The big fish lurked in the swamp, like a cheetah, lurking up and waiting for them to pass, ready to give them a fatal blow at any time.However, Hua Yueling and the others had already made preparations a long time ago. How can they do things well without preparation before doing things? That's not it.

After discussing it, Mu Ningshuang and Karin tentatively launched an attack to see if they could lure the hidden big fish out, and the ice cone and arrow shot into the muddy swamp.Thunder and lightning struck them, and a flash of light passed in front of their eyes, and they were submerged in the swamp in a blink of an eye.

The few big fishes don't know if they are really smart or what they are. They didn't mean to come out anyway, but instead hid their bodies in the swamp.It was hidden deeper, buried deep in it, so they couldn't see it.

"These guys are really smart, they are not provoked at all."

After the attack, Lu Yuetong also said helplessly.It's not that such a smart monster has never been seen, but it is really difficult to deal with.

"Now we have to be more defensive when we pass by now. I am afraid that we will never be able to draw them out, it will be difficult. If they refuse to leave the place, we can't do anything even if we want to."

"Try it. Wait a minute here, I'll try it. If you can attract them, it's best. If it doesn't work, be prepared to rush directly."

"If we are lucky, we should be able to solve one by attacking together."

"One is a little bit small, these guys must all come out to attack us, and the others must be careful too. We won’t be able to act well when we get there, and you might be taken care of by them. If these guys really have brains. Smart enough."

After speaking, Hua Yueling walked forward quickly, he alone didn't have to worry so much, just walk quickly, he could adjust his pace.Coming to a place closer to those monsters, Hua Yueling still wanted to observe their dynamics. Before he could stand still, a figure suddenly leapt out of the swamp on his side. Ran into him.

These guys thought very well, hoping to hit him off guard in this way, but Hua Yueling had discovered the opponent's course of action a long time ago, but had always pretended not to notice.Now that it's out, let's give it some color.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and the other side also moved at this time. I don't know when she swam into the swamp not far from her side, and jumped out and bumped over.The fish had to stretch for about two meters, the body was dirty, and it was dripping with the dirty things brought out from the swamp. If this thing touched him, Huayue Lingguang's expression would change a bit after thinking about it.

"Just right, there are two guys here, just throw them all out!"

Thinking about it this way, Hua Yueling had already judged the location of the two fishes, and with a flick of his two-handed sword, he did not see any special movements. One of the fish was still some distance away from Hua Yueling, and he hadn’t reacted yet. I found that I didn’t know when there was something in front of me, and my whole body’s strength slammed into it. At this time, it was very difficult to change. I had to slam into it abruptly, treating the thing in front of me as Hua Yueling. .

But the thing it hit again was not what he had imagined. Hua Yueling was sitting there on the Diaoyutai, as long as he came here for a while, there was nothing else to think about.

"That's it. These two guys don't need to worry about it, but..."

Hua Yueling still has no way to completely let it go. After all, there are other guys here, although the other monster fish here are still moving, and they did not attack with the two before, and their actions are also on their own. Under control, but still have to be careful.

And he came this time to destroy them, Hua Yueling thought for a while, couldn't help but look in the direction of the two fishes that he had shot out before.They were knocked into the air, and they still ran into themselves, without the buffer of meat, the heads of the accident directly collided with each other, which was not a minor one.

But such an attack is not enough, and it needs to be done again.Hua Yueling was thinking about it, and she felt the attack from behind, Mu Ningshuang and Karin resolved his worries, and none of the two fish survived.

There was no reaction just after falling into the swamp, and immediately after being hit like this, there was no chance of reaction at all.The two fish were killed in this way, slowly sinking into the swamp, and there was no way to move out.

Now Hua Yueling didn't have to think about going back and forth to solve them completely, she could do what she wanted to do.

"Xiao Ling, you just need to find a way to draw them out, and leave the rest to Ningshuang and Xiao Lin."

Lu Yuetong loudly reminded Hua Yueling from a distance. Hua Yueling didn't look back, nor did he respond. Now he can't do other things. Almost all his attention is on the enemy in front of him.But even so, Lu Yuetong understood his thoughts and didn't say anything. The three people quietly waited for Hua Yueling's next action.

The remaining monsters seemed to be more cautious. They didn't move and didn't know if they were waiting for anything.But no matter what, what Hua Yueling had to do was to find a way to lure them out, the important thing was nothing else.

It's not anything else that I'm afraid of, but that they won't come out, just like it is now. The fishes hiding in the swamp seem to have no meaning to come out.

"They are really smart guys."

Hua Yueling sighed and thought, with a helpless expression on her face.If they are unwilling to come out, there is nothing they can do, and it is really difficult to get them out.

The two that were resolved should be awkward in it, otherwise it would not be so easy to call out, but the rest would not be so easy.Hua Yueling has nothing to do for the time being, he can only take one step and look one step at a time. He hopes to be simpler, that would be better.

No way, he kept walking forward, and the deeper he went inside, the deeper he sank, Hua Yueling had to stop and look at the road ahead. The road ahead was not very visible.It was almost completely submerged by the swamp, but as long as you walked through this short distance, the road gradually appeared, so the most important thing is to get through this section. If you can't get through it, it won't be easy.

"Although there is only such a short paragraph, if they make trouble, there is nothing we can do here."

They must be resolved by themselves, Hua Yueling thought firmly.

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