, you can pose enough threats to her!"

Hua Yueling saw the right time and dodged the past. The fiercely burning fireball hit the far wall and made an explosion, but the wall behind him was not destroyed as a result. It is enough to see how defensive the devil’s relics are. Strong.

But this also gave Hua Yueling a chance. Although it didn't matter if the other party had always dodged, now he has a greater chance of taking the initiative to counterattack, so there is no need to waste more time.

But at this time, they heard footsteps coming from outside, it seemed that his helper had arrived.

"Try to knock him down first!"

Hua Yueling said in a loud voice, she didn't even bother to hide her whereabouts.

After that, the man stopped talking, blocked and dodged with all his strength, trying to hold Hua Yueling and the others, at least before the other helpers arrived.

However, under the full fighting of Hua Yueling and the others, they couldn't stop it at all.It would be okay if only Hua Yueling was alone, but now there is more than Hua Yueling alone, there are other people here, Mu Ningshuang and the others also rely on long-range attacks from both sides to block his way.

Lu Yuetong teamed up with Hua Yueling and besieged each other from both sides.Under such a siege, he soon couldn't resist and couldn't dodge anymore. He could only watch their attacks constantly suppress his actions, making him unable to do anything.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit!"

As long as he persists in the offensive for this period of time, his time should come. When the time comes to counterattack with a number and strength advantage, then it will be them, not these young people, who will win.

"In terms of age, they are indeed very good, but whoever makes them make the wrong choice, since the choice is wrong, they must pay for their mistakes!"

Thinking viciously in his heart, being pressed and beaten like this made him very upset, but unfortunately this upset is still going on and there is no way to break it.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and it doesn't take much time at this speed, they should be there if they can't reach it for about a minute...


Just when he thought he could withstand Hua Yueling's fierce attack, he didn't know when Hua Yueling's figure suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and at that moment he realized that the situation was not good.However, at the same time, Lu Yuetong’s attack has also arrived. Although Lu Yuetong is not as strong as Hua Yueling, he is about the same as him. In this case, he has to resist her attack. Under the circumstances, he has no good solutions.

"I can only pray!"

Lu Yuetong waved the two-handed sword in his hands and slashed it vertically. The other party didn't want to care about it. After all, Hua Yueling's attack had already arrived. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for him to stop the offensive of the two.It is already very difficult to stop Lu Yuetong's attack alone, but there are some things that must be done.

He tried his best to stop Lu Yuetong’s attack, and then he slammed forward, trying to knock Lu Yuetong away in this way, but Lu Yuetong had long thought of suppressing the opponent and did not mess up his hands and feet. , Still exhausted all his energy to restrain the opponent, so that the opponent could not do other reactions.

"Damn it, hate it!"

The situation was completely beyond his expectation, his own counterattack had no effect, and it would be over if there was no response, Hua Yueling's attack had already arrived.I don’t know when a figure appeared on the side. He wanted to stop the attack from the side, but there was no way. The shield was completely suppressed by Lu Yuetong. The power that Lu Yuetong possessed was a little beyond his imagination, which made him not have Be prepared enough, otherwise he would be able to break free long ago and not fall into danger like he is now.

It is a pity that this is the reality. It is too late to regret anymore. There is no regret medicine for him to take. He can only bear the consequences, the consequences of his own choice.This is to blame himself, no one else.

If he didn't think about everything too simplistically, it wouldn't be the case. If he had known it a long time ago, he wouldn't come by himself and call even a companion. That would not make the situation so dangerous.

I once thought that he might die because of joining this organization, for his own ideals, for everything he did, but he never expected that he would be so aggrieved under such circumstances.

It is incredible how many young children possess such terrible power.The power they have is so terrible, and young people with such power have not appeared for a long time.

Almost without any signs, Hua Yueling appeared behind him, changed the method of attack, and the hidden dragon blade pierced his back.He has no way to survive, especially under the current circumstances, no one can save him, no one can.

"What should the people who come next do?"

Lu Yuetong withdrew his weapon and watched the direction of the passage alertly.

"If they are not too strong, we can get rid of them, and then we can concentrate on searching. If they are very strong, let's just leave this place."

Mu Ningshuang and Karin also looked at the passage for the World Cup, while Hua Yueling herself used the exploration skills to explore the power of those who came.If the guess is good, their strength should not be that strong, at least not much stronger than the enemy they have solved.

In fact, the strength of this enemy is not bad, it's just being besieged by the four of them, so he can't do anything. He can only watch and try his best to defend, but there is still no way to support his companions.His choice was wrong, wrong from the beginning.

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