The first thing to do in an unfamiliar place is to understand the surrounding situation. I don’t know if it’s safe enough, but these are secondary.Now that you have sobered up, let's see where we are going next.

"How can we go back, can we go back again by teleporting?"

Hua Yueling looked at Mu Ningshuang and asked, if it is possible, it would be better to send it back directly, but I am afraid that something will go wrong if I send it again.This is not to blame Wood Ningshuang, but the teleport scroll is not easy to use now, so it is better to decide earlier.

"I'll check what's wrong with the scroll, I'll talk about it later."

Mu Ningshuang said so and took out the teleporting scroll she had made, and at the same time she was trying to understand the situation nearby.After all, this is not the previous ruins, and the bullhead devil is not nearby, so there shouldn't be that big problem going back.


When she checked, Hua Yueling and the others were not idle, but went to find out about the situation nearby. There are not many places to go around here, there are swamps around, and it is not a small thing that they will fall into it.It would be very dangerous to go in, not to mention that it is not easy to figure it out, and it would be too dirty to look at it.

Hua Yueling walked along the road that was almost invisible. This road was still OK, at least she didn't feel so worried.Walking along this road all the way forward, Hua Yueling didn't have any goals, but he still didn't go too far. After all, Mu Ningshuang and the others were waiting in place. It would be bad if they went too far to lose contact with them.

Besides, he just got a rough idea of ​​the neighborhood, he doesn't have to explore here, as long as he can go back, the other things are not that important.

"It's weird here. The magic will be disturbed here, so it is not easy to go back. Whether it is a scroll or I use teleportation magic directly, it will be interfered by something here. We must send it back to Ji in a safe way. Sister Lucy’s tree house, the source of interference must be removed, otherwise we don’t know where to be teleported."

"Interference source, who knows where the interference source is, how many?"

Hua Yueling also asked immediately at this time.It was Mu Ningshuang who answered him. The most qualified person here was Mu Ningshuang. No one except her could speak on this issue.

"The source of interference seems to be nearby. Of course, we can go back even if the source of interference is not cleared. It just takes a few more times to teleport magic. And it will be more troublesome if we teleport to a place we don't recognize."

"In other words, the source of interference must be eliminated. I think it should be correct, right?"

Hua Yueling asked something like this, after hearing his question, Mu Ningshuang nodded and said that there was nothing wrong.After being disturbed, it can be transmitted to other places, although there is a certain chance that it can go to a familiar place and then be transmitted back to the bookstore, but let’s not say that this is not troublesome, and it does not take a little bit of time.

It would be easier to simply find a way to clear the interference source directly, although it is troublesome to say in this regard.

"Then continue to act, we really can't take any time off, and finally we were able to go back. As a result, we still encountered this kind of thing. This is not unlucky."

Hua Yueling shrugged and said helplessly.The only better thing is that they don't have to run around like headless flies. Mu Ningshuang pointed out a way for them. As long as they walk over there, they should be able to find the source of interference.However, after hearing Mu Ningshuang's words about these things, Hua Yueling still didn't know what the source of interference was.

"Just go over there, right?"

"Yes, the source of interference is not far away, but there should be something else nearby. The source of interference is a magic siltation point, and there must be some kind of creature living nearby, maybe one, or maybe In groups, it takes a lot of effort to get rid of it anyway."

"It's okay, as long as it's not guarded by the bullhead demon."

Hua Yueling smiled and said jokingly.

How could it be possible for the bullhead demon to stay in that place.Even if the tauren really chased them, it was impossible to guard them in such a place, but chased them a long time ago.

The others were amused by Hua Yueling's words. This is not wrong at all. As long as it is not the bullhead demon coming over, there is no need to worry so much.The next thing to think about is how to remove the interference source. This is a problem that says that it is not that troublesome, but that it is not troublesome but also very troublesome.

"What should I do to clear the source of interference?"

Hua Yueling didn't know these things, so he had to ask Mu Ningshuang to ask clearly, it would not be easy to act if he didn't ask to clear them.Although they only need to eliminate the monsters near the pollution source, and then let Mu Ningshuang clear the interference source.

The swamps on both sides squeeze the road in the center, almost only one person can walk, Hua Yueling walks in the front, moving forward at a slow speed, and must be extremely careful not to let her feet fall into Going into the mud, Hua Yueling hopes to finish this road as soon as possible, but it is not so easy.

I still don't know how long it will take to go further, but Hua Yueling can see that the road under her feet is getting narrower and narrower. It is estimated that there will be no way to go in this way.

If there is no way to go, you can only go into the swamp, Hua Yueling doesn't want to go around in the swamp.

"You guys are slower, the roads here are not easy to walk, and you can easily fall into it if you walk too fast."

Hua Yueling didn't forget to remind the partner behind him, everyone nodded in response to his words.Everyone walks slowly, and everyone is not in a hurry, walking slowly, step by step.

Gradually the swamp flooded the road, and to hear the sound, it seemed that there were monsters moving in the swamp, moving towards them.The voice kept approaching, giving them a sense of oppression.

"How to fight in a place like this?"

Hua Yueling feels that there is no way to fight, especially he and Lu Yuetong, both of them are melee types. If monsters come to attack them from the swamp, plus there is no place to dodge in this kind of place. , How to fight is a problem.

"Just leave it to us."

Karin and Mu Ningshuang said that, it would be easier if the monsters were handed over to them to solve them. After all, they could attack from a distance instead of being troublesome like Hua Yueling and the others.

Karin has found the location of one of the approaching monsters.

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