Fighting in this area is not particularly large, the impact on the venue is even greater than those of them.Don't look at the bull-head devil fighting each other fiercely, but if you want to tell the truth about how badly the two sides have been injured, it doesn't matter.

Whether it is the bullhead demon or its enemies, they have hardly suffered any damage, but this kind of battle is indeed a great drain on their mutual spirit.

The bullhead demon is nothing. The demon race may have a unique advantage in this regard, but the people who fight him are somewhat uncomfortable, and his realm is not enough, so this is not something he can control.There is nothing he can control. If he could control it, he would have won the victory long ago, and it wouldn't be the current deadlock.

This was the situation he most didn't want to see. When he saw the figure of the bullhead demon, he had a premonition of the scene in front of him, but he couldn't do anything about it. It has been the case until now.

The figure kept appearing in different places. He tried to use this method to attract the attention of the bull head devil, as long as he could fool it even once in this way.Even if it takes only a few seconds, it’s a pity that even this is very, very difficult. The tauren will hardly be deceived. No matter how he moves his figure, as long as he doesn’t attack, the tauren will move slowly and turn around. There are no other actions.

Whether he would attack the tauren or not seemed very clear, as if he could see through his mind.This makes him feel a little unbelievable. Why is this happening? Does he show it clearly?No, he doesn't think so, even he thinks he did a good job, but this can't deceive people, it can't deceive the bullhead devil.

The bullhead devil didn't know if it was concentrated enough or something, anyway, it wouldn't be deceived anyway, it was really interesting.At least Hua Yueling felt so.How it did it, no matter what, there is a way for it to do it anyway.

In this respect, the bull head devil is quite good, at least Hua Yueling thinks so, it is very difficult for him to do this anyway.Before that, he had carefully observed it, not to mention other things, that guy's attack made it fake and real, and it was difficult to see the truth.

Sometimes Hua Yueling felt that he was going to attack, but he made a vain shot. Sometimes Hua Yueling felt that he was just attracting the attack of the bullhead demon, but then he attacked.

It is difficult to tell from his actions, this is where he is more powerful, you have to admit this, anyway, Hua Yueling can't do this.

It seemed that Jelusy hadn't observed enough, she was still observing, and didn't mean to take action.Hua Yueling and the others have been observing for so long and already want to go back, and don't want to continue spending time here, but since Jielusi didn't intend to do anything, they could only wait.

Jelucy watched carefully, watching the bullhead demon and the person, and there was something about them that attracted her.At the same time, she was also taking notes, and she recorded them quickly.

Although Hua Yueling and the others were a little strange, seeing that Jieluxi hadn't left the posture, they were already tired and wanted to leave, but they never had a chance.

The battle between the two has entered a white-hot stage, and everyone is likely to win, but from the current situation, the chance of winning is still greater for the tauren.This kind of battle is actually quite exciting, but after all, they have been busy here for so long, and there is no mood to watch their battle.

"The record is almost done, how about it, do you want to try it?"

"Try it?" Hua Yueling looked at her suspiciously, how did they try "Who do we help, help the tauren, I don't think it needs our help."

"It's not that I really want to help it, but just try this level of battle. They are all pretty good. It is more pressure for you now. The more you fight with such a guy, the faster you will improve. But I won't Help you, whether you win or lose is yours."

"We know this, we have to discuss it before we choose."

Hua Yueling did not choose immediately, but looked at other people, wanting to hear their thoughts.There was no problem in the battle, but the four of them combined were not necessarily the opponent of which one of them.

But in fact, they do not have to deal with one of them alone, but help one of them to attack the other.At least until they have defeated the opponent, the side that believes they will help will not target them.

Although I don't know why, the hatred of the bullhead demon towards that person seems to be very high, but the other side is not. He doesn't really want to defeat the bullhead demon or destroy it.But the bullhead demon has been pestering him, making him unable to break free, otherwise Hua Yueling and the others would have become his targets.

Now they want to give back to each other, his sudden appearance really scared them, but now they not only have a chance to cause trouble to the other party, but also have a chance to solve him.

As long as they join one of them, the other side will definitely fall into the lower wind, which is certain.

Hua Yueling and the others decided to take action after discussing it. Since Jie Luxi is not ready to do anything for the time being, and there is nothing to continue to observe now, then they should take action.Sister Jelucie hopes to use this to allow them to face difficult situations, but at least this situation can't say how difficult it is at the moment, but if they face both sides at the same time, it will be a big trouble.

It is possible, what the bullhead devil thinks is beyond their control.Maybe if they help it, they will be regarded as the person who got in the way, or even regarded as the other's helper.

"That's right, although we are going to help the tauren, don't treat it as your own partner. Be careful when you act. Pay attention to its actions at any time."

Don't treat the other party as an ally. This is the most important thing, and everything else can be considered later.If you forget this, it will be fatal.

The four people filed out from the hidden place and divided into two groups to surround each other from two directions. If the bullhead demon was counted, it would be from three directions, which almost controlled the area where he could dodge or escape.

At the moment they came out, Jelucy was gone, she didn't know if she hid it or moved away.

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